
Ansari-Asl M., Barbieri M., Obein G. and Hardeberg J., “Advancing Material Appearance Measurement: A Cost-effective Multispectral Imaging System for Capturing SVBRDF and BTF”, London Imaging Meeting 2023, June 2023, London, United Kingdom, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 104-108, DOI: 10.3390/jimaging10030055. 

Basic N., Molloy E., Koo A., Ferrero A., Santafé P., Gevaux L., Porrovecchio G., Schirmacher A., Smid M., Blattner P., Hauer K., Quast T., Campos J. and Obein G., “Intercomparison of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements at in- and out-of-plane geometries”, Applied Optics, 2023, DOI: 10.1364/AO.486156.

García-Márquez J. and Valencia-Estrada J.C., "Freeform concentrator design for IR wireless to-fiber link communications", Journal of the Optical Society of America, 2023, A 40, 1741, DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.495621.

Gevaux L., Saha D., and Obein G., "Investigating the optical translucency of Spectralon using BSSRDF measurements", Applied Optics, 2023, 62, 5003-5013, DOI: 10.1364/AO.491929. 

Gozhyk I., Turbil C., Garcia E. and Obein G., “Impact of light polarization on angle-resolved light scattering from gloss scale”, Physica Scripta, 2023, 98, 9, DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/ace99b.

Khlevnoy B. B., Solodilov M. V., Kolesnikova S. S., Otryaskin D.A., Pons A., Campos J., Shin D. J., Park S., Obein G., Valin M. H., Vissière A., Dai C., Wu Z., Wang Y., Li L., Lin Y., Yoon H., Gibson C., Liu Y., Manson P., Atkinson E., Zama T., Shitomi H., Goodman T., Servantes W., Gamouras A., Woods D. J., Sperfeld P. and Pape S., “CIPM key comparison CCPR-K1.a.2017 for spectral irradiance 250 nm to 2500 nm. Final report”, Metrologia, 2023, 60, 1A, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/60/1A/02002.

Lafitte A., Sordello R., Legrand M., Nicolas V., Obein G. and Reyjol Y., “Does a flashing artificial light have more or conversely less impacts on animals than a continuous one? A systematic review”, Nature Conservation, 2023, 54, 49-177. DOI: 10.3897/natureconservation.54.102614.

Molloy E., Koo A., Gevaux L., Obein G. and Yang L., “Use of bidirectional transmittance distribution function measurements to determine transmittance haze”, Metrologia, 2023, 60 055003, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/ace910.


Dubard J., Betis P. and Garcia-Marquez J., Metrology for emerging PV applications, Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

Eloi F. and Dubard J., Revision and extension of standards for test methods for LED lamps, luminaires and modulesCongrès international de métrologie (CIM 2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.        

Gevaux L., Dupiau A., Morvan K. and Obein G., “The measurement of specular gloss using a conoscopic goniospectrophotometer”, London Imaging Meeting 2023, Society for Imaging Science and TechnologyLondon, United Kingdom, June 2023, ​​​​​​​Proceedings: 10-14.

Obein G., “Physics and Measurement of properties linked to appearance”, London Imaging Meeting 2023, ​​​​​​​Society for Imaging Science and TechnologyLondon, United Kingdom, June 2023, ​​Proceedings: 1-4

Ferrero A., Gevaux L., Rastgou M., Jaanimets M., Jurgo I., Manoocheri F., Kubarsepp T., Nilsson A., Szaina G. and Obein G., “Preliminary study for traceability on specular gloss”, CIE Conference 2023, 30th Session, Ljubjiana, Slovenia, September 2023.

Gevaux L., Morvan K., Dupiau A., Saha D., Frisvad J.R. and Obein G., “Method for traceability of multiscale bidirectional reflectance distribution function measurements”, CIE Conference 2023, 30th Session, Ljubjiana, Slovenia, September 2023.

