
Use of cold-atom interferometry to measure gravitational and inertial effects.

Key words

inertial sensors, atom interferometry, gravitational waves, cold atoms, equivalence principle

PhD abstract

This thesis aims to improve the accuracy of the Cold Atom Gravimeter from LNESYRTE. This gravimeter employs atom interferometry techniques to measure the local gravity acceleration g of free falling Rubidium 87 cold atoms. This gravimeter is the national metrological reference meaning that all its biases must be evaluated with the best accuracies. At the beginning of this thesis, the total accuracy budget of 4.3 µGal, was dominated by the uncertainty on the wavefront aberration bias which accounted for 4.0 µGal. In order to improve the evaluation of this effect, we implemented an ultra-cold atom source. With this source, we performed g measurements over a wide range of temperatures. The developpment of a complete model of the experiment and a siimulation of the impact of the wavefronts on the g measurements allowed us to gain insights on the evaluation of this bias which uncertainty was thus improved by a factor three and is now 1.3 µGal. Finally, the gravimeter participated in the Kibble balance project which goal was to link the Planck constant to the kg unit. This project needed the determination and transfer of the absolute g value. We contributed to the revolution of the International System of Units: the Planck constant is now fixed and the definition of the kg is modified. This new definition is now effective since the 20 May 2019.

Key words

gravimetry, fundamental metrology, inertial sensor, atom interferometry, Raman transitions, ultra-cold atoms, dipole trap, Kibble balance, kilogramme redefinition

PhD abstract

Atomic sensors are among the best devices for precision measurements of time, electric and magnetic fields, and inertial forces. However, all atomic sensors that utilise uncorrelated particles are ultimately limited by quantum projection noise, as is already the case for state-of-the-art atomic clocks. This so-called standard quantum limit (SQL) can be overcome by employing entanglement, a prime example being the spin-squeezed states. Spin squeezing can be produced in a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of the collective spin, particularly with cavity quantum electrodynamical (cQED) interactions. In this thesis, I present the second-generation trapped-atom clock on a chip (TACC) experiment, where we combine a metrology-grade compact clock with a miniature cQED platform to test quantum metrology protocols at a metrologically-relevant precision level. In a standard Ramsey spectroscopy, the stability of the apparatus is confirmed by a fractional frequency Allan deviation of 6×10-13 at 1 s. We demonstrate spin squeezing by QND measurement, reaching 8(1) dB for 1.7×104 atoms, currently limited by decoherence due to technical noise. Cold collisions between atoms play an important role at this level of precision, leading to rich spin dynamics. Here we find that the interplay between cavity measurements and collisional spin dynamics manifests itself in a quantum amplification effect of the cavity measurement. A simple model is proposed, and is confirmed by initial measurements. New experiments in this direction may shed light on the surprising many-body physics in this sytem of interacting cold atoms.

Key words

atom chip, Atomic clock, spin-squeezed states, cavity quantum electrodynamics, spin dynamics, quantum metrology

PhD abstract

Optical clocks have changed time and frequency metrology since the beginning of the 2000’s. The work was based on a mercury optical lattice clock. Mercury is a promising candidate for optical clocks thanks to its weak sensitivity to blackbody radiation shift. We took benefit of a magneto optical trap in two dimensions (2D-MOT) to pre-cool the mercury atoms before the interrogation phase. It allows us not only to trap much more atoms but also to improve the clock cycle by decreasing the total cycle time. These improvements made possible the lifetime measurement of the 3P0 state and to participate to measurement campaigns at the European scale between different clocks located a few hundreds of kilometres apart. As a consequence, it was possible to measure for the first time the frequency ratio between mercury and Yb+ ion.

Key words

Clock, metrology, spectroscopy, optics, laser cooling, atomic physics

PhD abstract

This work focuses on the development of a new generation of cold-atom inertial sensor. Its architecture is based on two independent atomic sources simultaneously interrogated by an interferometric sequence common to both sources. In addition, in order to achieve ultimate measurement performance, our instrument is based on the latest optical methods for atomic manipulation: Bloch oscillations and multi-photon transitions. During my thesis, the instrument has reached a level of development to perform a proof-of-principle operation, allowing to simultaneously measure the gravity acceleration g and its vertical gradient. In particular, we demonstrated a new measurement method that allows to overcome not only common mode noise, but also the baseline fluctuations of the instrument, for the determination of the gravity gradient. To carry out this work, I also used a prototype of industrial optical bench for space application, developed as part of a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and coordinated by the Muquans company. In parallel with the developments of our instrument, we tested and characterized this fiber bench which fulfills all the optical functionalities necessary for the operation of an atom interferometer in space.

Key words

atom interferometry, inertial sensor, gravimetry, metrology, space application


PhD thesis

PhD abstract

With the development of electronic industry, a growing number of projects require real-time streaming applications on embedded platforms. These comprise increasingly high hardware and timing constraints, which leads to the use of FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Usually, the designer should have a good knowledge of programming with VHDL or Verilog HDL. Unfortunately, only specialists can do it, because this needs a lot of training and practices to master these architectures. Furthermore, even for specialists, the process of development is quite time consuming. Therefore, how to develop a tool to help non-expert users working on FPGA is a promising but challenging work.

