
ANDREASSON U., GOBOM J., DELATOUR V., AUCLAIR G., NOAM Y., LEE S., WEN J., JEROMIN A., ARSLAN B., MACESKI A., WILLEMSE E., ZETTERBERG H., KUHLE J. et BLENNOW K., "Assessing the commutability of candidate reference materials for the harmonization of neurofilament light measurements in blood", Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 61, 7, 2023, 1245‑1254, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-1181.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Characterisation and quantification of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food simulants by single particle inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry using a high efficiency sample introduction system", Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 208, 2023, 106782, DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2023.106782.

BAUDIN B., BIGOT É., BŒUF A., DELATOUR V., GIANGRANDE C., GRUSON D., GRZYCH G., LE GOFF C., MAILLOUX A., PEOC’H K., PIÉRONI L., SAPIN V., TABALANI H. et VAUBOURDOLLE M., "Feedback from Euromedlab 2023 for Seniors", Annales de Biologie Clinique, 81, 4, 2023, 435‑447, DOI: 10.1684/abc.2023.1822.

BUCHTA C., KOLLROS D., JOVANOVIC J., HUF W., DELATOUR V., PUCHHAMMER-STÖCKL E., MAYERHOFER M., MÜLLER MM., SHENOY S., GRIESMACHER A., ABERLE SW., GÖRZER I. et CAMP JV., "Converting to an international unit system improves harmonization of results for SARS-CoV-2 quantification: Results from multiple external quality assessments", Journal of Clinical Virology, 158, 2023, 105352, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2022.105352.

CAPITAINE G., STOICA D., WAGENER T. et FISICARO P., "Production of a reference material for seawater pHT measurements by a National Metrology Institute", Marine Chemistry, 252, 2023, 104244, DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2023.104244.

CAVALIER E., FARRÉ-SEGURA J., LUKAS P., GENDEBIEN A-S., PEETERS S., MASSONNET P., LE GOFF C., BOUQUEGNEAU A., SOUBERBIELLE J-C., DELATOUR V. et DELANAYE P., "Unveiling a new era with liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to enhance parathyroid hormone measurement in patients with chronic kidney disease", Kidney International, 105, 2, 2024 (online: 31 Oct. 2023), 338‑346, DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.033.

DIKAIOS I., ALTHAUS H., ANGLES-CANO E., CEGLAREK U., COASSIN S., COBBAERT CM., DELATOUR V., DIEPLINGER B., GRIMMLER M., HOOFNAGLE AN., KOSTNER GM., KRONENBERG F., KUKLENYIK Z., LYLE AN., PRINZING U., RUHAAK LR., SCHARNAGL H., VESPER HW. et DEPREZ L., "Commutability Assessment of Candidate Reference Materials for Lipoprotein(a) by Comparison of a MS-based Candidate Reference Measurement Procedure with Immunoassays", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 3, 2023, 262‑272, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac203.

FOUQUEAU A., POURCHEZ J., LECLERC L., PEYRON A., MONTIGAUD Y., VERHOEVEN P., MACÉ T., BESCOND A., THOMAS D., CHARVET A., GHIJSELING M., HARS P., POLYN F. et GAIE-LEVREL F., "Inter-laboratory Comparison between Particle and Bacterial Filtration Efficiencies of Medical Face Masks in the COVID-19 Context", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23, 2, 2023, 220252, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.220252.

GIANGRANDE C., DELATOUR V., ANDREASSON U., BLENNOW K., GOBOM J. et ZETTERBERG H., "Harmonization and standardization of biofluid‐based biomarker measurements for AT(N) classification in Alzheimer’s disease", Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 15, 3, 2023, e12465, DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12465.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., BOEUF A., LALERE B., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., QUAGLIA M. et DELATOUR V., "Development of a candidate reference measurement procedure by ID-LC-MS/MS for total tau protein measurement in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)", Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 61, 7, 2023, 1235‑1244, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-1250.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF", Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19, S14, 2023, e076172, DOI: 10.1002/alz.076172.

HUBER MJ., IVLEVA NP., BOOTH AM., BEER I., BIANCHI I., DREXEL R., GEISS O., MEHN D., MEIER F., MOLSKA A., PAROT J., SØRENSEN L., VELLA G., PRINA-MELLO A., VOGEL R. et CAPUTO F., "Physicochemical characterization and quantification of nanoplastics: applicability, limitations and complementarity of batch and fractionation methods", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 15, 2023, 3007‑3031, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04689-5.

