
ANDREASSON U., GOBOM J., DELATOUR V., AUCLAIR G., NOAM Y., LEE S., WEN J., JEROMIN A., ARSLAN B., MACESKI A., WILLEMSE E., ZETTERBERG H., KUHLE J. et BLENNOW K., "Assessing the commutability of candidate reference materials for the harmonization of neurofilament light measurements in blood", Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 61, 7, 2023, 1245‑1254, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-1181.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Characterisation and quantification of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food simulants by single particle inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry using a high efficiency sample introduction system", Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 208, 2023, 106782, DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2023.106782.

BAUDIN B., BIGOT É., BŒUF A., DELATOUR V., GIANGRANDE C., GRUSON D., GRZYCH G., LE GOFF C., MAILLOUX A., PEOC’H K., PIÉRONI L., SAPIN V., TABALANI H. et VAUBOURDOLLE M., "Feedback from Euromedlab 2023 for Seniors", Annales de Biologie Clinique, 81, 4, 2023, 435‑447, DOI: 10.1684/abc.2023.1822.

BUCHTA C., KOLLROS D., JOVANOVIC J., HUF W., DELATOUR V., PUCHHAMMER-STÖCKL E., MAYERHOFER M., MÜLLER MM., SHENOY S., GRIESMACHER A., ABERLE SW., GÖRZER I. et CAMP JV., "Converting to an international unit system improves harmonization of results for SARS-CoV-2 quantification: Results from multiple external quality assessments", Journal of Clinical Virology, 158, 2023, 105352, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcv.2022.105352.

CAPITAINE G., STOICA D., WAGENER T. et FISICARO P., "Production of a reference material for seawater pHT measurements by a National Metrology Institute", Marine Chemistry, 252, 2023, 104244, DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2023.104244.

CAVALIER E., FARRÉ-SEGURA J., LUKAS P., GENDEBIEN A-S., PEETERS S., MASSONNET P., LE GOFF C., BOUQUEGNEAU A., SOUBERBIELLE J-C., DELATOUR V. et DELANAYE P., "Unveiling a new era with liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to enhance parathyroid hormone measurement in patients with chronic kidney disease", Kidney International, 105, 2, 2024 (online: 31 Oct. 2023), 338‑346, DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2023.09.033.

DIKAIOS I., ALTHAUS H., ANGLES-CANO E., CEGLAREK U., COASSIN S., COBBAERT CM., DELATOUR V., DIEPLINGER B., GRIMMLER M., HOOFNAGLE AN., KOSTNER GM., KRONENBERG F., KUKLENYIK Z., LYLE AN., PRINZING U., RUHAAK LR., SCHARNAGL H., VESPER HW. et DEPREZ L., "Commutability Assessment of Candidate Reference Materials for Lipoprotein(a) by Comparison of a MS-based Candidate Reference Measurement Procedure with Immunoassays", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 3, 2023, 262‑272, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac203.

FOUQUEAU A., POURCHEZ J., LECLERC L., PEYRON A., MONTIGAUD Y., VERHOEVEN P., MACÉ T., BESCOND A., THOMAS D., CHARVET A., GHIJSELING M., HARS P., POLYN F. et GAIE-LEVREL F., "Inter-laboratory Comparison between Particle and Bacterial Filtration Efficiencies of Medical Face Masks in the COVID-19 Context", Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23, 2, 2023, 220252, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.220252.

GIANGRANDE C., DELATOUR V., ANDREASSON U., BLENNOW K., GOBOM J. et ZETTERBERG H., "Harmonization and standardization of biofluid‐based biomarker measurements for AT(N) classification in Alzheimer’s disease", Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 15, 3, 2023, e12465, DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12465.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., BOEUF A., LALERE B., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., QUAGLIA M. et DELATOUR V., "Development of a candidate reference measurement procedure by ID-LC-MS/MS for total tau protein measurement in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)", Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 61, 7, 2023, 1235‑1244, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-1250.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF", Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19, S14, 2023, e076172, DOI: 10.1002/alz.076172.

HUBER MJ., IVLEVA NP., BOOTH AM., BEER I., BIANCHI I., DREXEL R., GEISS O., MEHN D., MEIER F., MOLSKA A., PAROT J., SØRENSEN L., VELLA G., PRINA-MELLO A., VOGEL R. et CAPUTO F., "Physicochemical characterization and quantification of nanoplastics: applicability, limitations and complementarity of batch and fractionation methods", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 15, 2023, 3007‑3031, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04689-5.

LAMAS B., CHEVALIER L., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., WEINGARTEN L., BLANC X., FISICARO P., OSTER C., NOIREAUX J., EVARISTE L., BREYNER NM. et HOUDEAU E., "The food additive titanium dioxide hinders intestinal production of TGF-β and IL-10 in mice, and long-term exposure in adults or from perinatal life blocks oral tolerance to ovalbumin", Food and Chemical Toxicology, 179, 2023, 113974, DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113974.

MILLER WG., KELLER T., BUDD J., JOHANSEN JV., PANTEGHINI M., GREENBERG N., DELATOUR V., CERIOTTI F., DEPREZ L., REJ R., CAMARA JE., MACKENZIE F., LYLE AN., VAN DER HAGEN E., BURNS C., FAUSKANGER P., SANDBERG S., et FOR THE IFCC WORKING GROUP ON COMMUTABILITY IN METROLOGICAL TRACEABILITY, "Recommendations for Setting a Criterion for Assessing Commutability of Secondary Calibrator Certified Reference Materials", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 9, 2023, 966‑975, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad104.

MIRMONT E., BŒUF A., CHARMEL M., LALÈRE B. et LARDY-FONTAN S., "Validation of an isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) measurement procedure for the reliable quantification of steroid hormones in waters", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, 16, 2023, 3215‑3229, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04698-4.

RUHAAK LR., ROMIJN FPHTM., BEGCEVIC BRKOVIC I., KUKLENYIK Z., DITTRICH J., CEGLAREK U., HOOFNAGLE AN., ALTHAUS H., ANGLES-CANO E., COASSIN S., DELATOUR V., DEPREZ L., DIKAIOS I., KOSTNER GM., KRONENBERG F., LYLE A., PRINZING U., VESPER HW. et COBBAERT CM., "Development of an LC-MRM-MS-Based Candidate Reference Measurement Procedure for Standardization of Serum Apolipoprotein (a) Tests", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 3, 2023, 251‑261, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac204.

SANDBERG S., FAUSKANGER P., JOHANSEN JV., KELLER T., BUDD J., GREENBERG N., REJ R., PANTEGHINI M., DELATOUR V., CERIOTTI F., DEPREZ L., CAMARA JE., MACKENZIE F., LYLE AN., VAN DER HAGEN E., BURNS C., GREG MILLER W., et FOR THE IFCC WORKING GROUP ON COMMUTABILITY IN METROLOGICAL TRACEABILITY, "Recommendations for Setting a Criterion and Assessing Commutability of Sample Materials Used in External Quality Assessment/Proficiency Testing Schemes", Clinical Chemistry, 69, 11, 2023, 1227‑1237, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad135.

SIMON CG., BORGOS SE., CALZOLAI L., NELSON BC., PAROT J., PETERSEN EJ., ROESSLEIN M., XU X. et CAPUTO F., "Orthogonal and complementary measurements of properties of drug products containing nanomaterials", Journal of Controlled Release, 354, 2023, 120‑127, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.12.049.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., SUGAHARA O., DELATOUR V., DANILENKO U. et VESPER HW., "B-185 High Throughput ID-LCMSMS Method for Simultaneous Quantitation of Monosaccharides in Human Serum", Clinical Chemistry, 69, Supplement_1, 2023, hvad097.516, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvad097.516.

VASILATOU K., WÄLCHLI C., IIDA K., HORENDER S., TRITSCHER T., HAMMER T., RISSLER J., GAIE-LEVREL F. et AUDERSET K., "Extending traceability in airborne particle size distribution measurements beyond 10 µm: Counting efficiency and unit-to-unit variability of four aerodynamic particle size spectrometers", Aerosol Science and Technology, 57, 1, 2023, 24‑34, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2139659.