Tools like Simulink+HDL coder provide a graphical interface to create a design, by putting functional blocks on a layer and to connect them. Nevertheless, such tools are generally suffering from two flaws. One is that they do not take the physical characteristics of the target architecture of the application into account, including that of the selected FPGA. The other one is that they do not check whether a data stream is processed correctly by the design, besides creating many test-benches, which is tedious and time consuming for the developer. Therefore, they are not suitable to produce applications in real-time environment and high hardware constraints.

In order to manage the ever-increasing size and complexity of designs, the abstraction is gradually more and more essential. Some models have emerged to represent a design as a graph of actors (i.e. blocks), with a static analysis of the graph execution. Nevertheless, they have an unfaithful description of the behavior real architectures like an FPGA.

In this dissertation, we concentrate on the study of a novel model and software tool that can help non-expert users for automatic design of FPGA implementations correctly. The main contributions are summarized as follows:

1. The limits of existing SDF models, in particular those of the SDF-AP model, are described and illustrated by the analysis of characteristic examples. The two most common problems encountered in block assembly implementations are the production of incorrect results and the infinite growth of buffer size.

2. We propose a new model called Actors Stretchable Access Patterns (ASAP) that describes the hardware behaviors as efficiently and precisely as possible. This is a novel way to address the scheduling problem of actors, adapted to FPGA architectures. It opens the possibility to determine the execution correctness mathematically without launching complex simulations. It can not only model actors' behaviors properly, but also avoid the above mentioned drawbacks. Algorithms that implement these principles also provided.

3. We investigate strategies and related algorithms to analyze a graph representing a designed system. Its correctness can be analyzed by a series of algorithms, such as sample rate checking and pattern compatibility checking. The decimation rate or the delay length to be applied on actor's input can be computed when a correctness failure is detected. This increases the number of possible real FPGA implementations covered by the block assembly method.

4. A software tool based on the concept of functional block graph is also developed. It is called BlAsT (Block Assembly Tool) and aims to compensate the drawbacks of other tools based on the same concepts, as for example Simulink + HDL coder. In BlAsT, the proposed ASAP model and related algorithms are used to check that for a given input stream, whether the system can produce a correct result and finally generate VHDL code directly usable on a real FPGA-based board. Otherwise, the tool determines the required decimations and modifications on the graph automatically. It makes a user without any programming skills to make designs on FPGAs thanks to the friendly graphic interface.

Key words

FPGA, model based design

PhD abstract

This work has been done in order to use spectral holes burnt in the absorption spectrum or rare-earth doped crystals to create an optomechanical coupling with a micro-resonator. By doing so, the objective is to study quantum properties of a macroscopic mechanical object. Such a study could be of great interest in the field of quantum information, fundamental physics or high sensitivity sensing. The 7F0-5D0 transition of europium ions used as a dopant in an yttrium orthosilicate crystal show an inhomogeneous broadening of the resonance that can reach 2 GHz for 0.1 % doping due to imperfection of the crystalline matrix. By maintaining the crystal below 5 K, one can use a narrow linewidth laser to create a persistent narrow transmission window, dependent on the homogeneous linewidth of the transmission, at any chosen frequency within the absorption spectrum. Such structures, called spectral holes, are made possible by optically pumping a given class of ions into dark states whose lifetime at 4 K can reach tens of hours. The development of a new method to follow the frequency of spectral holes, based on double heterodyne detection of a dispersive signal is presented, as well as a measurement of the spectral hole frequency sensitivity to uniaxial constraints applied to the crystal. This measurement is useful to properly design the resonator and can provide an upper limit to the detection noise in order to see an effect of the coupling with this resonator. A first study of the optical setup necessary to burn spectral holes at the base of a 10×10×100 µm cantilever resonator is given. Finally, the influence of the new detection scheme on the frequency stability measurement of spectral holes is discussed.

Key words

rare-earth doped crystals, nanotechnologie, optomechanics, light-matter interaction

PhD abstract

This thesis describes the implementation of new atom interferometry techniques to improve the stability and accuracy of a cold-atom gyroscope located at the SYRTE laboratory. Stimulated Raman transitions are used to split and recombine the atomic waves. A sequence of four light pulses generates an interferometer with a Sagnac area of 11 cm2. The implementation of an interleaved interrogation scheme is presented, where three atomic clouds are interrogated simultaneously in an atom interferometer featuring a sampling rate of 3.75 Hz and an interrogation time of 801 ms. With this scheme a short-term sensitivity of 30 nrad·s–1/Hz½ has been demonstrated. We then present measurements of dynamic rotation rates in a so far unexplored range for a cold atom sensor. An important bias of the sensor originates from a coupling between a relative misalignment of the mirrors which retro-reflect the Raman beams and the trajectory of the atom. A technique is introduced to reduce this bias at the level of 1 nrad·s-1 and to achieve a long-term stability of 0.3 nrad·s-1 which represents the state of the art for atomic gyroscopes. The manuscript then describes the first characterization of the scale factor of the gyroscope using different techniques. In particular, the implementation of a rotation stage below the sensor enables us to vary the projection of the Erath rotation rate vector onto the interferometer area and therefore to modulate the rotation phase shift. The implementation of the techniques presented in this thesis pave paving the way to a test of the Sagnac effect for matter waves with a relative accuracy level below 100 parts per million.

