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GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., YAN W., BADE S., BUCHET M.-A. et LANDRAGIN A., “Atom chip based guided atom interferometer for rotation sensing”, 9e Symposium franco-japonais (JFFoS), Kyoto, Japon, 23-25 janvier 2015.

GILLOT P.B., CHENG S. MERLET et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Stability limit of a cold atom gravimeter and comparisons with other technologies”, Workshop on Continuous atomic sources and extreme cooling of atoms and molecules: techniques and applications, Les Houches, France, 24-29 Janvier 2016

DUMONT P., DANET J.M., CAMARGO F.A., HOLLEVILLE D., GUERANDEL S., BAILI G., MORVAN L., PILLET G., DOLFI D., GOZHYK I., BEAUDOIN G., SAGNES I., GEORGES P. et LUCAS-LECLIN G., “Evaluation of the noise properties of a dual-frequency VECSEL for compact Cs atomic clocks” Photonics West 2015 OPTO Conference, San Francisco, Californie, États-Unis, 7-12 février 2015.

LOPEZ O., CHIODO N., STEFANI F. et al., Cascaded optical link on a telecommunication fiber network for ultra-stable frequency dissemination”, Photonics West 2015 OPTO Conference, Proc. SPIE 9378 “Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology” (VIII, 937823), San Francisco, Californie, États-Unis, 7-12 février 2015.

DUTTA I., SAVOIE D., MEUNIER M., FANG B., GEIGER R., GARRIDO ALZAR C. et LANDRAGIN A., “Large area cold atom gyroscope”, International Conference Fundamentals and Applications of Ultra-cold Matter, Visselhövede, Allemagne, 2-4 mars 2015.

BUCHET M.-A., BADE S., YAN W., LANDRAGIN A., GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., “On-chip guided atom interferometer for rotation sensing”, Internationale Spring School “Cold Atoms and Molecules & Applications in Metrology”, Tunis, Tunisie, 15-21 mars 2015.

LANDRAGIN A., “Atom Interferometry”, Internationale Spring School “Cold Atoms and Molecules & Applications in Metrology”, Tunis, Tunisie, 15-21 mars 2015.

BERCY A., STEFANI F., LOPEZ O., GUELLATI-KHELIFA S., CHARDONNET C., SANTARELLI G., POTTIE P.-E. et AMY-KLEIN A., Recent development on metrological urban network & frequency comparison”, Assemblée Générale du Labex FIRST-TF, Besançon, France, 16 mars 2015.

CHENG B., GILLOT P., LANDRAGIN A., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Residual clock effect in Cold Atom Gravimeter”, Assemblée Générale du Labex FIRST-TF, Besançon, France, 16 mars 2015.

LODEWYCK J., “Titanium Sapphire laser for trapping atoms in Sr optical lattice clocks”, Assemblée Générale du Labex FIRST-TF, Besançon, France, 16 mars 2015.

LANGLOIS M., VENON B., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Gravity gradiometer using large momentum transfer beamsplitter”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

DELVA P., “Atomic Clocks on the Ground and in Space: Towards chronometric geodesy and new tests of the gravitational redshift”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

GUÉNA J. et al., “Clock tests of space-time variation of fundamental constants”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

GEIGER R., AMAND L., BERTOLDI A., CANUEL B., CHAIBI W., DANQUIGNY C., DUTTA I., FANG B., GAFFET S., GILLOT J., HOLLEVILLE D., LANDRAGIN A., MERZOUGUI M., RIOU I., SAVOIE D. et BOUYER P., “Matter-wave laser Interferometric Gravitation Antenna (MIGA): New perspectives for fundamental physics and geosciences”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

LION G., GUERLIN C., BIZE S., HOLSCHNEIDER M., WOLF P., MÉTIVIER G., DELVA P. et PANET I., “Towards a High Resolution Geopotential Model Using Chronometric Geodesy”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR” La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

LOPEZ M., SOLARO C. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Atom interferometry test of short range gravity: recent progress in the Forca-G experiment”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

MEYNADIER F., DELVA P., GUERLIN C., LE PONCIN-LAFITTE C., LAURENT P. et WOLF P., “ACES MWL Data analysis preparation status”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, Italie, 21-28 mars 2015.