WESTWOOD S., LIPPA K., SHIMUZU Y., LALERLE B., SAITO T., DUEWER D., DAI X., DAVIES S., RICCI M., BALDAN A., LANG B., SARGE S., WANG H., PRATT K., JOSEPHS R., MARIASSY M., PFEIFER D., WARREN J., BREMSER W., ELLISON S., TOMAN B., NELSON M., HUANG T., FAJGELJ A., GÖREN A., MACKAY L. et WIELGOSZ R., "Methods for the SI-traceable value assignment of the purity of organic compounds (IUPAC Technical Report)", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 95, 1, 2023, 1‑77, DOI: 10.1515/pac-2020-0804.

WIELGOSZ R., FORGAN B., DEL CAMPO MALDONADO D., REA A., WOOLLIAMS E., FULFORD J., MADONNA F.,  WHETSTONE J., DECOLA P., VERMEULEN A., FLORES E. and RUEDI I., "BIPM-WMO  Metrology for Climate Action Workshop - 26-30 September 2022", Report BIPM (2023/03) & WMO (142), 88 pages, 2023, DOI: 10.59161/Rapport202303.


DELATOUR V., "IFCC C-BM second commutability study on PTH", Joint meeting on PTH 1-84 reference materials, methods and comparisons, BIPM, Sèvres, France, 8 February 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Development of a novel method based on single particle icp-ms/ms and a high sensitivity sample introduction (apex) system for the characterization of titanium dioxyde nanoparticles in food simulants", European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana, Slovénie, 29 January-3 February 2023.

NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., HUBAU A., TOUSE S., DI LUZIO M., D’AGOSTINO G. et GHESTEM J-P., "Improving valuable metals recycling : best digestion method for retrieving Technology Critical Elements", European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Ljubljana, Slovénie, 29 January-3 February 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., ZAOUALI J., NOIREAUX J., CHEKRI R., FISCHER N., JITARU P. et FISICARO P., "Assessment of the measurement uncertainty related to nanoparticles characterization by sp-icp-ms using an in-house data treatment software", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

FILTZ J-R., AMALRIC L., GUIGUES N., NÄYKKI T., MARTIN V. et FISICARO P., "Metrology in the loop of the circular economy - Water Metrology - Round Table", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

FOUQUEAU A., "Towards a better monitoring of ammonia and greenhouse gases emissions from livestock production: the quantiAGREMI project", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

GUIGUES N., "EURAMET / EMN for Pollution Monitoring", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

MACÉ T., "Towards an unbroken SI-traceable calibration chain for VOCs at monitoring stations, Preparation of reference gas mixtures (RGMs) of climate relevant VOCs", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., LAMAS B. et HOUDEAU E., "Accurate quantification of the bioaccumulation of titanium dioxide particles", Congrès International de Métrologie (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Traçabilité métrologique des résultats et contrôle de qualité congrès", Congrès BIOMEDJ, Paris, France, 9 March 2023.

ALASONATI E., GIOVANNOZZI A., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N., FISICARO P. et ROPERS M-H., "Metrological traceability of nano and microplastic measurement data: focus on the use of the multi-detector FFF coupled off-line with microscopy and Raman spectroscopy French Conference on Separative Sciences and Couplings", SEP23, Paris, France, 28-30 March 2023.

NOIREAUX J., "Preparing electronic wastes for the chemical analysis of Technology Critical Elements", Stakeholder workshop MetroCycleEU, Virtual meeting, March 2023.

BESCOND A., "Évaluation des performances d’instruments portables de carbone suie avec une plateforme expérimentale en environnement contrôlé", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 March 2023.

GAIE-LEVREL F., "Métrologie des aérosols - Applications dans les domaines de la qualité de l’air, des nanotechnologies et de la santé", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 March 2023.

OUF F.-X., GAIE-LEVREL F., CHAZELET S., FAVRE G., FELTIN N., FERRÉ V., GODEFERT V., MAST J., NOIREAUX J., PACAULT S., POISSON X. et WOUTERS C., "Relargage de nano-objets, leurs agrégats et agglomérats depuis les masques : ambitions et objectifs scientifiques du Projet RENAAME", 36e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2023), Asfera, Paris, France, 15-16 March 2023, DOI: 10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2023-33869.

MACÉ T., "Développement d’un étalon de référence pour assurer la traçabilité des mesures de NH3", Journées Techniques de l’Air, Strasbourg, France, 22-23 March 2023.

MACÉ T., "Retour d’expérience sur les CIL LCSQA-LNE/AASQA", Journées Techniques de l’Air, Strasbourg, France, 22-23 March 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., "Activités du LNE dans le domaine des maladies Neurodégénératives", AMI Brain-STORM, Paris, France, 29 March 2023.

DURET C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., LALÈRE B., BONNAUD B., DELATOUR V., BOEUF A. et PICHON V., "Les hormones stéroïdiennes : contexte, enjeux et besoins métrologiques dans le sérum humain", Congrès Francophone sur les Sciences Séparatives et les Couplages 2023, Paris, France, 29-30 March 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "L’intérêt de la métrologie pour le suivi de l’Alcalinité Totale des eaux marines", Congrès de l’école doctorale « Sciences de l’environnement – Université Aix-Marseille », 3-4 May 2023.

BOEUF A., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HUYNH H-H., GIANGRANDE C., VELLY L., HAUSFATER P., CREAGH-BROWN B., FALINSKA AM., DEMKOW U., ANAGNOSTOPOULOU V., TSATSANIS C., CRISTOL J-P., PIERONI L., HUGGETT JF. et DELATOUR V., "Standardisation of PCT assays: Update on status, needs and feasibility", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 May 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Harmonisation of Procalcitonin as a sepsis biomarker: problems and solutions”, Session “Diagnostic Challenges in Sepsis", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 May 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF to be used in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases", EuroMedLab, Rome, Italie, 21-25 May 2023.

GUIGUES N., BONNAUD B., FISICARO P. et GUMUCHIAN D., "European Metrology Network for Pollution Monitoring POLMO", Eurachem Workshop 2023, Bern-Wabern, Suisse, 22-23 May 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Need for the validation of on-site test kits, portable devices and continuous measuring devices for water quality monitoring", Eurachem Workshop 2023, Bern-Wabern, Suisse, 22-23 May 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., "Mieux diagnostiquer les maladies neurodégénératives : quand la métrologie fait la différence !", Les mardis de la chimie de Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, 13 June 2023.

GUIGUES N., "The European Metrology Network for Pollution Monitoring – PolMo.", PARC Hub FR, 16 June 2023.

DELATOUR V., "What is commutability and why is it important?", InterQC Topics, Virtual meeting, 15 July 2023.

GIANGRANDE C., VANEECKHOUTTE H., HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., JEROMIN A. et DELATOUR V., "Routes to standardisation for tau protein measurement in CSF", Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 16-20 July 2023.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., SUGAHARA O., DELATOUR V., DANILENKO U. et VESPER HW., "High Throughput ID-LCMSMS Method for Simultaneous Quantitation of Monosaccharides in Human Serum", AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo, Anaheim, Etats-Unis, 23-27 July 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "Le système des carbonates océanique : La qualité des mesures d’Alcalinité Totale et de pH pour le suivi de l’acidification des oceans", MOOSE GE 2023, August 2023.

FISICARO P., "The role of metrology into the value chain of ocean observations", IAPWS Symposium, Turin, Italie, 3-8 September 2023.

ALASONATI E., NOIREAUX J., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N., FISICARO P., LALÈRE B. et GIOVANNOZZI A., "Metrological characterisation of nanoparticles in FOOD products and complex matrices using AF4-MALS-ICPMS and sp-ICPMS", EMN Food “Metrological determination of micro and nano contaminants in food”, Bern, Switzerland (remote participation), 5 September 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Insights into the development of primary reference materials: what are the hurdles primary reference material manufacturers have to overcome?", Siemens 3rd Virtual TRSEG Assay Development Annual Conference, Virtual meeting, 28 September 2023.

CAPITAINE G., "Inter-laboratory comparison on a reference material for seawater spectrophotometric pHT measurements", Metrosea, Valetta Campus, Malta, October 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Valider les outils utilisant l’ADNe : pourquoi et comment", GT-DCE, 12 October 2023.