Saez, A.M., Ferrero, A., Ledig, J., Schrader, C., Gevaux L., Dupiau, A., Maltezos, E., Antonopoulos, M., Rezazadeh, Y. and Bouroussis C., “Framework for evaluation of procedures for HDR luminance imaging measurements”, CIE Conference 2023, 30th Session, Ljubjiana, Slovenia, September 2023.

Chasseigne R., Renoux R., Pierrard S., Betis P., Garcia-Marquez J., Dubard J. and Hay B.,
“Airborne luminancemeter for obtrusive light measurements”, CIE Conference 2023, 30th Session, Ljubjiana, Slovenia, September 2023, Proceedings: 1888-1892.

Obein G., « De Nouvelles métriques pour la LED ? », Journée LED 2050: évolutions, révolutions…, Paris, France, 3 October 2023.

Gevaux L., Saha D., Morvan K. and Obein G., “µBRDF measurements & traceability challenges”, CORM-CNC/CIE-CIE-USNC Biennial Joint Conference 2023, online, 6 November 2023.

Dupiau A., Gevaux L., Saez, A.M. and Ferrero, A., “High dynamic range merging algorithms for traceable luminance imaging”, IS&T/APPAMAT Workshop on material appearance, Paris, France, 13 November 2023.

Gevaux L., Simonot L., Clerc R. and Hébert M., “Edge-loss effect in skin reflectance measurements”, IS&T/APPAMAT Workshop on material appearance, Paris, France, 13 November 2023.


OBEIN G., "The measurement of appearance", Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" - New Frontiers for Metrology: From Biology and Chemistry to Quantum and Data Science, 2021, IOP Press, 2021, 206, 175-186, DOI: 10.3254/ENFI210025, ISBN: 978-1-64368-246-4 (print) | 978-1-64368-247-1 (online).


LABARDENS T., CHAVEL P., SORTAIN Y., HÉBERT M., SIMONOT L.., OBEIN G., “Study and simulations of speckle effects on BRDF measurements at very high angular resolution”, International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2021), Material Appearance, Proceedings: IS&T, USA, 33, 140, DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.5.MAAP-140, Online conference, 11-21 January 2021.

GEVAUX L., « Propriétés optiques de la peau », GdR APPAMAT, Optique des matériaux, Poitiers, France, 9 avril 2021.

OHNO Y., GAUDEMER J., OH J-S., SCHOLAND M., “Global Interlaboratory Comparison of 41 Goniophotometers Measuring Solid- State Lighting Products”, 14th International Conference on New Developments ans Applications in Optical Radiometry (NEWRAD2021), DOI: 10.25039/x48.2021.OP37, Boulder, U.S.A, Online conference, 21-24 June 2021.

VALIN M. H., ROUGIÉ B., VISSIERE A., OBEIN G., VALIN T., “New spectral irradiance traceability scale at LNE-CNAM”, 14th International Conference on New Developments ans Applications in Optical Radiometry (NEWRAD2021), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac50e6, Boulder, U.S.A, Online conference, 21-24 June 2021.

OHNO Y., GAUDEMER J., DUBARD J., OH J-S., JEON S., SCHOLAND M., BORG N., BOUGHEY D., ZISSIS J.,  “IEA 4E SSL ANNEX Interlaboratory comparison of goniophotometers measuring Solid State lighting products – Results”, CIE Midterm meeting 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sept. 2021.

SAHA D., GEVAUX L., CANCES T., RICHARD A., OBEIN G., 2021, “Development of a µBRDF goniospectrophotometer for BRDF measurement on tiny surfaces”, CIE Midterm meeting 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sept. 2021.

VALIN M. H., OBEIN G., “A new method for measuring the spectral irradiance at LNE-CNAM”, 20th International Congress of Metrology (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 September 2021.

OBEIN G., « Discours d’accueil et de clôture », Journées nationales de la lumière de l’AFE, Strasbourg, France, 12-13 octobre 2021.