LAMAS B., CHEVALIER L., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., WEINGARTEN L., BLANC X., FISICARO P., OSTER C., NOIREAUX J., EVARISTE L., BREYNER NM. et HOUDEAU E., "The food additive titanium dioxide hinders intestinal production of TGF-β and IL-10 in mice, and long-term exposure in adults or from perinatal life blocks oral tolerance to ovalbumin", Food and Chemical Toxicology, 179, 2023, 113974, DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113974.

MILLER WG., KELLER T., BUDD J., JOHANSEN JV., PANTEGHINI M., GREENBERG N., DELATOUR V., CERIOTTI F., DEPREZ L., REJ R., CAMARA JE., MACKENZIE F., LYLE AN., VAN DER HAGEN E., BURNS C., FAUSKANGER P., SANDBERG S., et FOR THE IFCC WORKING GROUP ON COMMUTABILITY IN METROLOGICAL TRACEABILITY, "Recommendations for Setting a Criterion for Assessing Commutability of Secondary Calibrator Certified Reference Materials", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 9, 2023, 966‑975, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad104.

MIRMONT E., BŒUF A., CHARMEL M., LALÈRE B. et LARDY-FONTAN S., "Validation of an isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) measurement procedure for the reliable quantification of steroid hormones in waters", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 16, 2023, 3215‑3229, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04698-4.

RUHAAK LR., ROMIJN FPHTM., BEGCEVIC BRKOVIC I., KUKLENYIK Z., DITTRICH J., CEGLAREK U., HOOFNAGLE AN., ALTHAUS H., ANGLES-CANO E., COASSIN S., DELATOUR V., DEPREZ L., DIKAIOS I., KOSTNER GM., KRONENBERG F., LYLE A., PRINZING U., VESPER HW. et COBBAERT CM., "Development of an LC-MRM-MS-Based Candidate Reference Measurement Procedure for Standardization of Serum Apolipoprotein (a) Tests", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 3, 2023, 251‑261, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac204.

SANDBERG S., FAUSKANGER P., JOHANSEN JV., KELLER T., BUDD J., GREENBERG N., REJ R., PANTEGHINI M., DELATOUR V., CERIOTTI F., DEPREZ L., CAMARA JE., MACKENZIE F., LYLE AN., VAN DER HAGEN E., BURNS C., GREG MILLER W., et FOR THE IFCC WORKING GROUP ON COMMUTABILITY IN METROLOGICAL TRACEABILITY, "Recommendations for Setting a Criterion and Assessing Commutability of Sample Materials Used in External Quality Assessment/Proficiency Testing Schemes", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 11, 2023, 1227‑1237, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad135.

SIMON CG., BORGOS SE., CALZOLAI L., NELSON BC., PAROT J., PETERSEN EJ., ROESSLEIN M., XU X. et CAPUTO F., "Orthogonal and complementary measurements of properties of drug products containing nanomaterials", Journal of Controlled Release, 354, 2023, 120‑127, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.12.049.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., SUGAHARA O., DELATOUR V., DANILENKO U. et VESPER HW., "B-185 High Throughput ID-LCMSMS Method for Simultaneous Quantitation of Monosaccharides in Human Serum", Clinical Chemistry, 69, Supplement_1, 2023, hvad097.516, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad097.516.

VASILATOU K., WÄLCHLI C., IIDA K., HORENDER S., TRITSCHER T., HAMMER T., RISSLER J., GAIE-LEVREL F. et AUDERSET K., "Extending traceability in airborne particle size distribution measurements beyond 10 µm: Counting efficiency and unit-to-unit variability of four aerodynamic particle size spectrometers", Aerosol Science and Technology, 57, 1, 2023, 24‑34, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2139659.

WESTWOOD S., LIPPA K., SHIMUZU Y., LALERLE B., SAITO T., DUEWER D., DAI X., DAVIES S., RICCI M., BALDAN A., LANG B., SARGE S., WANG H., PRATT K., JOSEPHS R., MARIASSY M., PFEIFER D., WARREN J., BREMSER W., ELLISON S., TOMAN B., NELSON M., HUANG T., FAJGELJ A., GÖREN A., MACKAY L. et WIELGOSZ R., "Methods for the SI-traceable value assignment of the purity of organic compounds (IUPAC Technical Report)", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 95, 1, 2023, 1‑77, DOI: 10.1515/pac-2020-0804.