DELATOUR V., "Metrology input for post-market surveillance of IVD tests", EQALM Symposium, Lyon, France, 19 October 2023.

GUIGUES N., "State of the art on metrology and standardisation needs to support EU regulations.", Euramet & Welmec Metrology for regulationn – Open public Consultation, Virtual meeting, 23 October 2023.

TSE CY., ZHANG L., DAHYA K., POKUAH F., DANILENKO U., DELATOUR V. et VESPER HW., "Comparison between ID-LC/MS/MS Serum Monosaccharides Method and Enzymatic Methods on Glucose Measurements", Diabetes Technology Meeting, Virtual meeting, 3-4 November 2023.

GUIGUES N., "Validation indépendante des outils innovants de mesure de la qualité de l’eau : application aux méthodes ADNe", Journées du réseau ADN-O, 29-30 November 2023.

BASTARDO-FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P. et JITARU P., "Development of a single particle ICP-MS method using a high efficiency sample introduction system (APEXTM) for the characterisation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in foodstuffs", IMEKOFOOD 2023, Maisons-Alfort, France, 25-27 October 2023.

NOIREAUX J., "Présentation des activités de métrologie sur les nanoparticules au LNE", Vidéo du BIPM réalisée à l’occasion du world Metrology Day, lien:

OUF F.-X. , CHAZELET S., FAVRE G., FELTIN N., LEMARINIER V., GODEFERT V., LAMBENG N., MAST J., NOIREAUX J., OSTER C., PACAULT S., POISSON X. et WOUTERS C., "Relargage de nano-objets, leurs agrégats et agglomérats depuis les masques (Projet RENAAME) : Validation d'une méthode de "criblage" pour l'identification des éléments Ti et Ag dans les masques", 37e Congrès français sur les aérosols (CFA-2024), Asfera, Paris, France, 19-20 March 2024, DOI: 10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2024-38823.


BADRICK T., MILLER W.G., PANTEGHINI M., DELATOUR V., BERGHALL H., MACKENZIE F. and JONES G., “Interpreting EQA-Understanding Why Commutability of Materials Matters”, Clin Chem. ,2022, 68, 4, 494-500, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac002.

BAUDIN B., BOEUF A., DELATOUR V., DESMONS A., GOUGET B., GRUSON D., PEOC'H K., SAPIN V., VASSAULT A., VAUBOURDOLLE M., “Reports of Euromedlab 2021, in 2022”, Ann Biol Clin, 2022, Paris, 80, 3, 274-286, DOI: 10.1684/abc.2022.1728.

BOEUF A., HUYNH H.-H., DERBEZ M., GIANGRANDE C., LALÈRE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S. and DELATOUR V., “M260 Towards the standardization of PCT assays?”, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2022, 530, Suppl.1, S431.

DELEEBEECK L., SNEDEN A. and STOICA D., “Reconciling the pHe measurements of bioethanol: pHabs measurements of buffered 50-50 wt% water-ethanol mixtures”, Anal Chim Acta X, 2022, 10, DOI: 100085. doi: 10.1016/j.acax.2022.100085.

EVARISTE L., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., NOIREAUX J., CHASSAING B., HOUDEAU E. and LAMAS B., “P09-08 Mice exposed to food-grade titanium dioxide from in utero life to adulthood show sex-specific gut microbiota and metabolic disorders which are aggravated under Western-diet”, Toxicology Letters, 2022, 368, Suppl. S153, ISSN 0378-4274, DOI: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2022.07.429.

FOUQUEAU A., POURCHEZ J., LECLERC L., PEYRON A., MONTIGAUD Y., VERHOEVEN P., BESCOND A., MACÉ T., THOMAS D., CHARVET A., BOURROUS S., GHIJSELINGS M., HARS P., POLYN F. and GAIE-LEVREL F., “An inter-laboratory comparison between particle and bacterial filtration efficiencies of surgical masks in the COVID-19 pandemic context”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2022, 23, 2, 220252, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.220252.

GUIGUES N., CHABROL J., LAVAUD P., RAVEAU S., MAGAR J., LALÈRE B. and VASLIN REIMANN S., “Assessing the performances of on-line analyzers can greatly improve free chlorine monitoring in drinking water”, Accreditation and quality assurance, 2022, 27, 1, 43-53, 11, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-021-01488-2.

GUIGUES N., LARDY-FONTAN S., VILLENEUVE A., MANSUIT P., WELSCH S. and LALÈRE B., “Passive sampling as an alternative strategy to monitor metals and PAHs trends at an upstream and rural catchment: a French case study”, SN Applied sciences, 2022, 4, 4, 104, DOI: 10.1007/s42452-022-04990-5.

HUYNH H.-H., DELATOUR V., DERBEZ-MORIN M., LIU Q., BOEUF A. and VINH J., “Candidate High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Reference Method for the Quantification of Procalcitonin in Human Serum Using a Characterized Recombinant Protein as a Primary Calibrator”, Anal Chem., 2022, 94, 10, 4146-4154, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c03061.

IVANOVA V., OSTER C., SURLEVA A. and FISICARO P., “Comparative evaluation of methods for quantification of mercury at trace level in aquatic biota samples as a bio-indicator”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 2022, 57, 2, 328-341.

JONES G.R.D., DELATOUR V. and BADRICK T., “Metrological traceability and clinical traceability of laboratory results - the role of commutability in External Quality Assurance”, Clin Chem Lab Med., 2022, 60, 5, 669-674, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-0038.



KRIEF S., IGLESIAS-GONZALEZ A., APPENZELLER B., SPIRHANZLOVA P. and LARDY-FONTAN S., “Chimpanzee exposure to pollution revealed by human biomonitoring approaches”, 2022, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 233, 113341, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.113341.

MATHON B., FERREOL M., TOGOLA A., LARDY-FONTAN S., MAZELLA N. and MIEGE C., “Polar organic chemical integrative samplers as an effective tool for chemical monitoring of surface waters - Results from one-year monitoring in France”, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 824, 153549, DOI:  10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153549.


MIRMONT E., BOEUF A., CHARMEL M., LAPREVOTE O., LARDY-FONTAN S. and LALÈRE B., “Overcoming matrix effects in quantitative liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of steroid hormones in surface waters”, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2022, 36, 2, e9154, DOI: 10.1002/rcm.9154.

PHILIPP R., LALERE B., GANTOIS F. and SANCHEZ C., “Supplementary comparison study - measurement capabilities for the quantification of ethanol in water”, Metrologia, Technical suppl.,  2022, 59, 1A, 08015, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/59/1A/08015.

ROMSHOO B., PÖHLKER M., WIEDENSOHLER A., PFEIFER S., SATURNO J., NOWAK A., CIUPEK K., QUINCEY P., VASILATOU K., ESS M. N., GINI M., ELEFTHERIADIS K., ROBINS C., GAIE-LEVREL F. and MÜLLER T., “Importance of size representation and morphology in modelling optical properties of black carbon: comparison between laboratory measurements and model simulations”, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, 15, 6965-6989, DOI: 10.5194/amt-15-6965-2022.

VASILATOU K., WÄLCHLI C., IIDA K., HORENDER S., TRITSCHER T., HAMMER T., RISSLER J., GAIE-LEVREL F., SAKURAI H. and AUDERSET K., “Extending traceability in airborne particle size distribution measurements beyond 10 μm: Counting efficiency and unit-to-unit variability of four aerodynamic particle size spectrometers (APS 3321)”, Aerosol Science and Technology, 2022, 57, 24-34, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2139659.

WANG J.-L., ALASONATI E., FISICARO P. and BENEDETTI M.-F., “Titanium and Titanium dioxide (nano-) particles in small watersheds under different land-uses”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422, DOI:  126695, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126695.


DERBEZ-MORIN M., DELATOUR V., FENAILLE F., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., BOEUF A. and BECHER F., “Development of a multiplexed LC-HRMS/MS quantification method of nine sepsis protein biomarkers in human serum”, Rencontres du Club Jeune SFSM, Pomeys, France, 7-11 March 2022.

ALASONATI E., LARDY-FONTAN S., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N. and FISICARO P., “LNE activities on the characterisation of the nano and microplastics in the frame of the French and European metrology strategy”, Workshop CCQM sur les microplastiques 2022, Online conference, 5 April 2022.