ABDEL HAFIZ M. et BOUDOT R., “Preliminar results of a Cs vapor cell CPT clock using push-pull optical pumping”, Proc. of the joint meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015

ABDEL HAFIZ M., MAURICE V., CHUTANI R.K., PASSILLY N., GORECKI C., GUERANDEL S., DE CLERCQ E. et BOUDOT R., “Spectroscopy and hyperfine clock frequency shift measurements in Cs vapor cells coated with octadecyltrichlorosilanes (OTS),” Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ALLANI M., VACHERET X., CLAIRET A., BARON T., BEL O., CABANE H., LESAGE J.-M. et BOY J.-J., “How to qualify LGT crystal for acoustic devices?”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ABDEL HAFIZ M., MAURICE V., CHUTANI R., PASSILLY N., GORECKI C., GUERANDEL S., DE CLERCQ E. et BOUDOT R., “Spectroscopy and hyperfine clock frequency shift measurements in Cs vapor cells coated with octadecyltrichlorosilanes (OTS)”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ABGRALL M., BIZE S., CHUPIN B., GUNÉA J., LAURENT PH., ROSENBUCH P., UHRICH P. et ROVERA G.D., “Stability analysis of the French time scale UTC(OP)”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ABGRALL M., GUÉNA J. LOURS M., SANTARELLI G., TOBAR M.E., BIZE S., GROP S., DUBOIS B., FLUHR CH. et GIORDANO V., “High stability comparison of atomic fountains using two different cryogenic oscillators”, Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

BARON T., PETRINI V., MARTIN G., COMBE G., CLAIRET A., DULMET B., LESAGE J.-M., LAROCHE T. et BALLANDRAS S., “Stress sensitivity coefficients of HBAR”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

BELKADI N., BARON T., ROBERT L., BERNARD F., HERTH E. et DULMET B., “New capacitive micro-acoustic resonators machined in single-crystal silicon stacked structures”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

BELLI A., EXERTIER P., SAMAIN E., COURDE C., VERNOTTE F., AURIOL A. et JAYLES C., “Characterization of an ultra stable quartz oscillator thanks to time transfer by laser link”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

BERCY A., STEFANI F., LOPEZ O., LEE W.-K., CHARDONNET C., POTTIE P.-E. et AMY-KLEIN A., Two-way optical frequency comparisons over telecommunication network fibers”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

BOURGEOIS P.-Y., IMAIKE T., GOAVEC-MEROU G. et RUBIOLA E., “Noise in high-speed digital-to-analog converters”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

CARDENAS OLAYA C., FRIEDT J.-M., ORTOLANO M., MICALIZIO S. et CALOSSO C., “Simple Method for ADC Characterization under the Frame of Digital PM and AM Noise Measurement”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

CHIODO N., QUINTIN N., STEFANI F., WIOTTE F., CHARDONNET C., SANTARELLI G., AMY-KLEIN A., POTTIE P.-E. et LOPEZ O., “4-span cascaded optical link of 1500 km using the Internet fiber network”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

DE SARLO L., TYUMENEV R., FAVIER M. et BIZE S., “Mercury optical lattice clock at LNE-SYRTE”, Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ESTEBAN H., GALINDO J., BAUCH A., POLEWKA T., CERRETTO G., COSTA R., WHIBBERLEY P., UHRICH P., CHUPIN B. et JIANG Z., “GPS time link calibrations in the frame of EURAMET Project 1156”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

FAVIER M. et al., “Advances of the mercury optical lattice clock at LNE-SYRTE”, Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

FLUHR C., GROP S., ACCADIA T., BAKIR A., KERSALÉ Y., RUBIOLA E. et GIORDANO V., “Characterization of a set of cryocooled Sapphire oscillators at the 10−16 level with the three-cornered hat method”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

FRANÇOIS B., BOUDOT R., CALOSSO C. et DANET J.-M., “Ultra-low phase noise frequency synthesis chains for high-performance vapor cell atomic clocks”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

GALLIOU S., ABBÉ P., GORYACHEV M., TOBAR E.M. et BOURQUIN R., “Quality factors of quartz crystal resonators operating at 4 kelvins”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

IVANOV E.N., GORYACHEV M., TOBAR M.E. et GALLIOU S., “Thermal fluctuations in cryogenic quartz resonators”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

LE TARGAT R., ROBYR J.-L., SHI C., BILICKI S. et LODEWYCK J., “Optical lattice clocks: paving the road towards ultimate stabilities”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

LOPEZ O., CHIODO N., QUINTIN N., STEFANI F., WIOTTE F., CHARDONNET C., SANTARELLI G., AMY-KLEIN A., POTTIE P.-E., RAUPACH S.M.F., SCHNATZ H. et GROSCHE G., “Towards international optical frequency transfer by fiber link between two metrology institutes, PTB and LNE-SYRTE”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