WIELGOSZ R., FORGAN B., DEL CAMPO MALDONADO D., REA A., WOOLLIAMS E., FULFORD J., MADONNA F.,  WHETSTONE J., DECOLA P., VERMEULEN A., FLORES E. and RUEDI I., "BIPM-WMO  Metrology for Climate Action Workshop - 26-30 September 2022", Report BIPM (2023/03) & WMO (142), 88 pages, 2023, DOI: 10.59161/Rapport202303.


DELATOUR V., "IFCC C-BM second commutability study on PTH", Joint meeting on PTH 1-84 reference materials, methods and comparisons, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 8 février 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Development of a novel method based on single particle icp-ms/ms and a high sensitivity sample introduction (apex) system for the characterization of titanium dioxyde nanoparticles in food simulants", European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana, Slovénie, 29 janvier-3 février 2023.

NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., HUBAU A., TOUSE S., DI LUZIO M., D’AGOSTINO G. et GHESTEM J-P., "Improving valuable metals recycling : best digestion method for retrieving Technology Critical Elements", European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana, Slovénie, 29 janvier-3 février 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., ZAOUALI J., NOIREAUX J., CHEKRI R., FISCHER N., JITARU P. et FISICARO P., "Assessment of the measurement uncertainty related to nanoparticles characterization by sp-icp-ms using an in-house data treatment software", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

FILTZ J-R., AMALRIC L., GUIGUES N., NÄYKKI T., MARTIN V. et FISICARO P., "Metrology in the loop of the circular economy - Water Metrology - Round Table", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

FOUQUEAU A., "Towards a better monitoring of ammonia and greenhouse gases emissions from livestock production: the quantiAGREMI project", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

GUIGUES N., "EURAMET / EMN for Pollution Monitoring", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

MACÉ T., "Towards an unbroken SI-traceable calibration chain for VOCs at monitoring stations, Preparation of reference gas mixtures (RGMs) of climate relevant VOCs", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., LAMAS B. et HOUDEAU E., "Accurate quantification of the bioaccumulation of titanium dioxide particles", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Traçabilité métrologique des résultats et contrôle de qualité congrès", Congrès BIOMEDJ, Paris, France, 9 mars 2023.

ALASONATI E., GIOVANNOZZI A., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N., FISICARO P. et ROPERS M-H., "Metrological traceability of nano and microplastic measurement data: focus on the use of the multi-detector FFF coupled off-line with microscopy and Raman spectroscopy French Conference on Separative Sciences and Couplings", SEP23, Paris, France, 28-30 mars 2023.

NOIREAUX J., "Preparing electronic wastes for the chemical analysis of Technology Critical Elements", Stakeholder workshop MetroCycleEU, Virtual meeting, mars 2023.

BESCOND A., "Évaluation des performances d’instruments portables de carbone suie avec une plateforme expérimentale en environnement contrôlé", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 mars 2023.

GAIE-LEVREL F., "Métrologie des aérosols - Applications dans les domaines de la qualité de l’air, des nanotechnologies et de la santé", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 mars 2023.

OUF F.-X., GAIE-LEVREL F., CHAZELET S., FAVRE G., FELTIN N., FERRÉ V., GODEFERT V., MAST J., NOIREAUX J., PACAULT S., POISSON X. et WOUTERS C., "Relargage de nano-objets, leurs agrégats et agglomérats depuis les masques : ambitions et objectifs scientifiques du Projet RENAAME", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 mars 2023, DOI: 10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2023-33869.

MACÉ T., "Développement d’un étalon de référence pour assurer la traçabilité des mesures de NH3", Journées Techniques de l’Air, Strasbourg, France, 22-23 mars 2023.

MACÉ T., "Retour d’expérience sur les CIL LCSQA-LNE/AASQA", Journées Techniques de l’Air, Strasbourg, France, 22-23 mars 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., "Activités du LNE dans le domaine des maladies Neurodégénératives", AMI Brain-STORM, Paris, France, 29 mars 2023.

DURET C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., LALÈRE B., BONNAUD B., DELATOUR V., BOEUF A. et PICHON V., "Les hormones stéroïdiennes : contexte, enjeux et besoins métrologiques dans le sérum humain", Congrès Francophone sur les Sciences Séparatives et les Couplages 2023, Paris, France, 29-30 mars 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "L’intérêt de la métrologie pour le suivi de l’Alcalinité Totale des eaux marines", Congrès de l’école doctorale « Sciences de l’environnement – Université Aix-Marseille », 3-4 mai 2023.

