PhD abstract

The growing use of technological solutions based on deep learning algorithms has exploded in recent years, due to their performance on tasks such as object detection, image and video segmentation and classification, in many fields such as medicine, finance, autonomous driving... In this context, deep learning research is increasingly focusing on improving the performance and understanding of the algorithms used, by attempting to quantify the uncertainty associated with their predictions. Providing this uncertainty is key to the mass dissemination of these new tools in industry, and to overcoming the current obstacles to their use, particularly in critical systems. Indeed, providing information on uncertainty may be of regulatory importance in certain sectors of activity.

This manuscript presents the work on uncertainty quantification in neural networks. To begin with, we provide an in-depth overview, explaining the key concepts involved in a metrological framework. Next, the focus is chosen to be on the propagation of input uncertainty through an already-trained neural network, in response to a pressing industrial need. The proposed input uncertainty propagation method, named WGMprop, models the network outputs as mixtures of Gaussians, whose uncertainty propagation is ensured by a Split&Merge algorithm equipped with a divergence measure chosen as the Wasserstein distance. Then the focus is on quantifying the uncertainty inherent in the network parameters. In this context, a comparative study of state-of-the-art methods was carried out. In particular, this study led to propose a method for local characterization of deep ensembles, which is currently the standard. The developed methodology, named WEUQ, enables an exploration of the basins of attraction of the neural network parameter landscape, taking into account the diversity of predictors. Finally, the case study is presented, involving the automated measurement of the size distribution of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles from images acquired by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The development of the technology used is described, and the methodological choices for quantifying the uncertainties arising from this research.

Key words

Uncertainty, Deep learning, Neural network, Segmentation, Nanoparticles, Applied mathematics


CROZET M., DEMEYER S., LOURENÇO V., HERRANZ M. and  BODEN S., “Analysis of the comparison of in situ measurements made on biological shielding of the BR3 nuclear reactor”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2022, 331, 2967–2982, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-022-08319-9.

CROZET M., DEMEYER S., LOURENÇO V. and RIVIER C., “New approaches for interlaboratory comparisons analysis using dark uncertainty applied to radioactive materials”, Talanta, 2022, 250123394, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2022.123394.

MARMIN S.,  FILIPPONE M., "Deep Gaussian Processes for Calibration of Computer Models (with Discussion)." Bayesian Anal., 2022, 17, 4,  1301-1350, DOI: 10.1214/21-BA1293.


DEMEYER S., KRISTOFFERSEN S., LE PICHON A., FISCHER N. and LARSONNIER F., “Contribution to uncertainty evaluation associated with on-site infrasound monitoring systems”, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022.

MONCHOT P. ET AL. “Deep Learning based particle size estimation: application to agglomerated titanium dioxide particles measured by scanning electron microscopy”, GDR Intelligence Artificielle en Science des Matériaux (IAMAT), Paris, France, 30 May – 1st June 2022.

DEMEYER S., “Training course on measurement uncertainty and software quality for the Western Balkan Countries”, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6-7 July 2022.

MEZALI, Y., KHALEDI, M. I., COQUELIN, L., REGNIER R. and MARTIN J., “Design of a new measurable approach for the qualification of the behaviour of an autonomous vehicle”, 2022 European Control Conference (ECC), DOI: 10.23919/ECC55457.2022.9838060, London, UK, 12-15 July 2022.

DEMEYER S., LE SANT V., KOENEN A., FISCHER N., WAEYTENS J. and BOUCHIÉ R., “Bayesian uncertainty analysis of inversion model applied to thermal measurements”, Mathmet 2022, Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.

MARMIN S., “Metrological, Characterisation of quantitative MRI in completely controlled conditions”, Mathmet 2022, Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.

MARMIN S. and FILIPPONE M., “Bayesian Calibration of Computer codes with variational inference of Random feature expansions”, Mathmet 2022, Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.

MONCHOT P., COQUELIN L., MARMIN S., PETIT S., LE PENNEC E. and FISCHER N., “Input uncertainty propagation through trained neural network”, Mathmet 2022, Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.

DEMEYER S., “Metrology: Measurement and uncertainties”, Workshop Metrology for energy nanomaterials, Paris, France, 17 November 2022.

MARMIN S. and FILIPPONE M., Webinar dédié à l’article "Deep Gaussian Processes for Calibration of Computer Models", International Society of Bayesian Analysis, (Webinar), 6 December 2022.