MARGOLIS H.S., BENKLER E., CALONICO D., DENKER H., DELVA P., GODUN R.M., LISDAT C., ABGRALL M., ACHKAR J., BARWOOD G.P., BIZE S., GERSL J., GILL P., GUÉNA J., HUANG G., JOHNSON L.A.M., JONES J.M., KING S.A., KLEIN H.A., LE COQ Y., LE TARGAT R., LINDVALL T., LODEWYCK J., MERIMAA M., NICOLODI D., NISBETJONES P.B.R., PIZZOCARO M., PIESTER D., RIEDEL F., ROBYR J.-L., ROSENBUSCH P., ROVERA D., SESIA I., SHEMAR S.L., SHI C., STERR U., SZYMANIEC K., TIMMEN L., VOGT S., VOIGT C., WEYERS S. et WHIBBERLEY P.B., “ITOC: International timescales with optical clocks”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

MEJRI S., TRICOT F., DANET J.M., YUN P., DE CLERCQ E. et GUERANDEL S., “Compact atomic clock prototype based on CPT: Towards the 10-13 τ-1/2 level frequency stability”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

MEYNADIER F., DELVA P., LE PONCIN-LAFFITE C., GUERLIN C., LAURENT P. et WOLF P., “Preparing ACES-PHARAO data analysis”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

MICALIZIO S., LEVI F., GODONE A., CALOSSO C.E., FRANCOIS B., GUERANDEL S., HOLLEVILLE D., DE CLERCQ E., DE SARLO L., YUN P., DANET J.M., LANGLOIS M., BOUDOT R., ABDEL HAFIZ M., SAHIN E., AFFOLDERBACH C., KANG S., GRUET F., GHARAVIPOUR M., MILETI G. et DESRUELLE B., “Compact clocks for industrial applications: The EMRP project IND 55 MClocks”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

PIRIZ R., RODROGUEZ D., ROLDÀN P., MUDRAK A., BAUCH A., RIEDEL F., STALIUNIENE E., GALINDO J., ESTEBAN H., SESIA I., CERRETTO G., JALDEHAG K., RIECK C., UHRICH P. et ROVERA G.D., “The Time Validation Facility (TVF) : an all-new key element of the Galileo operational phase”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

RIEDEL F., BENKLER E., LEUTE J., PIESTER D., ACHKAR J., DELVA P., ROVERA D., SESIA I., CERRETTO G., DEFRAIGNE P., SHEMAR S.L., WHIBBERLEY P.B. et MARGOLIS H.S., “Broadband two-way satellite link performance for optical clock comparison”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ROHDE U.L., PODDAR A.K., RUBIOLA E. et SILAGHI M.A., “Frequency Signal Source’s PN (Phase Noise) Measurements: challenges and uncertainty”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

ROVERA G.D., ABGRALL M., UHRICH P. et SICCARDI M., “Techniques of antenna cable delay measurement for GPS time transfer”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

SHI C., ROBYR J.-L., BILICKI S., GUÉNA J., ABGRALL M., LE COQ Y., NICOLODI D., ROSENBUSCH P., LAURENT P., BIZE S., LE TARGAT R. et LODEWYCK J., “Operational Sr clock at LNE-SYRTE”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

STHAL F., DEVEL M., IMBAUD J., BOURQUIN R., BAKIR A., VUILLEMIN C., GHOSH S., ABBÉ P., VERNIER D. et CIBIEL G., “1/f noise of quartz resonators: Measurements, modelization and comparison studies”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

UHRICH P., ROVERA G.D., CHUPIN B., GALINDO J., ESTEBAN H., JALDEHAG K., RIECK C., BAUCH A., POLEWKA T., CERRETTO G., FANTINO G. et PIRIZ R., “Use of two traveling GPS receivers for a relative calibration campaign among European laboratories”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

VERNOTTE F., LENCZNER M., BOURGEOIS P.-Y. et RUBIOLA E., “Least-square fit, omega counters, and quadratic variance”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

VOROBYEV N., IMBAUD J., BARON T., CIBIEL G. et GALLIOU S., “Noise modeling methodology of an integrated circuit for quartz crystal oscillator”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

YUN P., MEJRI S., TRICOT F., HOLLEVILLE D., DE CLERCQ E. et GUERANDEL S., “Study on double-modulation coherent population trapping resonance”, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado, États-Unis, 12-16 avril 2015.