BOEUF A., HUYNH H.-H., DERBEZ M., GIANGRANDE C., VASLIN-REIMANN S., LALERE B., VINH J. and DELATOUR V., “Towards the standardization of PCT assays? Status, needs and feasibility”, EuromedLab, Munich, Germany, 11-15 April 2022.

DELATOUR V., “The importance of demonstrating commutability of reference materials and EQA materials”, Congrès IFCC, Munich, Germany, 13 Avril 2022.

BESCOND A., MACE T. and GAIE-LEVREL F., « Développement d'un aérosol atmosphérique modèle en environnement contrôlé pour la détermination des performances métrologiques de systèmes capteurs », 35ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Paris, France, 9-10 May 2022.

BASTARDO FERNÁNDEZ I., CHEKRI R., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P.and JITARU P., “Studying analytical parameters in the characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles by Single Particle ICP MS”, SPECTRATOM 2022, Pau, France, 10-13 May 2022.

ALASONATI E., COULIBALY C. A., DIOP N. R., BREYSSE C., LORIOT C., FELTIN N., CHIVAS-JOLY C., BENIHYA A., AINES L., RICHAUD E., THEBAULT J., FISICARO P., DOMENEK S. and SEA PLASTICS, “Methodological development for the characterization of small microplastics and nanoplastics in seawater”, SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15–19 May 2022.

BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., SUTOUR C. and MACÉ T., “Development of an experimental platform for metrological performance evaluation of sensor system”, Gas Analysis 2022, Paris, France, 17-20 May 2022.

LALÈRE B. and MARLIERE F., “Monitoring pesticides in ambient air: Method harmonization based on an analytical inter laboratory comparison (ILC)”, Gas Analysis 2022, Paris, France, 17-20 May 2022.

MACÉ T., SUTOUR C., ITURRATE M., PASCALE C., BELLIRIDE S. and MONNET M., “Development of a reference standard to ensure the quality of the ammonia measurements performed in France”, Gas Analysis 2022, Paris, France, 17-20 May 2022.

MACÉ T. and WETERINGS W., “Training course accreditation”, Gas Analysis 2022, Paris, France, 17-20 May 2022.

GUIGUES N., « Évaluation des performances de capteurs dans le domaine de l’eau, Hydréos », Club eau des industriels, 24 May 2022.

GUIGUES N., « Évaluation des performances métrologiques de capteurs et analyseurs en ligne : exemple pour la mesuredu chlore libre en eau potable, Analyse & Environnement : air, eau, sols, co-produits », Journées Recherche et Industrie, Villeurbanne, France, 30-31 May 2022.

ALASONATI E., “Size distribution of extracellular vesicles in biological test samples by multidetector asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (MD-AF4)”, Journée scientifique Nantes Université « Le fractionnement flux-force en santé », Nantes, France, 5 June 2022.

DERBEZ-MORIN M., DELATOUR V., FENAILLE F., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., HUGGETT J., BOEUF A. and BECHER F., “Multiplexed LC-HRMS/MS quantification of nine sepsis protein biomarkers in human serum”, International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands, 27 August - 2 September 2022.

KOVAČIČ A., PIECHOTTA C., STEINHÄUSER L., LARDY-FONTAN S. and HEATH E., “A method for monitoring estrogens in whole surface waters by GC-MS/MS”, International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands, 27 August - 2 September 2022.

LARDY-FONTAN S., PIECHOTTA C., LALERE B., LE DIOURON V., STEINHÄUSER L., HEATH E., KOVAČIČ A., POTALIVO M., DE ZORZI P., CENTIOLI D., NÄYKKI T., VIIDANOJA J., GÖKCEN T., BUDZINSKI H., LE MENACH K. and SIMON SELIH V., “A project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring surveys and risk assessments”, EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal, 28 August – 1 September 2022.

PIECHOTTA C., LARDY-FONTAN S., LALERE B., LE DIOURON V., STEINHÄUSER L., HEATH E., KOVAČIČ A., POTALIVO M., DE ZORZI P., CENTIOLI D., NÄYKKI T., VIIDANOJA J., GÖKCEN T., BUDZINSKI H., LE MENACH K. and SIMON SELIH V., “A project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring surveys and risk assessments”, EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal, 28 August – 1 September 2022.

ASBACH C., NOTHHELFER M., SUTTER B., WITSCHGER O., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., RUITER S., KUIJPERS E., FRANSMAN W. and TODEA A. M., “Applicability of low cost sensors for monitoring NOAA concentrations in workplaces”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

BESCOND A., KOUST HANSEN S., THU NGUYEN Q., EGHOLM BØGH PEDERSEN P., DEBERT C., MAHNAOUI A., STABILE L., GOMEZ-MORENO F.J., ERIKSSON A., RISSLER J., ELEFTHERIADIS K., VRATOLIS S. and GAIE-LEVREL F., “Performance evaluation of black carbon portable instrument with a laboratory experimental set-up under a controlled environment”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

EGHOLM BØGH PEDERSEN P., THU NGUYEN Q., ERIKSSON A.C., RISSLER J., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., STABILE L., GÓMEZ-MORENO F.J., VRATOLIS S., ELEFTHRIADIS K., WINKLER U., WIEDENSOHLER A., BUCAR K., MALET J. and KOUST HANSEN S., “Qualification of portable instruments for ambient aerosol measurements”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

ERIKSSON A.C., PETERSSON SJÖGREN M., SPANNE M., KRISTENSSON A., AHLBERG E., NILSSON L., EGHOLM BØGH PEDERSEN P., THU NGUYEN Q., KOUST HANSEN S., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., DEBERT C., MAHNAOUI A., STABILE L., GÓMEZ-MORENO F.J., VRATOLIS S., TUCH T., WINKLER U., WIEDENSOHLER A. and RISSLER J., “Field intercomparison of particle counters under winter conditions”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

SPANNE M., ERIKSSON A.C., PETERSSON SJÖGREN M., ISAXON C., KRISTENSSON A., AHLBERG E., NILSSON L., SWIETLICKI E., EGHOLM BØGH PEDERSEN P., THU NGUYEN Q., KOUST HANSEN S., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., DEBERT C., MAHNAOUI A., STABILE L., GÓMEZ-MORENO F.J., VRATOLIS S., TUCH T., WINKLER U., WIEDENSOHLER A. and RISSLER J., “Field intercomparison of stationary and portable soot instruments in a rural background environment under winter conditions”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

SUTTER B., BOIVIN A., BAU S., SIMON X., WITSCHGER O., ASBACH C., TODEA A.M., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., RUITER S., KUIJPERS E. and FRANSMAN W., “Laboratory study of the performance of low-cost aerosol sensors with regards to reference instruments when exposed to aerosolized NOAA powders”, International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), Athens, Greece, 4-9 September 2022.

CAPITAINE G., STOICA D., FISICARO P. and WAGENER T., “The role of quality control into the value chain of ocean carbon observations”, ICOS Science Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 15 September 2022.

EVARISTE L., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., NOIREAUX J. , CHASSAING B., HOUDEAU E. and LAMAS B., « Mice exposed to food-grade titanium dioxide from in utero life to adulthood show sex-specific gut microbiota and metabolic disorders which are aggravated under Western-diet”, XVI th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022), Maastrich, Netherlands, 18-21 September 2022.

DELATOUR V., « Importance de la métrologie et de la commutabilité pour l’Evaluation Externe de la Qualité », Club utilisateurs VITROS, Online Conference, 4 October 2022.

LARDY-FONTAN S., PIECHOTTA C., HEATH E., KOVAČIČ A., PERKOLA N., NAYKKI T., LE DIOURON V., DE ZORZI P., POTALIVO M., LE MENACH K., PARDON P., BUDZINSKI H., GOKCEN T. and LALÈRE B., “EDC-WFD: A project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring survey and risks assessments of aquatic systems”, Joint IMEKO TC11 & TC24 hybrid conference 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16–19 October 2022.