Key words

atom interferometry, inertial sensor, cold atom, gyroscope, Sagnac effect, stimulated Raman transitions

PhD thesis

PhD abstract

This thesis reports a high-performance Caesium vapor cell atomic based on coherent population trapping (CPT). This clock combines a DFB diode laser (895 nm, Cs D1 line), a fibered electro-optical modulator, an acousto-optical modulator, a Michelson system, FPGA-based low noise electronics and a N2-Ar buffer gas filled Cs vapor cell. The clock is based on an optimized CPT pumping scheme, named push-pull optical pumping (PPOP), allowing the detection of high-contrast CPT resonances.

The clock uses a novel pulsed interrogation protocol named Auto-Balanced Ramsey (ABR). This method is based on the extraction of two error signals derived from two successive Ramsey sequences with different dark periods.

The ABR-CPT protocol, improved further with symmetrization (SABR-CPT), allows a drastic reduction of light-shifts effects, yielding a reduction of the sensitivity of the clock frequency to laser power variations by a factor 80, in comparison with a standard Ramsey-CPT interrogation. This CPT clock demonstrates a fractional frequency stability of 2×10-13 τ-1/2, reaching the record level (for this kind of clock) of 2,5×10-15 à 104 s.

Annex laser spectroscopy studies in Cs microfabricated cells were performed in this thesis. We shall note the preliminary demonstration of a frequency-stabilized laser using dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a Cs microcell, exhibiting a fractional frequency stability better than 2×10-12 at 1 s. These performances are 10 times better than those of microwave CPT-based chip-scale atomic clocks.

Key words

atomic clock, caesium vapor cell, coherent population trapping, auto-balanced Ramsey, frequency stability, laser spectroscopy


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BODART Q., MERLET S., MALOSSI N., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., BOUYER P. et LANDRAGIN A., “A cold atom pyramidal gravimeter with a single laser beam”, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 2010, 134101.

CAMARGO F.A., ZANON-WILLETTE T., BADR T., WETTER N.U. et ZONDY J.-J., Tunable single frequency Nd:YVO4 /BiB3O6 ring laser at 671nm, IEEE J. Quantum Electron, 46, 5, 2010, 804-809.

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GUENA J., ROSENBUSCH P., LAURENT P., ABGRALL M., ROVERA G.D., SANTARELLI G., TOBAR M.E., BIZE S. et CLAIRON A., “Demonstration of a Dual Alkali Rb/Cs Fountain Clock”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57, 2010, 3, 647-653.

JIANG H., KÉFÉLIAN F., LEMONDE P., CLAIRON A. et SANTARELLI G.,  “An agile laser with ultra-low frequency noise and high sweep linearity”, Opt. Expr., 18, 2010, 3284.

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LÉVÈQUE T., GAUGUET A., CHAIBI W. et LANDRAGIN A.,Low noise amplification of an optically carried microwave signal: application to atom interferometry”, Appl. Phys. B, 101, 2010, 4, 723-729.

LODEWYCK J., WESTERGAARD P.G., LECALLIER A., LORINI L. et LEMONDE P., “Frequency stability of optical lattice clocks”, New Journal of Physics, 12, 2010, 065026.

MAKDISSI A., VERNOTTE F. et DECLERCQ E., “Stability Variances: A filter Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectics and Frequency Control, 57, 5, 2010, 1011-1028.

MALOSSI N., BODART Q., MERLET S., LEVEQUE T., LANDRAGIN A. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., Double diffraction in an atomic gravimeter”, Phys. Rev. A, 81, 2010, 013617.

MCFERRAN J.J., LI Y., MEJRI S. et BIZE S., “Sub-Doppler cooling of fermionic Hg isotopes in a magneto-optical trap”, Opt. Lett., 35, 2010, 3078.

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PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., « Le laser : un outil de choix pour l’interférométrie atomique », Numéro spécial commun Reflet de la Physique 21 et le Bup Physique-Chimie, 927, 2010, 53-57.

PETROV V., BIDAULT O., ISAENKO L., ZONDY J.-J., YELISSEYEV A., CHEN W., VEDENYAPIN V., TYAZHEV A., LOBANOV S., MARCHEV G . et KOLKER D., “Optical, thermal, electrical, damage, and phasematching properties of Lithium Selenoindate”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 27, 9, 2010, 1902-1926.

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RAMÍREZ-MARTÍNEZ F., LACROÛTE C., ROSENBUSCH P., REINHARD F., DEUTSCH C., SCHNEIDER T. et REICHEL J., “Compact frequency standard using atoms trapped on a chip”, Advances in Space Research, 47, 2011, 247-252.

RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., LOURS M., ROSENBUSCH P., REINHARD F. et REICHEL J., Low-phase-noise frequency synthesizer for the trapped atom clock on a chip”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 57, 2010, 88-93.

RIHAN A., ANDRIEUX E., ZANON-WILLETTE T., BRIAUDEAU S., HIMBERT M. et ZONDY J.-J., “A pump-resonant signal-resonant optical parametric oscillator for spectroscopic breath analysis”, Applied Physics B., Laser and Optics, 2011, 102, 2, 367-374, en ligne le 30 mars 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-010-3996-8.

SALZENSTEIN P., KUNA A., SOJDR L. et CHAUVIN J., “Significant step in ultra high stability quartz crystal oscillators”, Electronics Letters, 46, 21, 2010, 1433-1434.

SALZENSTEIN P., KUNA A., SOJDR L., STHAL F., CHOLLEY N. et LEFEBVRE F., “Frequency stability measurements of ultra-stable BVA resonators and oscillators”, Electronics Letters, 46, 10, 2010, 686-688.

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TOBAR M.E., WOLF P.; BIZE S., SANTARELLI G. et FLAMBAUM V., “Testing local Lorentz and position invariance and variation of fundamental constants by searching the derivative of the comparison frequency between a cryogenic sapphire oscillator and hydrogen maser”, Phys. Rev. D, 81, 2010, 022003.

VOLYANSKIY K., SALZENSTEIN P., TAVERNIER H., POGURMIRSKIY M., CHEMBO Y.K. et LARGER L, “Compact optoelectronic microwave oscillators using ultra-high Q whispering gallery mode disk-resonators and phase modulation”, Optics Express, 18, 21, 2010, 22358-22363.

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« Bulletin H », publication mensuelle du LNE-SYRTE, accessible en ligne : http://opdaf1.obspm.fr/htbin/liste_bulh.

BIZE S., “Atomic fountain clocks and applications”, Japanese French Frontiers of Science Symposium, ENSMA, Poitiers, France, 24 janvier 2010.

PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., « Interférométrie atomique et métrologie des capteurs inertiels », Séminaire de l’Equipe Microcircuits à Atomes, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS, Paris, France, 2 février 2010.

DEUTSCH CH., RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., LACROUTE C., REINHARD F., SCHNEIDER T., FUCHS J.-N., PIECHON F., LALOE F., REICHEL J. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Giant coherence times in trapped atomic gases”, DPG Fruehjahrstagung, Hanovre, Allemagne, 8-11 mars 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., BATTELIER B. et BOUYER P., « MINIATOM », Journée des technologies de l'Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France, 25 mars 2010.

WANG X., BEAUFILS Q., PELISSON S., ANGONIN M.-C., WOLF P., LANDRAGIN A. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “An optical-lattice-based atom interferometer”, YAO conference 2010, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 26 mars 2010.

GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., LEVEQUE T., GAUGUET A., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., “High-sensitivity ultra-cold atom gyroscope”, Atom Laser Conference, Les Houches, France, 4-9 avril 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., « Gravimètre atomique absolu », Conférence donnée au Bureau des longitudes, Paris, France, 6 avril 2010.

LEMONDE P. et al., “Towards the quantum limit of optical lattice clocks”, Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics (FOMO 2010), Crète, Grèce, 6-11 avril 2010.

SALZENSTEIN P., VOLYANSKIY K., RUBIOLA E. et LARGER L., “Compact optoelectronics oscillators using WGM modes on fused Silica and MgF2 mini-disks resonators”, Photonics Europe/Micro-Optics 2010, Bruxelles, Belgique, 12-16 avril 2010, SPIE 7716, 77162C, DOI: 10.1117/12.854392.

ABGRALL M. UHRICH P. et VALAT D., “Ongoing improvements of the time and frequency references at LNE-SYRTE”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), ESA/ESTEC, Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010

AMY-KLEIN A., LOPEZ O., JIANG H., CHANTEAU B., HABOUCHA A., RONCIN V., KÉFÉLIAN F., CHARDONNET C. et SANTARELLI G. “Multiplexed Optical Link for Ultra-Stable Frequency Dissemination”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum, Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

DEFRAIGNE P., UHRICH P., PETIT G. et AERTS W., “Requirements on GNSS receivers from the perspective of timing applications”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), ESA/ESTEC, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

DEUTSCH C., RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., LACROUTE C., REINHARD F., SCHNEIDER T., FUCHS J.N., PIECHON F., LALOE F., REICHEL J. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Giant coherence times in trapped atomic gas”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), ESTEC, Noordwijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

DJERROUD K. et al., “A coherent optical link through the turbulent atmosphere”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

GUENA J., ROSENBUSCH P., LAURENT PH., ABGRALL M., ROVERA G.D., SANTARELLI G., TOBAR M.E., LI R., GIBBLE K., BIZE S. et CLAIRON A., “Characterization of the distributed cavity phase shift in FO2 for improving the accuracy of SYRTE fountain clocks”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