DUTTA I., SAVOIE D., FANG B., GEIGER R., GARRIDO ALZAR C.L. et LANDRAGIN A., “Atom interferometers: from the laboratory to the field” , Seminar in the Ed. Hinds group, Imperial College, Royaume-Uni, 16 avril 2015

MEYNADIER F., DELVA P., GUERLIN C., LE PONCIN-LAFITTE C., LAURENT P. et WOLF P., “ACES MWL Data analysis preparation status”, IWG ACES, Boulder, Colorado, États-Unis, 18 avril 2015.

BIZE S., « Développement des horloges optiques », Séminaire au Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, France, 5 mai 2015.

LANDRAGIN A., DUTTA I., GILLOT P., SAVOIE D., CHENG B., FANG B., GEIGER R., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Large Area Cold Atom Gyroscope”, Seminar in the Ed. Hinds group, Imperial College, Royaume-Uni, 15 mai 2015.

BUCHET M.-A., BADE S., YAN W., LANDRAGIN A. et GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., “On-chip guided atom interferometer for rotation sensing”, 4es Journées des doctorants en atomes froids, Bordeaux, 4-5 juin 2015.

LANDRAGIN A., DUTTA I., GILLOT P., SAVOIE D., CHENG B., FANG B., GEIGER R., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Metrology with atom interferometers: from the laboratory to the field”, 4es Journées des doctorants en atomes froids, Bordeaux, 4-5 juin 2015.

DELVA P. et al., « Géodésie Chronométrique et Systèmes de Référence », Journée commémorative des 30 ans de la première réalisation du Système international de référence terrestre par Géodésie spatiale, IGN, Paris, France, 17 juin 2015.

BERCY A., STEFANI F., GUELLATI-KHELIFA S., SANTARELLI G., CHARDONNET C., POTTIE P-E., LOPEZ O. et AMY-KLEIN A., “In-line extraction of an ultra-stable frequency signal over an optical fiber link”, CLEO®/Europe - EQEC 2015, Munich, Allemagne, 21-25 juin 2015.

BERCY A., STEFANI F., LOPEZ O., CHARDONNET C., POTTIE P-E. et AMY-KLEIN A., “Two-way optical frequency comparisons at 5×1E−21 relative stability over 100-km telecommunication network fibers”, CLEO®/Europe - EQEC 2015, Munich, Allemagne, 21-25 juin 2015.

LION G. et al., “Towards a high resolution geopotential model using chronometric geodesy”, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, République Tchèque, 22 juin - 2 juillet 2015.

DUTTA I., SAVOIE D., FANG B., GEIGER R., GARRIDO ALZAR C.L. et LANDRAGIN A., “Continuous cold atom gyroscope with 11 cm2 Sagnac area at nrad/s stability”, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOL), Singapore, Malaisie, 28 juin - 3 juillet 2015.

GEIGER R., “MIGA collaboration, Matter-wave laser Interferometric Gravitation Antenna (MIGA): new perspectives for high precision gravity measurements”, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOL), Singapore, Malaisie, 28 juin - 3 juillet 2015.

KOHLASS R.S, BERTOLDI A., CANTIN E., ASPECT A., LANDRAGIN A., BOUYER P., “Phase locking a clock oscillator to a coherent atomic ensemble”, 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOL), Singapore, Malaisie, 28 juin - 3 juillet 2015.

BILICKI S., “Titanium Sapphire laser for trapping atoms in Sr optical lattice clocks”, 1st School on Optical Clocks, Turin, Italie, 29 juin - 3 juillet 2015.

GEIGER R., MIGA collaboration, “Matter-wave laser Interferometric gravitation antenna precision gravity measurements with atom interferometry”, Séminaire GPhys, Paris, France, 6 juillet 2015.

LANGLOIS M., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Large Momentum transfer beam splitters used in gravity gradiometer”, séminaire GPhys, Paris, France, 6 juillet 2015.

GILLOT P., CHENG B., LANDRAGIN A., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Residual clock effect in cold atom gravimeter”, Optique Bretagne 2015 / 14e Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique (COLOQ’14), Rennes, France, 6-9 juillet 2015.

QUINTIN N., CHIODO N., WIOTTE F.S., CHARDONNET C., SANTARELLI G., AMY-KLEIN A., POTTIE P.-E. et LOPEZ O., « Lien optique fibré de 1500 km pour le transfert ultrastable de fréquence », Optique Bretagne 2015 / 14e Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique (COLOQ’14), Rennes, France, 6-9 juillet 2015.