GEVAUX L., “PSF and translucency”, APPAMAT Workshop on high precision BRDF measurement - Optical metrology for appearance, St Etienne, France, 9 décembre 2021.

OBEIN G., 2021, “Gloss metrology”, APPAMAT Workshop on high precision BRDF measurement - Optical metrology for appearance, St Etienne, France, 9 décembre 2021.

OBEIN G., “Appearance and BRDF metrology”, APPAMAT Workshop on high precision BRDF measurement - Optical metrology for appearance, St Etienne, France, 9 décembre 2021.

LABARDENS T., “Speckle effect in high resolution BRDF measurements with ConDOR”, APPAMAT Workshop on high precision BRDF measurement - Speckle effect in high resolution BRDF measurement, St Etienne, France, 10 décembre 2021.

OBEIN G., “Evolution of BRDF measurement: when the speckle effect arose”, APPAMAT Workshop on high precision BRDF measurement - Speckle effect in high resolution BRDF measurement, St Etienne, France, 10 décembre 2021.

CHAVEL P., LABARDENS T., HÉBERT M., SIMONOT L.,SORTAIS Y., OBEIN G., “Evidence for the need to update the definition of the BRDF - spectral considerations”, 15th International Conference on Correlation Optics, Proceedings SPIE, 12126, DOI : 10.1117/12.2616107Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 20 Dec. 2021.


GED G., RABAL A. M., HIMBERT M., OBEIN G.,  “Assessing gloss under diffuse and specular lighting”, ColorResearch & Application, 45(6), 2020, 591-602. DOI : 10.1002/col.22510


RABAL A. M., GED G., RICHARD A., OBEIN G., “Effect of the size and shape of the measurement area on BRDF measurements on glossy samples”, Proceedings of AIC Interim Meeting Natural Colours-Digital Colours, Avignon, France, Nov 2020.


COUTIN J-M, ROUGIE B.: « Caractérisation et validation d'un nouveau radiomètre cryogénique au LCM », Revue Française de Métrologie, 41, 2016-1, 11-20, DOI : 10.1051/rfm/2016002

DUBARD J., VOYER J., HAMEURY J., BUTEAU F., « Qualification métrologique de spectrophotomètre : un guide pour les industriels », Revue Française de Métrologie, 41, 2016-1, 3-10, DOI : 10.1051/rfm/2016001

DUBARD J., GUIMIER S., VALIN T., OBATON A-F., BUTEAU F., « Spectroradiométrie UV: application au contrôle des cabines de bronzage », Revue Française de Métrologie, 42, 2016-2, 45-54,DOI : 10.1051/rfm/2016010

GED G., LELOUP F., DE WIT Y., OBEIN G., “Intercomparison of visual gloss psychometric scales”, 2016, Proceedings of 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, Prague, CZ.

LELOUP F., AUDENAERT J., OBEIN G., GED G., HANSELAERE P., "Repeatability and reproducibility of specular gloss meters in theory and practice", 2016, J Coat Technol Res.

PAGE M., BOUST C., MÉLARD N., ROBCIS D., OBEIN G., ORTIZ SEGOVIA M., “3D surface acquisition : Comparison of two microtopographic equipments when measuring materials of cultural heritage”, 2016, Proceedings of 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, Prague, CZ.

TURBIL C., GOZHYK I., TEISSEIRE J., OBEIN G., GED G., “BRDF measurement and simulation of patterned surfaces to foresee its visual rendering”, 2016, Proceedings of 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, Prague, CZ.


OBEIN G., "Lumière et éclairage", Conférence à destination des enseignants du second degré dans le cadre du Plan Académique de Formation (PAF) du Musée du CNAM, Paris, 21 janvier 2016.

GED G., “Visual measurements at LNE-Cnam”, xDReflect progress meeting, Gant, Belgique, 27 janvier 2016.