HABOUCHA A., JIANG H., KÉFÉLIAN F., LEMONDE P., CLAIRON A. et SANTARELLI G., “An ultra-low frequency noise agile laser”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

KOZLOVA O., BOUDOT R., GUÉRANDEL S. et DE CLERCQ E., “Measurements of Cs-buffer gas collisional frequency shift using pulsed CPT interrogation”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

LAURENT PH., ABGRALL M., CLAIRON A., LEGER B. et PICARD F., “Frequency accuracy evaluation of the PHARAO EM space clock on ground”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

MEJRI S., MC FERRAN J.J., YI L. et BIZE S., “Toward a Mercury optical lattice clock”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

MEJRI S., YI L., MCFERRAN J.J. et BIZE S., “Development of a dipole lattice trap for a mercury optical lattice clock”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

PLANTARD C., MEYER E. et VERNOTTE F., “Thermal sensitivity of a DMTD used in a composite clock”, European Frequency and Time forum (EFTF), Nordwijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

SALZENSTEIN P., KUNA A., SOJDR L., CEMUSOVA B., CHOLLEY N. et LEFEBVRE F., “Resonator frequency stability contribution to the performances of ultrastable oscillators before and after integration”, European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Nordwijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

Salzenstein P., Volyanskiy K., Tavernier H., Pogumersskiy M., LARGER L. et RUBIOLA E., “Investigation in compact optoelec-tronic oscillator with mini-disk resonator”, European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Nordwijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

TURAZZA O., LOURS M., HOLLEVILLE D., DU BURCK F., AUGER G., BRILLET A., CLAIRON A. et ACEF O., “Progress on the Development of Nd: YAG laser frequency stabilized on iodine transition for space applications”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

UHRICH P. et VALAT D., “GPS receiver relative calibration campaign preparation for Galileo In-Orbit Validation”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

WESTERGAARD P., LODEWYCK J., LECALLIER A., LORINI L. et LEMONDE P. “Prospects and eExperiments for pushing the frequency stability of optical lattice clocks to the quantum limit”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

WOLF P., ACEF O., CLAIRON A., DJERROUD K., LEMONDE P., MAN C. et SAMAIN E., “A coherent optical link through the turbulent atmosphere: context and applications”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

ZHANG W., XU Z., MILLO J., BOUDOT R., LOURS M., BOURGEOIS P.Y., LUITEN A.N., LE COQ Y., KERSALÉ Y. et SANTARELLI G. “Ultra-low noise microwave extraction from fiber-based optical frequency comb”, 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2010), Noordvijk, Pays-Bas, 13-16 avril 2010.

LE COQ Y., MILLO J., ZHANG W., ABGRALL M., LOURS M., JIANG H., ENGLISH E.M.L., BOUDOT R., BOURGEOIS P.Y., TOBAR M.E., GUENA J., CLAIRON A., BIZE S., LUITEN A.N., KERSALE Y. et SANTARELLI G., “Ultra-low noise microwave generation using femtosecond lasers and applications”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS 2010), Optical Society of America, San Jose, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 16-21 mai 2010.

RIHAN A, ANDRIEUX E., ZANON T, BRIAUDEAU S., HIMBERT M. et ZONDY J.-J., A pump-resonant signal-resonant cw optical parametric oscillator for spectroscopic breath analysis”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS 2010), Optical Society of America, San Jose, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 16-21 mai 2010.

PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., « Interféromètres atomiques et capteurs inertiels à atomes froids », Séminaire du Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay, France, 18 mai 2010.

BEAUFILS Q., PELISSON S., WANG X., ANGONIN M.-C., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., WOLF P., LANDRAGIN A., LEMONDE P., BIZE S., CLAIRON A., LAMBRECHT A., MESSINA R. et REYNAUD S., “Measurement of short range forces using a cold atom interferometer”, International Workshop on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems (PSAS 2010), Les Houches, France, 30 mai - 4 juin 2010.

BIZE S. et al., “Testing the stability of fundamental constants using LNE-SYRTE clock ensemble”, International Workshop on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems (PSAS 2010), Les Houches, France, 30 mai - 4 juin 2010.

DUGRAIN V., “Fast loading of a magneto optical trap for an atomic clock on a chip”, Greenhorn meeting, Heidelberg, Allemagne, 30 mai - 2 juin 2010.

LEMONDE P. « Atomes froids et Mesures de Précision », Conférence dans le cadre du salon Mesurexpo, Paris, France, 1er -3 juin 2010.

GUENA J., BIZE S., CLAIRON A., LI R. et GIBBLE K., “Measurements of the distributed cavity phase shift in the LNE-SYRTE FO2 Fountain”, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium 2010, Newport Beach, CA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2-4 juin 2010.

HABOUCHA A., JIANG H., KEFELIAN F., LEMONDE P., CLAIRON A. et SANTARELLI G., “An ultra-low frequency noise agile laser”, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium 2010, Newport Beach, CA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2-4 juin 2010.