SAVOIE D., DUTTA I., FANG B., GEIGER R. et LANDRAGIN A., « Démonstration d’un gyromètre atomiques à effet Sagnac avec une stabilité de 2 nrad/s par compensation du bruit de vibration », Optique Bretagne 2015 / 14e Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique (COLOQ’14), Rennes, France, 6-9 juillet 2015.

DUTTA I., LANDRAGIN A., SAVOIE D., FANG B., GEIGER R. et GARRIDO ALZAR C., “Large area cold atom gyroscope” , Seminar in the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australie,7 juillet 2015.

LODEWYCK J., “Strontium optical lattice clocks”, 47th Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Riga, Lettonie, 14-17 juillet 2015.

YAN W., BADE S., BUCHET M.-A., LANDRAGIN A. et GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., “Atom chip based guided atom interferometer for rotation sensing”, 47th Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Riga, Lettonie, 14-17 juillet 2015.

FANG B., SAVOIE D., DUTTA I., VENON B., GARRIDO ALZAR C., GEIGER R. et LANDRAGIN A., “Demonstration of a cold-atom Sagnac gyroscope with 2 nrad/s stability”, 47th Congress of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Riga, Lettonie, 14-17 juillet 2015.

LANDRAGIN A., DUTTA I., GILLOT P., KOHLHAAS R., LAUTIER J., MEUNIER M., SAVOIE D., CHENG B., FANG B., GARRIDO ALZAR C., GEIGER R., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Atom Interferometry for inertial sensors : fundamental and practical sensitivity limits”, 23e Congrès général de la Société française de physique (SFP), Strasbourg, France, 24-28 août, 2015.

DELVA P., “Chronometric Geodesy”, CCTF Working group on the development of advanced time and frequency transfert technique (WG-ATFT), Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM), Sèvres, France, septembre 2015.

ACHKAR J., “TWSTFT progress work in LNE-SYRTE”, 23rd Meeting of the CCTF Working Group on TWSTFT, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 7-8 septembre 2015.

ACHKAR J., FUJIEDA M., RIEDEL F., TAKIGUCHI H., BENKLER E. et PIESTER D., “OP-PTB TWCP experiment in collaboration with NICT”, 23rd Meeting of the CCTF Working Group on TWSTFT, BIPM, Sèvres, 7-8 septembre 2015.

DIERIKX E., LIN C., NAUMOV A., PIESTER D., HIRSCHAUER J., ZHANG V., JIANG Z., GALINDO J., ACHKAR J. et ARIAS F., “TWSTFT calibration guidelines v3.0”, 23rd Meeting of the CCTF Working Group on TWSTFT, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 7-8 septembre 2015.

RIEDEL F. et al., “Preliminary results of the ITOC clock comparison campaign in June”, 23rd Meeting of the CCTF Working Group on TWSTFT, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 7-8 septembre 2015.

BILICKI S., “3rd generation of Sr optical lattice clocks”, ITN-FACT Workshop, Paris, France, 8-10 septembre 2015.

FAVIER M. et al., “Advances of the mercury optical lattice clock at LNE-SYRTE”, ITN-FACT Workshop, Paris, France, 8 – 10 septembre 2015.

UHRICH P. et ROVERA G.D., “Some comments on GNSS Calibration Guidelines”, CCTF Working Group on GNSS, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 14 septembre 2015.

LANGLOIS M., VENON B., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Large momentum beam- splitters for atom interferometer - a gravity gradiometer”, Ecole pré-doctorale des Houches, Les Houches, France, 15 - 26 septembre 2015.

MERLET S., « Gravimétrie au SYRTE », Journées du SYRTE, Meudon, France, 30 septembre – 1 octobre 2015.

LODEWYCK J., “Strontium optical lattice clocks”, Journée du DIM Nano’K, Paris, France, 6 octobre 2015.

ABDEL HAFIZ M., LIU X., GUERANDEL S., DE CLERCQ E. et BOUDOT R., “A CPT-based Cs vapor cell atomic clock with a short-term fractional frequency stability of 3×10−13 τ−1/2, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

ABGRALL M., BIZE S., CHUPIN B., GUÉNA J., LAURENT PH., ROSENBUCH P. et ROVERA G.D.,  “Advanced timekeeping with atomic fountains”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

BERCY A., STEFANI F., GUELLATI-KHELIFA S., SANTARELLI G., CHARDONNET C., POTTIE P.-E., LOPEZ O. et AMY-KLEIN A., “In-line extraction over a metrological fibre network”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

BIZE S. et al., “Hg optical lattice clock”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

DE SARLO et al., “A mercury optical lattice clock at LNE-SYRTE”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

FANG B., DUTTA I., GILLOT P., SAVOIE D., LAUTIER J., CHENG B., GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., GEIGER R., MERLET S., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., “Metrology with Atom Interferometry: Inertial Sensors from Laboratory to Field Applications”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015, arXiv: 1601.06082v1.