VASLIN-REIMANN S., LARDY-FONTAN S., PETROV P., NAYKKI T., KOVAR P., MEERMANN B., JOTANOVIC A., KELLET M., EBERT V., ARNOLD D., PENNETTA H., CAN S., SCHNEIDER R., ŠOLC J., GUETTLER B., NOWAK A., MACÉ T., MAILLARD R. and FISICARO P., “How will the European Metrology Network POLMO support and improve pollution monitoring?”, Joint IMEKO TC11 & TC24 hybrid conference 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16–19 October 2022.

ALASONATI E., FISICARO P., LORIOT C., CHIVAS-JOLY C., ROPERS M.-H., COULIBALY C. A., BREYSSE C., BENIHYA A., DOMENEK S. and SEA PLASTICS, « Les activités LNE sur la caractérisation de nano et micro plastiques au niveau français et européen : Projets Microplast, Moustic et PlasticTrace », Comité Scientifique et Technique « ITAI ACTIA», Paris, France, 25 Novembre 2022.

GUIGUES N. and VILLEMAGNE E., « Valider les outils innovants de mesure dans le domaine de l’eau : pourquoi et comment Dream », GT métrologie, 29 November 2022.

DELATOUR V., “How to improve the contribution of metrology institutes to medical laboratory standardization ?”, Congrès CIRME “Implementation of metrological traceability in laboratory medicine: where we are and what is missing?”, Milan, Italy, 30 November 2022.


ALASONATI E., CAEBERGS T., PÉTRY J., SEBAÏHI N., FISICARO P. and FELTIN N., “Size measurement of silica nanoparticles by Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled to Multi-Angle Light Scattering: a comparison exercise between two metrological institutes”, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021, 1638 (Special issue), 461859, DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461859.

BASTKOWSKI F., SANDER B., LOZANO H., PUELLES M., SNEDDEN A., DELEEBEECK L., ASAKAI T., HWANG E., JO K., ORTIZ-APARICIO J. L., MONTERO-RUIZ J., ROZIKOVÁ M., KOZLOWSKI W., QUEZADA H. T., MORALES L. V., AHUMADA D. A., BORGES P. P., NEVES R. S., SOBRAL S. P., UYSAL E., LIV L., PROKUNIN S., DOBROVOLSKYI V., STOICA D., WU B., MA L., MÁRIÁSSY M., HANKOVÁ Z., SOBINA A., and SHIMOLIN A., “Key comparison CCQMK73.2018 Amount content of H+ in Hydrochloric acid (0.1”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, Technical supplement, 1A, 08002, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/58/1A/08002.

BESCOND A., OSTER C., FISCARO P., GODDARD S., QUINCEY P., TSAKANIKA L.-A., LYMPEROPOULOU T. and OCHSENKUHN-PETROPOULOU M., “Method for preparation of a candidate reference material of PM10 and PM2.5 airborne particulate filters loaded with incineration ash-Inter comparison results for metal concentration”, Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 67, DOI: 10.3390/atmos12010067.

BETTENCOURT DA SILVA R.J.N., SAAME J., ANES B., HEERING A., LEITO I., NAYKKI T., STOICA D., DELEEBEECK L., BASTKOWSKI F., SNEDDEN A. and CAMOES M.F., “Evaluation and validation of detailed and simplified models of the uncertainty of unified pH abs H2O measurements in aqueous solutions”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021, 1182,1182 338923, DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2021.338923.

BOURROUS S., BARRAULT M., MOCHO V., POIRIER S.,OUF F.-X., BARDIN-MONNIER N., CHARVET A., THOMAS D., BESCOND A., FOUQUEAU A., MACÉ T. and GAIE-LEVREL F., “A performance evaluation and inter-laboratory comparison of community face coverings in the context of COVID-19 pandemic”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021, 21, 6, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.200615.

BUCHTA C., CAMP J.V., JOVANOVIC J., CHIBA P., PUCHHAMMER-STÖCKL E., MAYERHOFER M., PLICKA H., LERCHER A., POPA A.M., ENDLER L., BERGTHALER A., HUF W., BENKA B., DELATOUR V., MÜLLER M.M., GRIESMACHER A., ABERLE S.W. and GÖRZER I., “The versatility of external quality assessment for the surveillance of laboratory and in vitro diagnostic performance: SARS-CoV-2 viral genome detection in Austria”. Clin Chem Lab Med., 2021, 59, 10, 1735-1744, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2021-0604.

COBBAERT C.M., ALTHAUS H., BEGCEVIC BRKOVIC I., CEGLAREK U., COASSIN S., DELATOUR V., DEPREZ L., DIKAIOS I., DITTRICH J., HOOFNAGLE A.N., KOSTNER G.M., KRONENBERG F., KUKLENYIK Z., PRINZING U., VESPER H.W., ZEGERS I. and RUHAAK L.R.,”Towards an SI-Traceable Reference Measurement System for Seven Serum Apolipoproteins Using Bottom-Up Quantitative Proteomics: Conceptual Approach Enabled by Cross-Disciplinary/Cross-Sector Collaboration”, Clin Chem., 2021, 67, 3, 478-489, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa239.

DELEEBEECK L., SNEDDEN A., NAGY D., NAGYNÉ SZILÁGYI Z., ROZIKOVÁ M., VIČAROVÁ M., HEERING A., BASTKOWSKI F., LEITO I., QUENDERA R., CABRAL V. and STOICA D., “Unified pH measurements of ethanol, methanol, and acetonitrile, and their mixtures with water”, Sensors, 2021, 21, 3935, DOI: 10.3390/s21113935.

FIGTREE G.A., VERNON S.T., HADZIOSMANOVIC N., SUNDSTRÖM J., ALFREDSSON J., ARNOTT C., DELATOUR V., LEÓSDÓTTIR M and HAGSTRÖM E. “Mortality in STEMI patients without standard modifiable risk factors: a sex-disaggregated analysis of SWEDEHEART registry data”, Lancet, 2021, 397, 10279, 1085-1094, DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00272-5.

HAMDAOUI Q., BENCSIK A., FLAMANT F., DELCOUR S., MACÉ T., VASLIN-REIMANN S. and GAIE-LEVREL F., “Metrological characterization of an aerosol exposure chamber to explore the inhalation effects of the combination of paraquat and TiO2 nano-objects”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021, 21, 8, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.200626.

HAMDAOUI Q., ZEKRI Y., RICHARD S., AUBERT D., GUYOT R., MARKOSSIAN S., GAUTHIER K., GAIE-LEVREL F., BENCSIK A. and FLAMANT F., “Prenatal exposure to paraquat and nanoscaled TiO2 aerosols alters the gene expression of the developing brain”, Chemosphere, 2022, online: 16 Sept. 2021, 287, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132253.

HOOFNAGLE A.N., COBBAERT C.M., DELATOUR V., KELLEHER N.L., LOWENTHAL M.S. and SHUFORD C.M., “Should LC-MS/MS Be the Reference Measurement Procedure to Determine Protein Concentrations in Human Samples?”, Clin Chem., 2021, 67, 3, 466-471, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa256.

HORENDER S., AUDERSET K., QUINCEY P., SEEGER S., NIELSEN SKOV S., DIRSCHERL K., SMITH T.O.M., WILLIAMS K., AEGERTER C.C., KALBERMATTER D.M., GAIE-LEVREL F. and VASILATOU K., “Facility for production of ambient-like model aerosols (PALMA) in the laboratory: application in the intercomparison of automated PM monitors with the reference gravimetric method”, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2021, 14, 1225-1238, DOI: 10.5194/amt-14-1225-2021.

HUYNH H.H., BOEUF A., DERBEZ-MORIN M., DUPUY A.M., LALERE B., DELATOUR V. and VINH J., “Development of an antibody-free ID-LC MS method for the quantification of procalcitonin in human serum at sub-microgram per liter level using a peptide-based calibration”, Anal Bioanal Chem., 2021, 413, 19, 4707-4725, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-021-03361-0.

HUYNH H.H., BOEUF A., DERBEZ-MORIN M., DUPUY A.M., LALERE B., VINH J. and DELATOUR V., “Response to Letter to the Editor regarding, “Development of an antibody-free ID-LC MS method for the quantification of procalcitonin in human serum at sub-microgram per liter level using a peptide-based calibration”, Anal Bioanal Chem., 2021, 413, 19, 4921-4922, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-021-03459-5.