LE COQ Y., MILLO J., ZHANG W., ABGRALL M., LOURS M., JIANG H., ENGLISH E.M.L., BOUDOT R., BOURGEOIS P.Y., TOBAR M.E., GUENA J., CLAIRON A., BIZE S., LUITEN A.N., KERSALE Y. et SANTARELLI G., “Sub-100 as optics to microwave synchronization”, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium 2010, Newport Beach, CA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2-4 juin 2010.

LOPEZ O. et al., “Multiplexed optical link for ultra-stable frequency dissemination”, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium 2010, Newport Beach, CA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2-4 juin 2010.

SALZENSTEIN P., BRENDEL R., KOUMOU CHEMBO Y., VOLYANSKIY K., LARGER L. et RUBIOLA E., “Noise analysis of the opto-electronic microwave oscillator (OEO)”, IEEE Int. Freq. Contrl. Symp., Newport Beach, CA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2-4 juin 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., « Les senseurs inertiels : introduction », Rencontres de technologies spatiales « Physique fondamentale », Paris, France, 3 juin 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., « Senseur à atomes froids miniature », Rencontres de technologies spatiales « Physique fondamentale », CNES, Paris, France, 3 juin 2010.

MCFERRAN J.J., YI L., MEJRI S., PETERSEN M., MAGALHÃES D., MANDACHE C., DAWKINS S., CHICIREANU R. et BIZE S., « Horloge à réseau optique Hg », Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales « Physique Fondamentale », CNES, Paris, France, 3 juin 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., BOUYER P., GEIGER R., MENORET V., CHEINET P., BATTELIERV, STERN G., ZAHZAM N., BRESSON A. et MONDIN L., Atomic interferometry in microgravity, TECHNO DIS 2e colloque sur les ruptures technologiques dans les activités spatiales, Spaceshow, Toulouse, France, 9-11 juin 2010.

GUENA J., ROSENBUSCH P., LAURENT PH., ABGRALL M., ROVERA G.D., SANTARELLI G., TOBAR M.E., LI R., GIBBLE K., BIZE S. et CLAIRON A., “Characterization of the distributed cavity phase shift in LNE-SYRTE FO2 fountain”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2010), Daejon, Corée du Sud, 13-18 juin 2010.

KOZLOVA O., BOUDOT R., GUÉRANDEL S. et DE CLERCQ E., “Measurements of Cs-buffer gas collisional frequency shift using pulsed coherent population trapping interrogation”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2010), Daejon, Corée du Sud, 13-18 juin 2010.

MCFERRAN J.J., MEJRI S., YI L. et BIZE S., “Toward a Mercury optical lattice clock: Development of a dipole lattice trap at the magic wavelength”, 27th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2010), Daejeon, Corée du Sud, 13-18 juin 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., “Cold atom interferometers for inertial measurements”, International WE Heraeus Research School in “Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry”, Bad Honnef, Allemagne, 14-18 juin 2010.

BERNON S., VANDERBRUGGEN T., BERTOLDI A., KOHLHAAS R., LANDRAGIN A., ASPECT A. et BOUYER P., “Non demolition measurement for atom interferometry improvement”, International WE Heraeus Research School in “Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry”, Bad Honnef, Allemagne, 14-18 juin 2010.

MÉNORET V., GEIGER R., STERN G., CHEINET P., BATTELIER B., BOUYER P., ZAHZAM N., BRESSON A., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., “Airborne inertial sensing with cold atoms”, International WE Heraeus Research School in “Frontiers in Matter Wave Interferometry”, Bad Honnef, Allemagne, 14-18 juin 2010.

YI L., “Toward a mercury optical lattice clock”, Seminar at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhague, Danemark, 15 juin 2010.

GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., LÉVÈQUE T., GAUGUET A., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., “High-sensitivity ultra-cold atom gyroscope”, Precision matter wave optics, Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research symposium, Hanovre, Allemagne, 21-22 juin 2010.

CHEINET P., GEIGER R., MÉNORET V., STERN G., BATTELIER B., BOUYER P., ZAHZAM N., BRESSON A., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., “Towards testing the Equivalence Principle with a two-species atom interferometer in free fall”, Colloque GPhyS “Theoretical Connections in Fundamental Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology”, Paris, France, 22-24 juin 2010.

DJERROUD K. et al., “Mini-DOLL project (Deep space Optical Laser Link): Experimental setup and results”, Colloque GPhyS “Theoretical Connections in Fundamental Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology”, Paris, France, 22-24 juin 2010.

LOUCHET-CHAUVET A., MERLET S., BODART Q., FARAH T., LANDRAGIN A. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Absolute gravity measurements with a cold atom gravimeter”, Colloque GPhyS “Theoretical connections in fundamental physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology”, Paris, France, 22-24 juin 2010.

PELISSON S., WOLF P., ANGONIN M.-C., MESSINA R., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., WANG X., BEAUFILS Q., LANDRAGIN A., LEMONDE P., BIZE S., CLAIRON A., LAMBRECHT A. et REYNAUD S., FORCA-G CAsimir FORce and Gravitation at short range, Colloque GPhyS Theoretical Connections in Fundamental Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Paris, France, 22-24 juin 2010.