OBEIN G., "Recommendation on the geometrical parameters for the measurement of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)”, CIE TC2-85, Melbourne, Australie, 8 Mars 2016.

OBEIN G.  “Team Metrology of appearance of LNE-CNAM”, Kick-off meeting projet Imagin, Futuroscope, 8 Juin 2016.

OBEIN G., "Discussion on the complexity of (real) specular peaks”, xDReflect progress meeting, Turin, Italie, 21 juin 2016.

OBEIN G., "Metrological issues related to BRDF measurements around the specular direction in the particular case of glossy surfaces”, xDReflect progress meeting, Turin, Italie, 21 juin 2016.

GED G., "Intercomparison of perceptual functions of glossy samples”, xDReflect progress meeting, Turin, Italie, 21 juin 2016.

ISTRATE D., ETIENNE R., DUBARD J., LITWIN A., ENOUF O., "Determination of the Verdet constant of low birefregence single-mode optical fiber ", CPEM 2016, Ottawa, Canada, July 2016

OBEIN G., "Gloss”, CIE Tutorial on Visual Appearance Fundamentals and Measurement, Prague, Republique Tchèque, 6 septembre 2016.

OBEIN G., "The measurement of gloss at LNE-CNAM”, Kick-off meeting of MUVApp project, Prague, Republique Tchèque, 8 septembre 2016.

OBEIN G., "Recommendation on the geometrical parameters for the measurement of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)”, CIE TC2-85, Prague, Republique Tchèque, 9 septembre 2016.

OBEIN G., «Accessing the specular peak of glossy surfaces”, Présentation au final meeting de l’ITN PRISM, Rauischholzhausen Castle, Allemagne, 21 octobre 2016.

GED G., “Exploration métrologique du pic spéculaire” Présentation au Workshop Propriétés optiques de nanostructures et apparence, Insitut d’optique d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux, 22 novembre 2016.

DUBARD J., “ Classification photovoltaïque : Météorologie et paramètre énergétique- Etat de l’art “, Journée technique du Comité Français de la Métrologie, Paris, 6 décembre 2016



DÖNSBERG T., MANOOCHERI F., SILDOJA M., JUNTUNEN M., SAVIN H., TUOVINEN E., RONKAINEN H., PRUNNILA M., MERIMAA M., TANG C. K., GRAN J., MÜLLER I., WERNER L., ROUGIE B., PONS A., SMID M., GAL P., LOLLI L., BRIDA G., RASTELLO M. L. IKONEN E., "Predictable quantum efficient detector based on n-type silicon photodiodes", Metrologia, 2017, 54, 821, DOI : 10.1088/1681-7575

GED G., “Métrologie du brillant : développement et caractérisation psychophysique d’échelles de brillant”, Thèse de doctorat en optique des milieux dilués spécialité lasers, nanosciences et métrologie. Sous la direction de M. E. Himbert et G. Obein, CNAM.

OBEIN G., SIMIONESCU M., DUBARD J., SEUCAN A., BASTIE J., “Luminous intensity bilateral comparison using lamps as transfer standards between LNE (France) and INM-RO (Roumania)”, Metrologia, 2017, 54, Tech. Suppl., DOI : 1088/0026-1394/54/1A/02002

PAGE M., OBEIN G., BOUST. C., RAZET. A., “Adapted Modulation Transfer Function Method for Characterization and Improvement of 3D printed surfaces”, Electronic Imaging, 2017, 8, 92-100. DOI : 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.8.MAAP-279

STROTHKÄMPER C., FERRERO A., KOO A., JANNSON P., GED G., OBEIN G., KÄLLBERG S., AUDENAERT J., LELOUP F., VERDU F., PERALES E., SCHIRMACHER A., CAMPOS J, “Multilateral Spectral Radiance Factor Scale Comparison”, Applied Optics, 2016, 56, issue7, 1996-2006, DOI : 10.1364/AO.56.001996



CHANDOUL F., COUTIN J. M., ROUGIÉ B., "Improvement of the spectral responsivity measurements in the UV range at the French national metrology laboratory", NEWRAD 2017 Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 13-16 june 2017.