HUYNH H.H., BOEUF A., PFANNKUCHE J., SCHUETZ P., THELEN M., NORDIN G., VAN DER HAGEN E., KAISER P., KESSELER D., BADRICK T., POGGI B., TIIKKAINEN U., DAVIES G.J., KESSLER A., PLEBANI M., VINH J. and DELATOUR V., “Harmonization status of procalcitonin measurements: what do comparison studies and EQA schemes tell us?”, Clin Chem Lab Med., 2021, 59, 10, 1610-1622, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2021-0566.

HUYNH H.H., BOEUF A., VINH J. and DELATOUR V., “Evaluation of the necessity and the feasibility of the standardization of procalcitonin measurements: Activities of IFCC WG-PCT with involvement of all stakeholders”, Clin Chim Acta, 2021, 515, 111-121, DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2021.01.004.

KOLEVA B., DIMITROVA L., STOICA D. and FISICARO P., “Application of secondary pH measurement method for homogeneity and stability assessment of reference materials”, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 2021, 26, 113–120, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-021-01464-w.

JEONG J.S., YIM Y.H., LIU Q., YONG S., LIU H., BELTRÃO B., SCAPIN S., SADE Y., GARRIDO B., BOEUF A., DELATOUR V., KILPATRICK E., LOWENTHAL M., MI W., WU L., WANG J., KINUMI T., HENRION A., OHLENDORF R., OZTUG M. and AKGOZ M., “Protein Quantification Purity-Assessed Recombinant Protein Contents in Buffer Solution using Insulin analogue - CCQMK151”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, Tech. Suppl., 08007, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/58/1A/08007.

LAINELA S., CAPITAINE G., HEERING A., LEITO I., AGNES B., CAMOES F. and STOICA D., “Toward Unified pH of Saline Solutions”, Water, 2021, 13, 2522, DOI: 10.3390/w13182522.

MATHON B., DABRIN A., ALLAN I., LARDY-FONTAN S., TOGOLA A., GHESTEM J-P., TIXIER C., GONZALEZ JL., ALASONATI E., FERREOL M., DHERRET L., YARI A., RICHARD L., MOREIRA A., EON M., DELEST B., POLLONO C., MUNSCHY C., NOEL-CHERY E., EL MOSSAOUI M., STAUB P-F., MAZZELLA N. and MIEGE C., « Les échantillonneurs intégratifs passifs, des outils pertinents pour améliorer la surveillance règlementaire de la qualité chimique des milieux aquatiques ? », TSM, 2021, 6, 57-71, DOI: 10.36904/tsm/202106057.


MILLER G. W., GREENBERG N., BUDD J. and DELATOUR V., “The evolving role of commutability in metrological traceability”, Clin Chim Acta., 2021, 514, 84-89, DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2020.12.021.

MIRMONT E., BOEUF A., CHARMEL M., VASLIN-REIMANN S., LALERE B., LAPRÉVOTE O. and LARDY-FONTAN S., “Development and implementation of an analytical procedure for the quantification of natural and synthetic steroid hormones in whole surface waters”, Journal of Chromatography B, 2021, 15, 1175, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2021.122732.

NOIREAUX J., LOPEZ-SANZ S., VIDMAR J., CORREIA M., DEVOILLE L., FISICARO P. and LOESCHNERK., “Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food: comparison of detection by triple-quadrupole and high resolution ICP-MS in single particle mode”, Journal of nanoparticle research, 2021, 23, 102, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-021-05198-1.

PANTEGHINI M., BRAGA F., CAMARA J.E., DELATOUR V., VAN UYTFANGHE K., VESPER H.W., ZHANG T. and JCTLM Task Force on Reference measurement system implementation, “Optimizing available tools for achieving Result standardization: Value added by Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)”, Clin Chem., 2021, 67, 12, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvab178.

RADTKE V., STOICA D., LEITO I., CAMÕES F., KROSSING I., ANES B., ROZIKOVÁ M., DELEEBEECK L., VELTZ´E S., NÄYKKI T., BASTKOWSKI F., HEERING A., DÁNIEL N., QUENDERA R., LIV L., UYSAL E. and LAWRENCE N., “A unified pH scale for all solvents Part I - Intention and reasoning (IUPAC Technical Report)”, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2021, 93, 9, 1049-1060, DOI: 10.1515/pac-2019-0504.

REGNIER R., AVRIN G., BARBOSA V., BOFFETY D., KALOUGUINE A. and LARDY-FONTAN S., « Validation de méthodologies d’évaluation de solutions de désherbage autonomes, dans le cadre des projets Challenge ROSE et METRICS », Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2021, 2, 1, 11-32, DOI: 10.5802/roia.8.

SEEGER S., OSAN J., OTTÓ CZÖMPÖLY O., GROSS A., STOSNACH H., STABILE L., OCHSENKUEHN-PETROPOULOU M., LAMPRINI-ARETI T., LYMPEROPOULOU T., GODDARD S., FIEBIG M., GAIE-LEVREL F., KAYSER Y. and BECKHOFF B., “Quantification of element mass concentrations in ambient aerosols by combination of cascade impactor sampling and mobile total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy”, Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 309, DOI: 10.3390/atmos12030309.

SEITZ S., ROZIKOVA M., VICAROVA M., THIRSTRUP C., WANG H. and STOICA D., “EURAMET Comparison 1462 Supplementary CCQM comparison Euramet.QM-S12 Electrolytic conductivity at pure water level - Final Report”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, Techn. suppl. 1A, 08001, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/58/1A/08001.

STOICA D., ANES B., FISICARO P. and FILOMENA CAMÕES M., “Feasibility of multifunction calibration of H+ responsive glass electrodes in seawater”, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2021, 93, 12, 1487-1497, DOI: 10.1515/pac-2020-0202.


BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F., SUTOUR C. and MACE T., « Protocole expérimental pour caractériser les performances des capteurs à bas coût pour la surveillance de la qualité de l'air dans un environnement contrôlé », 34e Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Paris, France, 26-28 janvier 2021.

BOURROUS S., THOMAS D., CHARVET A., MONNIER N., FOUQUEAU A., BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F. and OUF F-X., « Caracterisation des performances des masques barrière à usage non sanitaire : intercomparaison des protocoles et premiers enseignements », 34e Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, DOI: 10.25576/ASFERA-CFA2021-24841, Paris, France, 26-28 janvier 2021.

SUTTER B., BAU S., SIMON X., PAYET R., BOIVIN A., WITSCHGER O., BESCOND A. and GAIE-LEVREL F., « NOAA LCS : Un projet de recherche prénormative sur l'application des microcapteurs d'aérosols pour la mesure des NOAA sur les lieux de travail », 34e Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Paris, France, 26-28 janvier 2021.

MATHON B., DABRIN A., ALLAN I., LARDY-FONTAN S., TOGOLA A., GHESTEM J-P., TIXIER C., GONZALEZ JL., FERREOL M., DHERRET L., YARI A., RICHARD L., MOREIRA A., EON M., DELEST B., NOEL-CHERY E., EL MOSSAOUI M., ALASONATI E., STAUB P-F., MAZZELLA N. and MIEGE C., « Présentation résultats DGT, POCIS, SR et incertitudes », Colloque restitution finale RSP, Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, mars 2021.

FOUQUEAU A., GAIE-LEVREL F., BESCOND A., VASLIN-REIMANN S. and MACE T., « Masques de protection respiratoire : du contexte normatif aux travaux de comparaison inter laboratoire pour les mesures d’efficacité de filtration », Webinaire de la Société Française des Séparations Fluides Particules, Visioconférence, 1er avril 2021.

FISICARO P., “Metrology for Ocean sciences: The European Metrology Network for Climate and Ocean Observation”, Eurogoos conference 2021, Online conference, 3-5 mai 2021.

BENCSIK A., HAMDAOUI Q., NOIREAUX J., FISICARO P., GADOT N., FLAMANT F. and GAIE-LEVREL F., “An inhalation study combining nano-TiO2 and paraquat exposure in a transgenic mouse model of parkinson's disease: a novel approach to study nanopesticides impact on brain function”, NeuroFrance 2021, Colloque virtuel international, 19-21 mai 2021.