KRONJÄGER J., MARRA G., LEE W.-K., POTTIE P.-E., AMY-KLEIN A., LOPEZ O., SPAHIC F., CALONICO D., ROBERTS G. et SCHNATZ H., “Towards an international optical clock comparison between NPL and SYRTE using an optical fibre network”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

LANDRAGIN A., DUTTA I., GILLOT P., SAVOIE D., CHENG B., FANG B., GARRIDO ALZAR C., GEIGER R., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., Metrology with atom interferometers: inertial sensors from the laboratory to the field, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

LEE W.-K., STEFANI F., BERCY A., LOPEZ O., AMY-KLEIN A. et POTTIE P.-E., “Strengthening capability of optical fiber link with hybrid solutions”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

LOPEZ O., CHIODO N., QUINTIN N., STEFANI F., WIOTTE F., CHARDONNET C., SANTA-RELLI G., AMY-KLEIN A. et POTTIE P.E., “Cascaded optical link of 1420 km on active telecom-munication fiber network”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

MEJRI S., TRICOT F., DANET J.-M., YUN P., DE CLERCQ E. et GUERANDEL S., “Atomic clock using coherent population trapping in a cesium cell: frequency stability and limitations”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

POTTIE P.-E., ABGRALL M., AL-MASOUDI A., AMY-KLEIN A., BOOKJANS E., BILICKI S., CAMISARD E., CHARDONNET C., CHIODO N., DÖRSCHER S., GREBING C., GROSCHE G., HÄFNER S., KOCZWARA A., KOKE S., KUHL A., LE COQ Y., LEGERO T., LE TARGAT R., LISDAT C., LODEWYCK J., LOURS M., LOPEZ O., MEYNADIER F., MOYA B., NICOLODI D., QUINTIN N., RAUPACH S., ROBYR J.-L., SANTARELLI G., SHI C., SCHNATZ H., STEFANI F., STERR U. et WIOTTE F., “Linking Metrology Institutes in Europe by Optical Fibers”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

ROVERA G.D., ABGRALL M., COURDE C., EXERTIER P., FRIDELANCE P., GUILLEMOT PH., LAAS-BOURREZ M., MARTIN N., SAMAIN E., SHERWOOD R., TORRE J-M. et UHRICH P., “A direct comparison between two independently calibrated time transfer techniques: T2L2 and GPS Common-Views”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

YUN P., MEJRI S., TRICOT F., ABDEL HAFIZ M., BOUDOT R., DE CLERCQ E. et GUERANDEL S., “Double-modulation CPT cesium compact clock”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Potsdam, Allemagne, 12-16 octobre 2015.

ROVERA G.D., ABGRALL M., UHRICH P. et SICCARDI M., “GNSS time transfer : multiple techniques for antenna cable delay measurement”, 5th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 27-29 octobre 2015.

YUN P., MEJRI S., TRICOT F., DE CLERCQ E. et GUERANDEL S., “High stability double-modulation CPT Cs compact clock”, 5th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 27-29 octobre 2015.

RIEDEL F., BENKLER E., LEUTE J., PIESTER D., ACHKAR J., DELVA P., SESIA I., CERRETTO G., DEFRAIGNE P., WHIBBERLEY P.B. et MARGOLIS H.S., “Broadband two-way satellite time and frequency transfer and GNSS for optical clock comparison”, 5th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 27-29 octobre 2015.

GEIGER R., “Low frequency gravitational wave detection with ground based atom interferometer arrays”, séminaire du laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France, 15 octobre 2015.

MEYNADIER F., DELVA P., GUERLIN C., LE PONCIN-LAFITTE C., LAURENT P. et WOLF P., “ACES MWL Data analysis preparation status”, IWG ACES, Paris, France, 16 octobre 2015.

LOPEZ M., SOLARO C. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “ForCa-G: towards experimental measurements of short range forces with atomic inertial sensors”, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons 2015, Shangai, Chine, 27-30 october 2015.

LODEWYCK J., « Source atomique de strontium », Colloque Atomes froids : concepts fondamentaux et applications, Paris, France, 5-6 novembre 2015.