DEMEYER S., KRISTOFFERSEN SK., LE PICHON A., LARSONNIER F. et FISCHER N., "Contribution to Uncertainty Propagation Associated with On-Site Calibration of Infrasound Monitoring Systems", Remote Sensing, 15, 7, 2023, 1892, DOI: 10.3390/rs15071892.

FLEURENCE N., DEMEYER S., ALLARD A., DOURI S. et HAY B., "Quantitative Measurement of Thermal Conductivity by SThM Technique: Measurements, Calibration Protocols and Uncertainty Evaluation", Nanomaterials, 13, 17, 2023, 2424, DOI: 10.3390/nano13172424.


COQUELIN L., MONCHOT P., MARMIN S., PETIT S., LE PENNEC E. et FISCHER N., "Input uncertainty propagation in Neural Networks: Application to metrological use cases", Congrès International de Métrologie 2023, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

FISCHER N., "Mathmet the Datascience network for metrology", Congrès international de Métrologie 2023, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

MARMIN S., "Physiological variability in brain electric conductivity: correcting the effect of the age for the detection of pathological alterations", Mathematical and statistical methods for metrology workshop 2023, Turin, Italie, 30-31 mai 2023.

MONCHOT P., COQUELIN L., PETIT S., MARMIN S., LE PENNEC E. et FISCHER N., "Input uncertainty propagation through trained neural networks", 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 23-29 juillet 2023.

DEMEYER S., "Measurement of thermal conductivity at a nanoscale using Bayesian inversion", ENBIS-23 Valencia Conference, Valence, Espagne, 10-14 septembre 2023.

MARMIN S., "LNE Uncertainty software, A user-friendly software for a validated implementation of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement", Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnie Herzégovine, 26-28 septembre 2023.


DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., and ELSTER C., “Guidance on Bayesian uncertainty evaluation for a class of GUM measurement models”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/abb065.

DEMEYER S., LE SANT V., KOENEN A., FISCHER N., WAEYTENS J. and BOUCHIÉ R., “Bayesian uncertainty analysis of inversion models applied to the inference of thermal properties of walls”, Energy & Buildings, 2021, 249, 111188, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111188.

MONCHOT P., COQUELIN L., GUERROUDJ K., FELTIN N., DELVALLÉE A., CROUZIER L and FISCHER N., “Deep learning based instance segmentation of Titanium dioxide particles in the form of agglomerates in scanning electron microscopy”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 4, 968, DOI: 10.3390/nano11040968.

PENDRILL L., ALLARD A., FISCHER N., HARRIS P.M., NGUYEN J. and SMITH I.M., “Software to maximize end-user uptake of conformity assessment”, NCSLI International Measure, 2021, 13, 1, DOI: 10.51843/measure.13.1.6.

SOUSA J. A., BATISTA E., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., PELLEGRINO O., RIBEIRO A.S. and MARTINS L. L., Uncertainty calculation methodologies in microflow measurements: comparison of GUM, GUM-S1 and Bayesian approach, Measurement, 2021, 181, 109589, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109589.

STROH R., BECT J., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., MARQUIS D. and VAZQUEZ E., “Sequential design of multi-fidelity computer experiments: maximizing the rate of stepwise uncertainty reduction”, Technometrics, 2021, 64, 2, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2021.1935324.


DEMEYER S., “Bayesian method”, Training course on measurement uncertainty evaluation for the Western Balkan Courntries, EMUe project, Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Online course, 22-23 March 2021.

FISCHER N., “Software for measurement uncertainty evaluation”, Training course on measurement uncertainty evaluation for the Western Balkan Courntries, EMUe project, Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Online course, 22-23 March 2021.

MONCHOT P., “Deep Learning based instance segmentation: application to agglomerated titanium dioxide particles measured by scanning electron”, Joint Workshop of ENBIS and MATHMET - Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology (MSMM 2021), Italy, Online worshop, 31 May 2021 - 1 June 2021.

DEMEYER S., “Bayesian uncertainty analysis to estimate thermal properties of Walls from Indirect Measurements”, Twenty-First Symposium On Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, USA, 20-25 June 2021.

COQUELIN L., “Mathematical modeling and algorithms for the aggregation of data from industrial sensor networks”, EURAMET+EUROLAB Workshop on Europe’s digital measurement evolution, Serie of 3 online sessions, 23-24 & 29 September 2021.