BOEUF A., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HUYNH H-H., GIANGRANDE C., VELLY L., HAUSFATER P., CREAGH-BROWN B., FALINSKA AM., DEMKOW U., ANAGNOSTOPOULOU V., TSATSANIS C., CRISTOL J-P., PIERONI L., HUGGETT JF. et DELATOUR V., "Standardisation of PCT assays: Update on status, needs and feasibility", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 mai 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Harmonisation of Procalcitonin as a sepsis biomarker: problems and solutions”, Session “Diagnostic Challenges in Sepsis", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 mai 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF to be used in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 mai 2023.

GUIGUES N., BONNAUD B., FISICARO P. et GUMUCHIAN D., "European Metrology Network for Pollution Monitoring POLMO", Eurachem Workshop 2023, Bern-Wabern, Suisse, 22-23 mai 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Need for the validation of on-site test kits, portable devices and continuous measuring devices for water quality monitoring", Eurachem Workshop 2023, Bern-Wabern, Suisse, 22-23 mai 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., "Mieux diagnostiquer les maladies neurodégénératives : quand la métrologie fait la différence !", Les mardis de la chimie de Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, 13 juin 2023.

GUIGUES N., "The European Metrology Network for Pollution Monitoring – PolMo.", PARC Hub FR, 16 juin 2023.

DELATOUR V., "What is commutability and why is it important?", InterQC Topics, Virtual meeting, 15 juillet 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF", Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 16-20 juillet 2023.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., SUGAHARA O., DELATOUR V., DANILENKO U. et VESPER HW., "High Throughput ID-LCMSMS Method for Simultaneous Quantitation of Monosaccharides in Human Serum", AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, Anaheim, Etats-Unis, 23-27 juillet 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "Le système des carbonates océanique : La qualité des mesures d’Alcalinité Totale et de pH pour le suivi de l’acidification des oceans", MOOSE GE 2023, août 2023.

FISICARO P., "The role of metrology into the value chain of ocean observations", IAPWS Symposium, Turin, Italie, 3-8 septembre 2023.

ALASONATI E., NOIREAUX J., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N., FISICARO P., LALÈRE B. et GIOVANNOZZI A., "Metrological characterisation of nanoparticles in FOOD products and complex matrices using AF4-MALS-ICPMS and sp-ICPMS", EMN Food “Metrological determination of micro and nano contaminants in food”, Berne, Suisse (participation à distance), 5 septembre 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Insights into the development of primary reference materials: what are the hurdles primary reference material manufacturers have to overcome?", Siemens 3rd Virtual TRSEG Assay Development Annual Conference, Virtual meeting, 28 septembre 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "Inter-laboratory comparison on a reference material for seawater spectrophotometric pHT measurements", Metrosea, Valetta Campus, Malta, octobre 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Valider les outils utilisant l’ADNe : pourquoi et comment", GT-DCE, 12 octobre 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Metrology input for post-market surveillance of IVD tests", EQALM Symposium, Lyon, France, 19 octobre 2023.

GUIGUES N., "State of the art on metrology and standardisation needs to support EU regulations.", Euramet & Welmec Metrology for regulationn – Open public Consultation, Virtual meeting, 23 octobre 2023.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., DANILENKO U., DELATOUR V. et VESPER HW., "Comparison between ID-LC/MS/MS Serum Monosaccharides Method and Enzymatic Methods on Glucose Measurements", Diabetes Technology Meeting, Virtual meeting, 3-4 novembre 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Validation indépendante des outils innovants de mesure de la qualité de l’eau : application aux méthodes ADNe", Journées du réseau ADN-O, 29-30 novembre 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Development of a single particle ICP-MS method using a high efficiency sample introduction system (APEXTM) for the characterisation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in foodstuffs", IMEKOFOOD 2023, Maisons-Alfort, France, 25-27 octobre 2023.

NOIREAUX J., "Présentation des activités de métrologie sur les nanoparticules au LNE", Vidéo du BIPM réalisée à l’occasion du world Metrology Day, lien:

OUF F.-X. , CHAZELET S., FAVRE G., FELTIN N., LEMARINIER V., GODEFERT V., LAMBENG N., MAST J., NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., PACAULT S., POISSON X. et WOUTERS C., "Relargage de nano-objets, leurs agrégats et agglomérats depuis les masques (Projet RENAAME) : Validation d'une méthode de "criblage" pour l'identification des éléments Ti et Ag dans les masques", 37e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2024), Asfera, Paris, France, 19-20 mars 2024, DOI: 10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2024-38823.