LION G., PANET I., DELVA P. et BIZE S., « Géodésie chrono-métrique : vers un modèle de géopotentiel haute résolution », Colloque G2, Toulouse, France, 16-18 novembre 2015.

BIZE S., “Time/frequency technology: present status and outlook”, ISSI/HISPAC Workshop on High Performance Clocks, with special emphasis on Geodesy and Geophysics and Applications to Other Bodies of the Solar System,  International Space Science Institute, Bern, Suisse, 30 novembre - 4 déc. 2015.

PANET I., LION G., GUERLIN C., BIZE S., WOLF P. et DELVA P., “Clocks-based potential determination: complementarity with existing gravity data and interest in geoscience”, ISSI/HISPAC Workshop on High Performance Clocks, with Special Emphasis on Geodesy and Geophysics and Applications to Other Bodies of the Solar System,  International Space Science Institute, Bern, Suisse, 30 novembre - 4 déc. 2015.

GILLOT P., CHENG B., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., « Des performances ultimes d'un gravimètre atomique transporbale à l'hybridation avec un accéléromètre classique », Workshop Atomes froids et applications embarquées, Toulouse, France, 9 décembre 2015.

LANGLOIS M., TRIMECHE A., GARRIDO ALZAR C., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Gravity gradiometer”, Workshop Atomes froids et applications embarquées, Toulouse, France, 9 décembre 2015.

PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., « Capteurs inertiels atomiques de très haute précision », Workshop Atomes froids et applications embarquées, Toulouse, France, 9 décembre 2015.

GEIGER R., “Low frequency gravitational wave detection with ground based atom interferometer arrays”, séminaire du laboratoire SYRTE, Orsay, France, 12 décembre 2015.

PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Cold atom interferometer gravity gradiometers for space, GeoQ, Hannovre, Allemagne, 16 décembre 2015.


UTC(OP), the French national realization of the international Coordinated Universal Time, was redesigned and rebuilt. The first step was the implementation in October 2012 of a new algorithm based on a H-maser and on atomic fountain data. Thanks to the new implementation, the stability of UTC(OP) was dramatically improved and UTC(OP) competes with the best time scales available today. The hardware generating and distributing the UTC(OP) physical signals was then replaced. Part of the new hardware is composed of commercial devices, but the key elements were specifically developed. One of them is a special switch that allows the UTC(OP) signals to be derived from one of two time scales, based on two different H-masers, which are generated simultaneously. This insures the continuity of the UTC(OP) signals even when a change of the reference H-maser is required. With the new hardware implementation, UTC(OP) is made available through three coherent signals: 100 MHz, 10 MHz and 1 PPS. For more than 3 years, UTC(OP) remained well below 10 ns close to UTC, with a difference even less than 5 ns if we except a short period around MJD 56650.

Key words

time metrology
timescale algorithm
primary frequency standards


The French national metrology institute for time and frequency LNE-SYRTE has developed a new microwave satellite simulator to be used for the determination and monitoring of the delay difference in the Ku-band two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT) earth station. Such a device is more and more recommended by the CCTF working group on TWSTFT in order to better evaluate the ground station delay difference between two consecutive calibration campaigns. Besides few simulators commercially available and based on the VSL design, we have realized a new calibration device with at least two different concepts from those currently in use : a faster delay calibration process and a characterization of its internal delays using a microwave vector network analyzer (MVNA). The key component of this simulator is the use of a double-balanced microwave mixer and its characterization in terms of absolute delay; it requires a specific measurement system such as an MVNA allowing a vector mixer calibration technique with the use of a characterized mixer/filter as a through standard. The measurements and related uncertainties done with the MVNA are described in this paper. They are completed with those given by the SATRE modem during calibration sessions in order to perform the instability in noise of the whole system.

Key words

satre modem
satellite simulator
atomic clocks comparison
Vector Network Analyzer
S parameters
uncertainty budget


The French atomic time scale TA(F), which is computed with data from 20 to 30 industrial caesium standards, depending on the given period of time, located in nine institutions or companies located on French soil, is aiming at providing a common stable national frequency reference to the contributing institutions. To improve its stability, it was decided in 2002 to steer it to the LNE-SYRTE Primary Frequency Standards (PFS). The frequency of TA(F) was first slowly corrected monthly to compensate the drift without disturbing the 30 d relative frequency stability of the time scale. Once close enough to the SI second, the time scale was steered monthly to the frequency data issued from the LNESYRTE PFS, providing that way a more stable reference, improved by a factor 2 with respect to the former system. We describe the steering applied to TA(F) and show the results in terms of relative stability with respect to TAI, or by comparing TA(F) to the SI second on the geoid as published monthly by the BIPM in its Circular T. We apply this steering since July 2006. With this method, the departure over 30 d intervals of TA(F) from the SI second on the Geoid is globally maintained inside the limits 1.8 × 10-15. Within these limits, the TA(F) scale unit interval is in agreement with the SI second, a result which was made possible thanks to the four PFS currently in operation in the LNE-SYRTE.