COBBAERT C., BEGCEVIC-BRKOVIC I., DITTRICH J., KUKLENYIK Z., CEGLAREK U., ALTHAUS H., ANGLES-CANO E., COASSIN S., DELATOUR V., DEPREZ L., DIKAIOS I., HOOFNAGLE A., KOSTNER G., KRONENBERG F., PRINZING U., VESPER H. and RUHAAK R., “In transition to the next generation reference materials and reference measurement procedures for apolipoprotein standardization”, 89th European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress, Helsinki, Finlande, Proceedings: Atherosclerosis, 2021, 331, 201-e202, 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2021.06.618, Online Congress, 30 May – 2 June 2021.

LAINELA S., STOICA D., LEITO I., HEERING A., ANES B. and FILOMENA CAMÕES M., “How reliable is your pH data?”, ASLO, Online meeting, 22-27 juin 2021.

DELATOUR V., “Potential contribution of the EMN TraceLabMed to the HALMA project harmonization of measurands in laboratory medicine through data aggregation of EQA Data”, Online conference, 23 juin 2021.

FISICARO P., “Brief presentation of EURAMET and the research programmes in metrology”, Workshop on Standardization in extracellular vesicles metrology, Paris, France, 25 juin 2021.

STEINHÄUSER L., LARDY-FONTAN S., PIECHOTTA C., HEATH E., PERKOLA N., BALZAMO S., COTMAN M., GÖKCEN T., GARDIA-PAREGE C., BUDZINSKI H., LALERE B., “Metrology for monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals under the EU water framework directive”, Goldschmidt2021, Online conference, 4-9 juillet 2021.

DELATOUR V., “Reference methods and commutable reference materials for standardization of immunoassays”, IFCC-Snibe International Symposium on Immunoassay-Based Diagnostics, Online conference, 7-8 Juillet 2021.

QUAGLIA M., CANO S., FILLMER A., FLOEL A. and GIANGRANDE C., “The NeuroMET project: Metrology and innovation for early diagnosis and accurate stratification of patients with neurodegenerative diseases”, 2021 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2021), Proceedings: Alzheimer's & dementia, 2021, 17, S5, e053655, DOI: 10.1002/alz.053655, Denver, Colorado, USA, 26-30 July 2021.

BESCOND A., GAIE-LEVREL F. and MACÉ T., “Experimental set-up for low cost sensor system performance assessment in a controlled environment”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021

BOEUF A., MIRMONT E., CHARMEL M., LAPREVOTE O., VASLIN-REIMANN S., LALERE B. and LARDY-FONTAN S., “Towards a reliable quantification of natural steroids and analogous pharmaceuticals at ultratrace level in water and human matrix”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

DELATOUR V., « La R&D en métrologie pour assurer la fiabilité des examens de biologie médicale », 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

DERBEZ-MORIN M., DELATOUR V., FENAILLE F., LALERE B., HUGGET J., BOEUF A. and BECHER F., “Development of a LC-HRMS method for the multiplexed quantification of nine sepsis protein biomarkers in human serum”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

FOUQUEAU A., GAIE-LEVREL F., MACE T., VASLIN-REIMANN S.and BESCOND A., « Face mask filtration efficiency: a characterisation of measurement protocol and data analysis », 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

GIANGRANDE C., BOEUF A., VANEECKOUTTE H., HUYNH H.H., LALÈRE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., VINH J., HIRTZ C., SWART C., HUGGETT J., QUAGLIA M. and DELATOUR V., “Purity analysis of primary calibrators for absolute quantitation of clinically relevant proteins: state-of-the-art and perspectives”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

LALERE B., GANTOIS F., PHILIPP R. and VASLIN-REIMANN S., “Alcoref Project: certified reference materials for breath alcohol control - An improvement in European metrological infrastructure for road safety”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

LARDY-FONTAN S., “ONE HEALTH from the initial concept to the future challenges: Metrology as a cornerstone?”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

LARDY-FONTAN S., PIECHOTTA C., HEATH E., PERKOLA N., BALZAMO S., CENTIOLI D., GARDIA-PARÈGE C., BUDZINSKI H., COTMAN M., GOKCEN T. and LALÈRE B., “EDC-WFD: a project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring survey and risks assessments of aquatic systems”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

MACÉ T. and SUTOUR C., “Air pollution monitoring: Development of ammonia (NH3) reference standards at nmol/mol levels”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

MAILLARD R., “Creation of a new European Metrology Network on Pollution Monitoring (POLMO) inside EURAMET”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

MARCHAND C., SPINELLE L. and MACÉ T., “A first certification protocol for the evaluation of sensor systems dedicated to the ambient air quality monitoring”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

STOICA D., “Realization of a universal pH scale: a step forward for measuring acidity and achieve pH comparability in any media”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

DELATOUR V., “Activities of IFCC Working group on standardization of procalcitonin assays with involvement of all stakeholders”, SeptiMet Stakeholders meeting, Online conference, 14 Sept. 2021.

STOICA D., « Rôle des laboratoires nationaux de métrologie dans l’évaluation et la quantification de l’acidification des eaux marines », Atelier SOMLIT, Brest, France, 15 septembre 2021.

SEEGER S., OSAN J., CZÖMPÖLY O., GROSS A., STOSNACH H., STABILE L., OCHSENKUEHN-PETROPOULOU M., TSAKANIKA L. A., LYMPEROPOULOU T., GODDARD S., FIEBIG M., GAIE-LEVREL F., KAYSER Y. and BECKHOFF B., “Element mass concentrations in ambient aerosols, a comparison of results from filter sampling / ICP-MS and cascade impactor sampling / Mobile total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy”, 12th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Online conference, 20-23 Sept. 2021.

MATHON B., DABRIN A., ALLAN I., LARDY-FONTAN S., TOGOLA A., GHESTEM J-P., TIXIER C., GONZALEZ JL., FERREOL M., DHERRET L., YARI A., RICHARD L., MOREIRA A., EON M., DELEST B., NOEL-CHERY E., EL MOSSAOUI M., ALASONATI E., STAUB P-F., MAZZELLA N. and MIEGE C., « Evaluation de la pertinence des EIP pour la surveillance réglementaire des milieux aquatiques », ASTEE, Paris, France, 28-30 septembre 2021.

FISICARO P., “Metrology for Ocean Sciences: The European Metrology Network for Climate and Ocean Observation”, MetroSea, Online conference, 4-6 octobre 2021.

STOICA D., “Implementation of documentary standards in support of international and European climate strategies”, MetroSea, Online conference, 4-6 octobre 2021.

STOICA D., FISICARO P., BASTKOWSKI F., SEITZ S. and SALVETAT F., “What place for the National Metrology Institutes in the Ocean observing system? An example for assessing and quantifying ocean acidification”, MetroSea, Online conference, 4-6 octobre 2021.

DERBEZ-MORIN M., BOEUF A., FENAILLE F., LALERE B., HUGGETT J., DELATOUR V. and BECHER F., « Développement d’une méthode LC-HRMS/MS pour la quantification multiplexée de huit biomarqueurs protéiques du sepsis dans le sérum humain », SEP 2021, Paris, France, 5-7 octobre 2021.

ALASONATI E., CAEBERGS T., PÉTRY J., SEBAÏHI N., FISICARO P. and FELTIN N., “Comparison exercise between two metrological institutes for size measurement of silica nanoparticles by Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled to Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector”, Virtual Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations 2021, Online conference, 11-13 octobre 2021.

ALASONATI E., « Evaluation de méthodes d’échantillonnage et de caractérisation de particules polymères disséminées dans le milieu marin », Forum Emballages LNE, Online conference, 12 octobre 2021.

FISICARO P., “Primary methods for chemical analysis and their applications at LNE”, Séminaire 60 ans CETAMA, Nîmes, France, 19-21 octobre 2021.

GUIGUES N., « Guide Eurachem - L’échantillonnage dans le processus de mesure- Apport d’exercices d’intercomparaison », Séminaire 60 ans CETAMA, Nîmes, France, 19-21 octobre 2021.