GED G., RABAL A. M., OBEIN G., “Absolute BRDF measurements with ultra-high angular resolution for the characterization of optical surfaces”, NEWRAD 2017 Proceedings, okyo, Japan, 13-16 june 2017.

VALIN T., DUBARD J., “ Monochromator based set-up for stray light characterization of industrial spectroradiometers” NEWRAD 2017 Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 13-16 june 2017.

ROUGIÉ B., VALIN M. H., “Thermodynamic measurement and validation of a high temperature blackbody for spectral radiance and irradiance reference” NEWRAD 2017 Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 13-16 june 2017

RABAL A. M., GED G., OBEIN G., “Gonio…? Performances et limitations”, Journée Tout sur la BRDF, Poitiers, juin 2017

GED G., RABAL A. M., OBEIN G., “De la BRDF au brillant”, Journée Tout sur la BRDF , Poitiers, juin 2017

GED G., RABAL A. M., HIMBERT M. E., OBEIN G., “Does the visual system extract more information than gloss in the specular direction ?”, CIE Midterm conference, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 21-28 October 2017

RABAL A. M., GED G., OBEIN G., “On the recommendation of solid angle of detection for BRDF measurement on glossy samples”, CIE TC 2-85 and JRP BiRD progress meeting, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 27 October 2017

DUBARD J., « LED et santé: état des connaissances” Salon des maires et des collectivités locales, Paris, 21-23 novembre 2017

DUBARD J., « LED : performance et sécurité sanitaire », Colloque FNCCR - Fédération nationale des collectivités concédantes et régies, Sénat, Paris, 12 décembre 2017


KRÖGER I., FRIEDRICH D., WINTER S., SALIS E., MÜLLEJANS H., PAVANELLO D., HOHL-EBINGER J., BOTHE K., HINKEN D., DITTMANN S., FRIESEN G., BLISS M., BETTS T., GOTTSCHALG R., RIMMELSPACHER L., STANG J., HERRMANN W., AND DUBARD J., “ Results of the round robin calibration of reference solar cells within the PhotoClass project “, International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, 9, 8, August 2018, DOI: 10.1051/ijmqe/2018006

SPERLING A., MEYER M., PENDSA S., JORDAN W., REVTOVA E., POIKONEN T., RENOUX D. AND BLATTNER P., “ Multiple transfer standard for calibration and characterization of test setups for LED lamps and luminaires in industry”, Metrologia, 55, 2, 2018, DOI : 10.1088/1681-7575/aaa173


OBEIN G., “La candela, une touche d’humain dans le système international d’unités », Les jeudi de la mesure, LNE, Paris, juin 2018

OBEIN G., « Gloss constancy: principle, measurement and limits”, Workshop Open questions on gloss measurement, Madrid, Oct 2018

RABAL A., « Metrology of the specular peak for gloss scaling”, Workshop Open questions on gloss measurement, CSIC, Madrid, Oct 2018


CHASSEIGNE R., DUBARD J., PIERRARD S., HAY B., ” Light pollution analysis using hi-resolution night aerial lighting maps”, Proceedings of the 29th Quadriennal Session of CIE, CIE x046:2019, PO163, DOI: 10.25039/x46.2019.PO163

DUBARD J., OBEIN G., SURYANI D., “Bilateral comparison of luminous flux using lamps as transfer standards (EURAMET.PR-K4.2)”, Metrologia, 56, 2019, 1A, Tech. Suppl., 02001, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/56/1A/02001

GED G., OBEIN G., RABAL A. M., « Du brillant à la BRDF », in Simonot L. et Boulenguez P., Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, Presses des Mines, 2019, 209-220.

GED G., « Goniospectrophotométrie à haute résolution angulaire », in Simonot L. et Boulenguez P., Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, Presses des Mines, 2019, 129-145.