DEMEYER S., “Interlaboratory comparison on real concretes statistical analysis”, INSIDER Final Workshop, Avignon, France, 16-17 Sept. 2021.

YARDIN C., “Use the straight-line calibration function in a Bayesian context”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

YARDIN C., “Procedure to estimate and use a calibration function”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

DEMEYER S., “Comparisons on concretes within the INSIDER project”, Séminaire 60 ans de la CETAMA, Nîmes, France, 19-21 octobre 2021.

FISCHER N., « Deep Learning : le défi de l’incertitude », Forum Evaluation de l’Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, France, 24 novembre 2021.

MARMIN S., « CAsoft pour l’évaluation de conformité », Journée technique du CFM - Déclaration de conformité : gestion du risque et capabilité du processus de mesure, Paris, France, 2-3 décembre 2021.


COQUELIN L., FISCHER N., FELTIN N., DEVOILLE L., FELHI G. “Towards the use of deep generative models for the characterization in size of aggregated TiO2 nanoparticles measured by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)”, Materials Research Express6, 8, 085001, DOI:10.1088/2053-1591/ab1bb4

OTAL P., YARDIN C. “Modelling methods for pressure balance calibration”, Measurement Science and Technology, 31, December 2019, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab5910



COQUELIN L., « Utilisation du Deep Learning en nanométrologie », GT Machine Learning, IRT SystemX, Palaiseau, France, 2019

COQUELIN L., EBRARD G., LEHNERT J., SMITH N., MILIDONIS X., SCHAEFFTER T., CHIRIBIRI A., “Evaluation of the performance of voxel-wise myocardial perfusion quantification methods using a traceable phantom”, ISMRM Conference: 27 th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montreal, QC, Canada 11-16 May 2019

FISCHER N., « Le cas de la métrologie : estimation de fonctions d'étalonnage avec quelques points de mesure », Journée Big Ideas for Small Data, SFdS, Paris, France, 13 mai 2019,

DEMEYER S, CROZET M., LOURENÇO V. “Analysis of interlaboratory comparisons with auxiliary information”, Workshop INSIDER, Bilbao, Spain, 20-22 May 2019

PENDRILL L., ALLARD A., FISCHER N., SMITH I, HARRIS P., ”Software to maximize end-user uptake of conformity assessment with measurement uncertainty”, The 19th annual ENBIS, Budapest, Hongrie, 2-4 September 2019

ALLARD A., FISCHER N., SMITH I., HARRIS P., PENDRILL L., “Risk calculations for conformity assessment in practice”, 19th Congrès International de Métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 Septembre 2019

YARDIN C., “GUM to GUM-S1 evaluation of the calibration straight line”, 19th Congrès International de Métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 Septembre 2019

FISCHER N., “Towards a new perspective for the GUM”, 19th Congrès International de Métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 Septembre 2019

OTAL P., YARDIN C., « Etalonnage et modélisation des sections efficaces des ensembles piston-cylindre », 19th Congrès International de Métrologie, Paris, France, 24-26 Septembre 2019

ALLARD A., FISCHER N., SMITH I., HARRIS P., Pendrill, L. “CASoft : practical implementation of risk calculations in conformity assessment”, Mathmet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 November 2019

COQUELIN L., FELHI G., FELTIN N., DEVOILLE L., FISCHER N., “Characterization in size of aggregated nanoparticles measured by SEM: an illustration of deep generative models in metrology”, Mathmet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 November 2019

DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., ELSTER C. “Tutorial for a Bayesian evaluation of measurement uncertainty and its implementation”, Mathmet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 November 2019


ALLARD A., FISCHER N., “Sensitivity analysis in practice: providing an uncertainty budget when applying supplement 1 to the GUM”, Metrologia, 55, 3, 2018, DOI:

LEHNERT J., WÜBBELER G., KOLBITSCH C., CHIRIBIR A.I, COQUELIN L., EBRARD G. G., SMITH N., SCHAEFFTER T. AND ELSTER C., “Pixel-wise quantification of myocardial perfusion using spatial Tikhonov regularization”. Physics in Medicine & Biology63 (21), 2018, 215017. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aae758

STROH R., BECT J., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N.  AND VAZQUEZ E., “Integrating hyper-parameter uncertainties in a multi-fidelity Bayesian model for the estimation of a probability of failure”, Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing XI, Décembre 2018, 349 – 356. ARXIV: 1709.06896