BODART Q., LOUCHET-CHAUVET A., MERLET S., LANDRAGIN A. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Absolute cold atom gravimeter, IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM2010), Saint Petersburg, Russie, 22-25 juin 2010.

BODART Q., MERLET S., MALOSSI N., BATTELIER B., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., BOUYER P. et LANDRAGIN A., “Toward A transportable compact atomic gravimeter”, IAG Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (TG-SMM2010), Saint Petersbourg, Russie, 22-25 juin 2010.

ACEF O. et al., “Progress on compact and ultra stable Nd: YAG laser development for LISA mission”, 8th LISA symposium, Stanford, Etats-Unis d’Amérique,28 juin-2 juillet 2010.

REICHEL J., DEUTSCH C., RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., DUGRAIN V., FUCHS J.-N., PIECHON F., LALOE F. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Experiments with Atom Chips”, Ecole de Physique des Houches, Les Houches, France, 29 juin 2010.

MAINEULT W., DEUTSCH C., RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., DUGRAIN V., FUCHS J.-N., PIECHON F., LALOE F., REICHELET J. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Trapped atom clock on a chip”, PAMO 2010, Orsay, France, 29 juin-2 juillet 2010.

LEMONDE P. et al., « Horloge à réseau optique Sr », Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales – Physique Fondamentale, CNES, Paris, France, juin 2010.

MCFERRAN J.J., “Aiming for 18 sig. figs: spectroscopy of a doubly forbidden line in neutral mercury”, Seminar at the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australie, juin 2010.

BIZE S. et al., “Towards a Mercury optical lattice clock”, 10th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Palacio de Congresos, Salamanca, Espagne, 4-9 juillet 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., LÉVÈQUE T., GAUGUET A., GARRIDO ALZAR C. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Towards ultimate performances of a cold atom gyroscope”, 10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons, Salamanque, Espagne, 4-9 juillet 2010.

GEIGER R., MENORET V., CHEINET P., BOUYER P., STERN G., LANDAGIN A., BRESSON A. et ZAHZAM N., “Towards a test of the equivalence principle with a two- species atom interferometer operating in micro gravity”, 38th COSPAR Assembly 2010, Brême, Allemagne, 18-25 juillet 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., “Developments and performances of cold atom inertial sensors for space applications”, 38th COSPAR Assembly 2010, Brême, Allemagne, 18-25 juillet 2010.

MEJRI S., MCFERRAN J.J, YI L. et BIZE S., “Progress on a mercury optical clock: lattice trapping near the magic wavelength”, 2010 ACQAO ICAP Cape Tribulation ICAP Student workshop, Cairns, Australie, 23 juillet 2010.

BERTOLDI A., BERNON S., VANDERBRUGGEN T., KOHLHAAS R., LANDRAGIN A. et BOUYER P., “Cold atoms and qnd measurements in an optical cavity”, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010), Cairns, Australie, 25-30 juillet 2010.

DEUTSCH C., RAMIREZ-MARTINEZ F., LACROUTE C., MAINEULT W., REINHARD F., FUCHS J.N., PIECHON F., LALOE F., REICHEL J. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Giant coherence times in a trapped atomic gas”, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010), Cairns, Australie, 25-30 juillet 2010.

GUENA J., LI R., GIBBLE K., BIZE S. et CLAIRON A., “Reducing the uncertainty due to Doppler shifts to improve the accuracy of Cesium clocks”, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010), Cairns, Australie, 25-30 juillet 2010.

LEVEQUE T., GAUGUET A., GARRIDO ALZAR C., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F. et LANDRAGIN A., Large area cold atom gyroscope, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010), Cairns, Australie, 25-30 juillet 2010.

MEJRI S., MCFERRAN J.J., YI L. et BIZE S., “Progress on a mercury optical clock: lattice trapping near the magic wavelength”, 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2010), Cairns, Australie, 25-30 juillet 2010.

BIZE S. et al., “Testing the stability of fundamental constants using LNE-SYRTE clock ensemble”, Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting (JENAM 2010), Lisbonne, Portugal, 6 septembre 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., « Gravimètre atomique », 5e École d’été du GRGS « Mesure et modélisation de la gravité », Carcans Maubuisson, France, 6-10 septembre 2010.

DUGRAIN V., DEUTSCH C., MAINEULT W., REICHEL J. et ROSENBUSCH P., “Compact atomic clock with high repetition rate”, Ecole prédoctorale « atomes froids, métrologie, optique quantique », Les Houches, France, 12-24 septembre 2010.

FUJIEDA M., MAENO H., PIESTER D., YANG S.H., SUZUYAMA T., TSENG W.H., HUANXIN L., GAO Y., ZHANG A., ROVERA D. et ACHKAR J., “The Asia-Europe TWSTFT network using Intelsat-4”, URSI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC-2010), Toyoma, Japon, 22-26 septembre 2010.

ACHKAR J., “Design, realization and application of a satellite simulator in a TWSTFT station”, 40th European Microwave Conference, 1516 – 1519, Paris, France, 28-30 septembre 2010.