OBEIN G., « Le goniospectrophotomètre : principe, performances et limitations », in Simonot L. et Boulenguez P., Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, Presses des Mines, 2019, 71-90.

OBEIN G., “Traceability and references for the measurement of appearance: review of latest developments at Europeans national metrological institutes”, Proceedings of COMET 2019, Cergy, France.

OBEIN G., “Measurement of appearance; optical, visual and normative approach”, Proceedings of “Procédés laser pour l’industrie conference”, 25-26 Sept, Colmar, France.

RABAL A. M., GED G., OBEIN G., “What is the true width and height of the specular peak according to the level of gloss?”, Proceedings of the 29th Quadriennal Session of CIE, CIE x046:2019, OP88, DOI 10.25039/x46.2019.OP88

SALIS E., PAVANELLO D., KROEGER I., WINTER S., BOTHE K., HINKEN D., GANDY T., HOHL-EBINGER J., FRIESEN G., DITTMANN S., DUBARD J., MÜLLEJANS H., “Results of four European round-robins on TCO measurements for PV devices of different size”, Solar Energy, 179, February 2019, 424-436, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2018.10.051

SIMONOT L., OBEIN G., BRINGIER B., MENEVEAUX D., “Modeling, measuring, and using BRDF : significant French contributions”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 36,11, C40-C50, DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.36.000C40

SIMONOT L., CHAVEL P., HEBERT M., OBEIN G., « Peut-on mesurer la BRDF? », Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, par Simonot L. et Boulenguez P., Presses des Mines, 2019, 439-452.


OBEIN G., “Traceability and references for the measurement of appearance: review of latest developments at Europeans national metrological institutes”, Proceedings of 3rd Congress of Cosmetic Measurement & Testing (COMET), Cergy, France, 6-7 février 2019.

GED G., “Characterization of gloss, Workshop on Visual Appearance of Materials, Alicante, Spain, 29th May 2019.

RABAL A., “What is the true width and height of the specular peak according to the level of gloss?”, Workshop on Visual Appearance of Materials, Alicante, Spain, 29th May 2019.

RABAL A. M., GED G., OBEIN G., “What is the true width and height of the specular peak according to the level of gloss?”, 29th Quadriennal Session of CIE, Washington DC, USA, 14-22 juin 2019.

CHASSEIGNE R., DUBARD J., PIERRARD S., HAY B., ” Light pollution analysis using hi-resolution night aerial lighting maps”, 29th Quadriennal Session of CIE, Washington DC, USA, 14-22 juin 2019.

OBEIN G., “The candela, the most human of the SI base units”, International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna, Italie, 6 Juillet 2019.

OBEIN G., “The measurement of appearance”, International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi”, Varenna, Italie, 7 Juillet 2019.

OBEIN G., “Measurement of appearance; optical, visual and normative approach”, conference “Procédés laser pour l’industrie”, 25-26 Septembre, Colmar, France.

DUBARD J., “New photovoltaic technologies: metrology for PV Energy rating”, Congrès International de métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

CHASSEIGNE R., DUBARD J., PIERRARD S., HAY B., “Improved method for high-resolution night aerial lighting maps production and analysis”, Congrès International de métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

OBEIN G., “Traceability & references for the measurement of appearance” (keynote), Material appearance workshop, Colour Imaging Conference, Paris, France, 21 Oct 2019.