YARDIN C., AMAR S., FISCHER N., SANCANDI M. AND KELLER M.,”Bayesian estimation of a polynomial calibration function associated to a flow meter”, Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing XI, Décembre 2018, 417 – 426. DOI: 10.1142/9789813274303_0042



OTAL P., YARDIN C. AND FISCHER N., « Etalonnage des balances manométriques et modélisation des sections efficaces des ensembles piston-cylindre », CAFMET, Marrakech, avril 2018

FISCHER N., « Atelier Incertitude de mesure », CAFMET, Marrakech, avril 2018

DEMEYER S., STROH R., BECT J., FISCHE N. R, VAZQUEZ E., « Planification Séquentielle d’expériences en multi-fidélité », Journées de Statistiques, EDF Labs, Saclay, mai 2018

FISCHER N., “Bayesian approach to uncertainty of measurement”, International Seminar - Mathematics, statistics and computation to support measurement quality, St Petersburg, mai 2018

FISCHER N., ”Plans for the GUM New Perspective”, International Seminar - Mathematics, statistics and computation to support measurement quality, St Petersburg, mai 2018

FISCHER N., “Presentation of MATHMET”, International Seminar - Mathematics, statistics and computation to support measurement quality, St Petersburg, mai 2018

 DEMEYER S., STROH R., FISCHER N., “Sequential Design of Experiments to Estimate a Probability of Failure in a Multi-Fidelity Stochastic Simulator”, ENBIS, Nancy, septembre 2018

DEMEYER S., « Intérêt de l’estimation bayésienne de modèles inverses pour l’évaluation de la performance énergétique des bâtiments », AppliBugs, Paris, décembre 2018





ALLARD A., AMAROUCHE S., “Analysis of interlaboratory comparison when the measurements are not normally distributed”, 2017, 18th International Congress of Metrology, 12003, 14p, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/201712003

DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., AND MARQUIS D., “Surrogate model based sequential sampling estimation of conformance probability for computationally expensive systems: application to fire safety science”, Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 158(1), 2017, 111–138,

DEMEYER S. AND N. FISCHER, “Bayesian framework for proficiency tests using auxiliary information on laboratories”, Accred Qual Assur, 22: 1, 2017.. DOI:10.1007/s00769-017-1247-y

PITRE L., SPARASCI F., RISEGARI L., GUIANVARC’H C., MARTIN C., HIMBERT M E., PLIMMER M D., ALLARD A., MARTY B., GIULIANO ALBO P A., GAO B., MOLDOVER M R. AND MEHL J B., “New measurement of the Boltzmann constant k by acoustic thermometry of helium-4 gas”, Metrologia, 54, 6, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa7bf5

RAMIANDRISOA L., ALLARD A., HAY B., GOMES S., “Uncertainty assessment for measurements performed in the determination of thermal conductivity by scanning thermal microscopy”, Measurement Science and Technology, 28, 1, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa8892

RAMIANDRISOA L, ALLARD A.,.JOUMANI Y, HAY B, GOMES S, “A dark mode in scanning thermal microscopy”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 12, 2017, DOI: 10.1063/1.5002096

STROH R., BECT J., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., MARQUIS D.  AND VAZQUEZ E., “Assessing Fire Safety using Complex Numerical Models with a Bayesian Multi-fidelity Approach”, Fire Safety Engineering, 91, 2017, 1016—1025, , DOI: 10.1016/j.firesaf.2017.03.059


STROH R., BECT J. , DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., MARQUIS D. AND VAZQUEZ E., “Sequential design of experiments on a stochastic multi-fidelity simulator to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold”, MASCOT NUM annual meeting, Paris, March 2017

FISCHER N., “Why is Bayesian approach to measurement uncertainty important ?”, Symposium Uncertainty of Measurement, Pretoria, juin 2017

STROH R., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., BECT J. AND VAZQUEZ E.,” Sequential design of experiments to estimate a probability of exceeding a threshold in a multi-fidelity stochastic simulator”, 61st World Statistics Congress (ISI 2017), Marrakech, Morocco, July 2017

STROH R., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., BECT J. AND VAZQUEZ E, “Evaluating the probability of exceeding a threshold on a multi-fidelity stochastic computer model”, International Conference on Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools for Metrology (AMCTM XI), Glasgow, August 2017