YI L., “Toward a mercury optical lattice clock”, Seminar at the Technische Universitaet Wien, Vienne, Autriche, 4 octobre 2010.

DJERROUD K. et al., “A coherent free space optical link for long distance clock comparison, navigation, and communication: the Mini-DOLL project”, International Conference on Space Optics, session (ICSO), Rhodes, Grèce, 4-8 octobre 2010.

PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Atom interferometry measurements of gravity: metrology, geophysics and fundamental physics”, Séminaire du Kriss, Corée du Sud, 14 octobre 2010.

ANDRIEUX E., RIHAN A., ZANON T., KUMAR P., CADORET M. et ZONDY J.-J., Afrequency-stabilized signal-resonant optical parametric oscillator for spectroscopic breath analysis”, European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM 2010), Topical Meeting Nonlinear Optics and Photonics (TOM6), Paris, France, 26-28 octobre 2010.

RIHAN A., ANDRIEUX E., ZANON T., KUMAR P., CADORET M., BRIAUDEAU S., HIMBERT M. et ZONDY J.-J., “Pump resonant signal-resonant optical parametric oscillator for radiometric applications”, European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM 2010), Topical Meeting Nonlinear Optics and Photonics (TOM6), Paris, France, 26-28 octobre 2010.

BIZE S., Fundamental physics and atomic clocks, Workshop on Variation of Fundamental Constants, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France, 8 novembre 2010.

LANDRAGIN A., “Test of an atom interferometer on parabolic flights: ICE project”, Physical Sciences Working Group meeting, ESA-ESTEC, Pays-Bas, 8 novembre 2010.

YI L., “Toward a mercury optical lattice clock”, Séminaire au MPQ Garching, Munich, Allemagne, 11 novembre 2010.

YI L., «Toward a Mercury optical lattice clock », Séminaire au PTB, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 12 novembre 2010.

CERRETTO G., TAVELLA P., LAHAYE F., MIREAULT Y. et ROVERA D., “Near real-time monitoring of frequency standards and time scales using PPP”, 42nd Precise Time and Time Interval systems and applications meeting, Reston, VA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 15-18 novembre 2010.

GUILLEMOT P., EXERTIER P., SAMAIN E., PIERRON F., LAURENT P., ABGRALL M., ACHKAR J., ROVERA D., DJERROUD K. et LEON S., “Time transfer by laser link – T2L2: first results of the 2010 campaign”, 42nd Precise Time and Time Interval systems and applications meeting, Reston, VA, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 15-18 novembre 2010.

LANDRAGIN A. et BOUYER P., « Interférométrie atomique : du sol à l’espace », Journées du GRAM, Nice, France, 29-30 novembre 2010.

LODEWYCK J. et al., « Horloges optiques », Journées 2010 de l'Action spécifique « Gravitation, Références, Astronomie, Métrologie (GRAM) », Nice, France, 29-30 novembre 2010.

LODEWYCK J. et al., “Characterization of the trapping induced shifts by comparison of two Sr optical lattice clocks”, Optical clocks: a new frontier in high accuracy metrology, Turin, Italie, 1er-3 décembre 2010.

SANTARELLI G. et al. ,“Synthesis and remote transfer of narrow linewidth optical radiation”, Optical clocks: a new frontier in high accuracy metrology, Turin, Italie, 1er-3 décembre 2010.

YI L., MCFERRAN J.J., MEJRI S., LE COQ Y. et BIZE S., “Towards a Mercury optical lattice clock”, Optical clocksWorkshop 2010: A new frontier in high accuracy metrology, INRIM, Turin, Italie, 1er-3 décembre 2010.

BIZE S., « Le Temps réalisé par les horloges atomiques et ses applications », Conference Elbereth 2010, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France, 8 décembre 2010.

GUÉNA J., “Testing the stability of fundamental constants using LNE-SYRTE clock ensemble”, Third Workshop on Precision Physics and Fundamental Constant, An international satellite meeting “Fifty years of efforts toward quantum SI units”, St Pétersbourg, Russie, 6 décembre 2010.

KANJ A. et ACHKAR J., “Development of the TWSTFT carrier-phase technique at LNE-SYRTE”, Journées 2010 : Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels, Paris, France, 2010.

LEMONDE P. et al., “Space Optical Clocks”, NASA ISS workshop on fundamental physics, Dana Point, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, 2010.

LEMONDE P. et al., “Towards the quantum limit of optical lattice clocks”, Quest Symposium, Hanovre, Allemagne, 2010.

LEMONDE P., « Avancées récentes sur les fréquences optique au LNE-SYRTE », séminaire au Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France, 2010.

LEMONDE P., “Optical frequency metrology at LNE-SYRTE”, Seminar at Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhague, Danemark, 2010.

LEMONDE P., « Progrès récents sur les horloges optiques », séminaire au Laboratoire LCAR, Toulouse, France, 2010.

LEMONDE P., “Recent progress in optical frequency metrology”, Séminaire à “Institute for Laser Physics” de l’Université de Hamburg, Allemagne, 2010.