PhD abstract

The aim of this thesis is to provide the French Metrology with a reference instrument that can be used for measuring the appearance of objects. Several physical properties of object appearance are used not only to identify the object itself but also determine its quality. These include color, gloss, texture and translucency. This work describes the design, characterization and the implementation of an instrument that has been built particularly to measure the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of planar surfaces. BRDF is a physical quantity that enables measuring the surface color and gloss. Accordingly it is important to ensure accurate and traceable measurements of such a quantity in order for a comprehensive understanding of surface properties to be fulfilled. Some surfaces show pigmented, metallic, sparkling or pearlescent appearance. These surfaces, called goniochromatic surfaces, have the ability to change their appearance depending on the viewing angle. To characterize them, it is necessary to deliver surface reflectance measurements at several directions and under different illumination conditions. The instrument that enables these measurements is called gonioreflectometer. The experimental setup we have designed consists of two separate detection lines. The first line, called "spectral line", is used to study the color. It consists of a stationary illumination source that uses a xenon lamp spectrally resolved by a monochromator. The light coming out from the source is focused on the surface under investigation. The reflected light by the surface is collected by using a lens and directed onto a photodiode by a mirror. This detection system can be moved over a wide angular range so as to measure the BRDF. The second line, called "spatial line", is used to measure the gloss of the surface. In order to be very close to the average human observer, high angular resolution is required. In this line the detection part is stationary. It consists of a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) camera of 512 x 512 pixels. The source used to illuminate the surface is an incandescent tungsten lamp. Angular measurements in this line are provided by the movement of the illumination source itself. Both color and gloss lines share a robot sample-holder that provides six degrees of freedom. This of course facilitates measurements over varies detection and illumination directions of the sample.

Key words

Color, Gloss, BRDF, Goniochromatisme, Specular pic

PhD abstract

2.5D printing is between traditional color printing, for the process and its visual quality, and 3D printing, which makes forms and reliefs by ink superposition. Because of its properties, 2.5D printing could allow the realistic reproduction of objects and surfaces, but inks are too glossy. To reduce and control this glossy aspect of inks, we modulate the roughness of the printed layers, at the micro-scale, both in frequency and amplitude. Influence of parameters was measured, and different strategies were suggested to reduce sparkle and to allow the creation of matte colored layers: by constituting a 5D space where gloss and color are modeled, we can make gloss level of colored surfaces uniform.Several case studies form the Conservation of Cultural Heritage were considered, where 2.5D printing could help the curator, the conservator or the archivist. We studied in particular the issues of the the gap filling on an archaeological object, the realistic reproduction of surfaces, and the creation of matte objects for readability..

PhD thesis

Full document :

TEL : 2018CNAM1204


Key words

Gloss reduction, 2.5D color printing, Optimising the matte color, Visual appearance measurement, Micro-Scale roughness, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Matte, Relief Printing, BRDF.

PhD abstract

Gloss is a visual appearance attribute. It is a construction from the visual system built on the optical signal from a surface and sensed by the eye. Recent developments in fundamental spectrophotometry lead to instruments able to measure luminous reflection with an acuity equal to the visual system in terms of angular resolution and dynamic. A cross-discipline description between optics and vision is now possible on a same set of samples. In this work, we build through sol-gel process a metrological gloss scale. It is multivariate in terms of surface topology, refractive indices, hue and gloss levels. This scale is then characterized in roughness, specular gloss and BRDF. We expose the measurement techniques and corrections used on our goniospectrophotomer ConDOR. This instrument is dedicated to high resolution measurement of specular peaks. By the end of this study, Condor has reached an angular resolution of 0.014°, the smaller achieved until now, twice better than the human visual system acuity. The dynamic range extends over 6.5 decades. ConDOR is used to measure BRDF of several glossy samples from different scales. These measurements are studied and discussed. A first link between roughness and BRDF is drawn.Using a reference gloss scale, we finally study two aspects of gloss perception: both effects of a change in the solid angle of illumination and in the observation environment realism. Our results indicate that the visual system is more sensitive to gloss variations under realistic conditions as well in lighting as in environment. This effect is particularly noticeable on matt samples. Lesser realistic or lesser natural conditions could lead observers to confusion.

PhD thesis

Full document :

TEL : 2017CNAM1133

Key words

Gloss, BRDF, Psychometric scales, Sol-Gel, Goniospectrophotometry, ConDOR.