Key words

time scales
french atomic time scale
si second


The advent of frequency combs, in the early 2000s, was a revolution for the metrology of optical frequencies (a few hundreds of terahertz), and stimulated the development of a new generation of atomic clocks, this time referenced to an optical frequency. These combs, based on lasers delivering femtosecond long pulses, are today the most efficient and reliable way to compare an optical clock to microwave primary frequency standards, or directly two optical clocks operated at different frequencies. In this paper we report on the work carried out at LNE-SYRTE to characterize these devices. We describe the steps necessary to have the combs performing such that they do not limit the frequency comparison between the various clocks of our laboratory.

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Atomic clocks using coherent population trapping (CPT) allow to improve performances of vapour cell conventional microwave clocks, or else to miniaturize them thanks to of a full optical interrogation. In this paper, we describe a prototype developed at LNE-SYRTE. It combines two original techniques: an excitation scheme with two linearly and orthogonally polarized beams, and a Ramsey interrogation. This enables the observation of narrow resonances with a good signal-to-noise ratio. A few major effects influencing the frequency stability are addressed; they are the effect of the buffer gas, of the magnetic field, of the laser power, and finally the effect of the local oscillator noise or Dick effect. The measured frequency stability is 7×10-13 at 1 s and 2×10-14 at 2 000 s.

Key words



We describe the development of an optical lattice clock using mercury atoms from the initial start until absolute frequency measurements which led to including the clock transition of 199Hg into the list of recommended values of standard frequencies of the CIPM.

Key words

mercury atom


We perform Ramsey spectroscopy on the ground state of untracold 87Rb atoms magnetically trapped on a chip in the Knudsen regime. Field inhomogeneities over the sample should reduce the contrast of the Ramsey frindges by a factor of 5 for 5 s of interrogation. We measure hardly any decay, only a factor 1.08 corresponding to a coherence time of the order of one minute. This new effect allows us to increase the quality factor of the microwave atomic resonance. We explain this surprising result by a spin self-rephasing mechanism induced by the identical spin rotation effect. The study of decoherence under metrological condition is the key to this synchronisation regime where non-linear effects dominate the evolution of the cloud. We propose a theory of this synchronization mechanism and obtain good agreement with the experimental observations. The effect is general and may appear in other physical systems with trapped atoms. In particular, this effect will exist for fermions and could be exploited to enhance the stability of optical lattice clocks.

Key words

frequency metrology
trapped atoms
atom chips
cold collisions
identital spin rotation effect


The “watt balance” project aims at linking the kilogram definition to the Planck constant. The weighing of the mass involved requires a determination of the acceleration g with an uncertainty better than 10-8. This work aims at determining g with an atomic gravimeter and a dedicated gravimetric site.

Key words

gravity mapping
gravity model
atomic interferometry
watt balance


CNES, LKB and SYRTE are developing a primary frequency standard, called PHARAO, which is specially designed for space applications. The clock signal is referenced on the frequency measurement of the hyperfine transition performed on a cloud of cold cesium atoms (~1 µK). The transition is induced by an external field feeding a Ramsey cavity. In microgravity the interaction time inside the cavity can be adjusted over two orders of magnitude by changing the atomic velocity (5 cm·s-1–5 m·s-1) in order to study the ultimate performances of the clock. An engineering model has been assembled to validate the architecture of the clock. This model has been fully tested on ground for operation faults. Of course the clock performances are reduced by the effect of the gravity on the moving atoms. The main results are a frequency stability of 3.3 × 10-13t-1/2. The main systematic effects have been analyzed and their frequency uncertainties contribution is 1.6 × 10-15. The clock has been compared with the primary frequency standard, the mobile fountain of SYRTE. The mean frequency shift is lower than 2 × 10-15. The mechanical and thermal space qualifications have been carried out by testing a representative mechanical model of the clock and by using refined calculations. The design of the clock has been improved and now the flight model is being assembled. The PHARAO clock is a key instrument of the European ESA space mission called ACES. This mission is dedicated to perform space-time measurements in order to test some fundamental physics aspects.

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