YARDIN C. & AL, “Bayesian estimation of a polynomial calibration function associated to a flow meter”, Congrès AMCTM 2017, Glasgow, Août 2017

ALLARD A., AMAROUCHE S., “Analysis of interlaboratory comparison when the measurements are not normally distributed”, Congrès International de Métrologie, Paris, Septembre 2017



ALLARD A., FISCHER N., EBRARD G., HAY B., HARRIS P., WRIGHT L., ROCHAIS D., MATTOUT J., “A multi-thermogram-based Bayesian model for the determination of the thermal diffusivity of a material”, Metrologia, 53(1), 2016, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/53/1/S1

EBRARD G., ALLARD A., FISCHER N., « Un logiciel simple d'utilisation pour évaluer l'incertitude de mesure par la méthode de Monte-Carlo », Revue Française de Métrologie, 43, 2016-3, (27-36)



STROH R., BECT J., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., MARQUIS D. AND VAZQUEZ E., “Design and analysis of multi-level numerical experiments, with application to fire safety”. Journées annuelles du GdR MASCOT NUM (MASCOT NUM 2016), March 2016. URL

STROH R., BECT J., DEMEYER S., FISCHER N., MARQUIS D. AND VAZQUEZ E., “Gaussian process modeling for stochastic multi-fidelity simulators, with application to fire safety”, 48èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFdS (JdS 2016), Montpellier, France, May 2016 URL

FISCHER N., YARDIN C., SANCANDI M., LEBLOND L., SAVANIER B. ET KELLER M.,” Bayesian approach to evaluate and use measurement devices’ calibration function”, MATHMET, Berlin, November 2016




FISCHER N., ANDRIANOV G. et HERBIN E., « La formation aux incertitudes, une exigence pour l'avenir », La lettre des Techniques de l'ingénieur, n° 12, juillet 2008, 8-9.


ALLARD A. et FISCHER N., “Sensitivity analysis in metrology: study and comparison on different indices for measurement uncertainty”, AMCTM, International conference on advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology and testing, Paris, France, 23-25 juin 2008.

YARDIN C. et KABA S., “Uncertainties of standard concentrations, calibration line and predictions”, AMCTM, International Conference on Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing, Paris, France, 23-25 juin 2008.

NABAHANE H., FISCHER N. et ANDRIANOV G., “Bayesian analysis for uncertainty: a new way to deal with an old issue”, 35th ESReDA SEMINAR, Marseille, France, 19-21 novembre 2008.


HIMBERT M., “A brief history of measurement”, The European physical journal. Special topics, 172, 2009, 25-35.

PRIEL M., “From GUM to alternative methods for measurement uncertainty evaluation”, Series on advances in mathematics for applied sciences; advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology and testing, 78, 2009, 262-272.

PRIEL M., AMAROUCHE S. et FISICARO P., « Les différentes méthodes d'évaluation des incertitudes de mesure », Houille blanche (la), 3, 2009; 52-59.

PRIEL M., AMAROUCHE S. et FISCICARO P., “Metrological traceability is not always a straight line”, Accreditation and quality assurance 2009, 14, 11, 2009, 593-599.


HIMBERT M., « Inspirer confiance dans les résultats de mesure », J. IGEN Physique, mars 2009, Paris, France.

DEMEYER S., FISCHER N. et SAPORTA G., « Modèle à variables latentes pour le traitement de données hybrides issues de comparaisons interlaboratoires », 41es Journées de la statistique, Bordeaux, France, 25-29 mai 2009.

HIMBERT M., “Metrology for science and industry: new trends”, International Conference Engineering, Technologies and Systems, TechSys, Technical University, Plovdiv Branch, Sofia, Bulgarie, 29-30 mai 2009.

ALLARD D. et FISCHER N., « Indices de sensibilité pour la propagation des distributions à l'aide de la méthode de Monte-Carlo et application à un mode de calcul », 14e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 22-25 juin 2009.

DEMEYER S., FISCHER N. et SAPORTA G., “Latent variable model to handle hybrid data from interlaboratory comparisons”, 14e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 22-25 juin 2009.

YARDIN C., SCHBATH M-C. et GUILLAUME E., “Uncertainty of standards, calibration line and predictions”, 14e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 22-25 juin 2009.

HIMBERT M., “The fundamental constants”, Journées 2009 du GDR Cnrs « Ondes », Paris, France, 2-4 novembre 2009.