MATHON B., DABRIN A., TOGOLA A., GHESTEM J-P., ALLAN I., LARDY-FONTAN S., YARI A., FERREOL M., DHERRET L., EL MOSSAOUI M., TIXIER C., NOEL-CHERY E., MUNSCHY C., POLLONO C., ALASONATI E., GONZALEZ J-L., MAZZELLA N. and MIÈGE C., “Relevance and limitation of integrative passive samplers (IPS) in support of surface waters monitoring: results of a French national-scale study”, SETAC, Portland, USA, 14-18 novembre 2021.

DELATOUR V., “The importance of demonstrating commutability of reference materials with IQC”, EuroMedLab - Symposium Advances in IQC tools and techniques, Munich, Allemagne, 28 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2021.

FISICARO P., “Development of scientific and technical capabilities in the field of chemical analysis”, EURAMET Preparatory Workshop: 2022 Call for Research Potential Projects, Online conference, 7-9 décembre 2021.

PhD abstract

For some thirty years, endocrine disruption has become a central concern at the political, regulatory, societal and scientific levels. This is due to the fact that, in the field of the environment, endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs), and among them, natural steroid hormones and related compounds (analogous pharmaceuticals), can exert harmful effects at concentrations below the ng.L-1 and pose a serious threat to biodiversity. In the field of human health, these compounds are widely used for the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of various diseases and disorders. The aim of this thesis was notably to ensure, in both fields, the reliable quantification of endocrine disruptors and/or biomarkers to support effective decision-making at relevant concentration levels. First, 23 steroid hormones and related compounds were selected following an extensive bibliographical work that highlighted their common interest in both fields. Then, multiresidue quantification methods by LC-MS/MS were developed in whole continental waters and human serum. Limits of quantification in the ng.L-1 and the ng.mL-1 range were respectively obtained in the field of the environment and the field of human health. Measurement uncertainty was also assessed, enhancing the degree of confidence in measurement results. Implementing the methods allowed the characterisation of many target compounds in surface waters with some of them very few documented in France and Europe. Also, traceability of measurement results to the SI was established. Present work represents a significant step towards the development of multiresidue reference methods and future certification of reference materials, which are actually limited or missing.

Key words

Health, Environment, Steroid hormone, Whole water, Human serum, Ultra-trace level, Multiresidue method, Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry, Quality of data, Metrology

PhD abstract

Procalcitonin (PCT) measurement is a usefully tool to aid the early diagnosis and antibiotic stewardship for patients with sepsis. As sepsis diagnosis and antibiotic stewardship rely on fixed clinical cutoffs (threshold concentration values), ensuring accuracy and comparability of PCT results over time and space is essential to ensure an appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic management.

This thesis consisted in studying the metrological traceability of these methods of PCT measurement. The work initially consisted in documenting the current state for results’ comparability between the different commercially available immunoassays for PCT. The evaluation of correlation studies and external quality assessment schemes results indicate that properly evaluating the current state of result’s comparability and discriminating the origin of result’s discrepancies is made difficult because studies were conducted in non-harmonized conditions and commutability of the materials was not characterized. Thus, it seems essential to conduct quality external evaluation using commutable control materials. In order to evaluate accuracy of commercially available immunoassays for PCT and to meet the regulatory requirements for the metrological traceability of results, a candidate reference method based on isotopic dilution liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry was developed and validated for an absolute quantification of PCT in human serum with a limit of quantification of 0.25 ng/mL. Results traceability to the SI units could be established thanks to a thorough purity assessment of the primary standards by amino acid analysis and correction of impurities contribution.

Key words

procalcitonin, sepsis, antibiotic resistance, isotope dilution liquid chromatography coupled mass spectrometry, reference method, metrological traceability

PhD abstract

The asymmetrical flow field flow (AF4) is a technique used to measure the size of nanoparticles. It consists in  fractionating the different populations inside the sample as a function of their hydrodynamic diameter. In the 1960s, a model (thereafter called classical model) has been developed, relying the retention time of a nanoparticle with its hydrodynamic diameter. However, the model validity is based on work hypothesizes which are not always respected depending on the experimental conditions. The work of this PhD thesis has consisted firstly in the study of the mechanisms governing the nanoparticles retention inside the AF4 channel. Notably it has been shown that interactions between the nanoparticles and the accumulation wall of the AF4 biased the results predicted by the classical model. Another model (thereafter called p-w model), which takes electrostatic and Van de Walls interactions into account, has been developed. Tests realized with particle standards for size showed that the p-w model give results with a better trueness than the classical model and that it can be applied for a larger range of experimental conditions. A validation of this model has been conducted and an uncertainty budget has been developed by following the Monte Carlo method. The metrological traceability of the measurement results has also been demonstrated.

Key words

AF4, nanoparticles, FFF theory, method validation

PhD abstract

The emergence of nanopesticides (NPe), novel agrochemicals which include nanomaterials (NM) within pesticide formulations, raises questions regarding the health effects of these nano-enabled products that may be inhaled after being sprayed. No study has yet explored the inhalation effects of substances mixing pesticides and NM, although these compounds might be able to exert neurotoxic effects, especially when exposures occur during critical life stages, such as neurodevelopment. Therefore, as the chemicals used in the NPe formulation could potentially cause cocktail effects which are currently not addressed, the development of new study models is essential to assess the health risk associated with these new technologies. This interdisciplinary study encompassed a metrological phase describing the development of an aerosol exposure device dedicated to rodents. As part of an approach aiming to harmonize toxicological protocols, this device must fulfill the requirements of inhalation toxicology studies, in order to offer a reliable and reproducible exposure procedure. In a second part, this manuscript presents an in vivo study carried out with mice thanks to the ad hoc device, which were used to produce aerosols involving two substances, the paraquat herbicide (PQ), titanium dioxide nano-objects (nTiO2) and their mixture modelling a NPe. The objective of this phase was the evaluation of the neurotoxic effects resulting from repeated exposures to our aerosols of interest, in particular to study the occurrence of cocktail effects on the brain. A whole-body exposure chamber was set up and metrologically characterized. It is a versatile device, which can be operated in various studies using several rodent species or scenarios of exposure. The generated aerosols were characterized in terms of mass and number concentrations, size distribution and atmosphere homogeneity and the proper functioning of the facility was then evaluated on the field. The different parameters monitored during its characterization were found to be stable, thus validating the suitability of this new exposure chamber as a tool to explore aerosol inhalation effects. Gene expression was assessed in the striatum of pups using RNA-seq, to highlight dysregulations in response to the aerosol exposure during gestation. Despite the use of low doses considered theoretically safe, aerosol exposures induced alterations in gene expression, which supports the idea that PQ and nTiO2 may both have adverse effects on neurodevelopment. The exposures of adult mice for several weeks also showed that nTiO2 inhalation could induce neurotoxic effects on the dopaminergic neurons. Although no synergistic effect was observed, the data suggested that interactions between these two substances occurred by modulating their toxicological effects. Finally, the findings underlined that the prenatal phase is essential in the assessment of the health risk associated with exposure to atmospheric pollutants such as NPe, which confirms the need to use in vivo methods depicting realistic exposure scenarios.

Key words

Aerosol exposure chamber, Inhalation toxicology study, Nanopesticide, nanomaterial, Pesticide, Neurodevelopment, TiO2, Paraquat


DELATOUR V, CLOUET-FORAISON N, JAISSON S, KAISER P, GILLERY P. “Beware of Noncommutability of External Quality Assessment Materials for Hemoglobin A1c”, Clin Chem., 2020 Feb 1, 66(2):390-391, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvz024.

FOUQUEAU A., CIRTOG M., CAZAUNAU M., PANGUI E., ZAPF P., SIOUR G., LANDSHEERE X., MEJEAN, G., ROMANINI, D., PICQUET- VARRAULT B., “Implementation of an incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy technique in an atmospheric simulation chamber for in situ NO3 monitoring: characterization and validation for kinetic studies”, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6311–6323, 2020, DOI: 10.5194/amt-13-6311-2020.

GAIE-LEVREL F. (participation), Avis du Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (HCSP) « Risque résiduel transmission SARS COV 2 sous forme aérosol » : « Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 : risque de transmission du virus sous formes d’aérosols en milieu intérieur et extérieur », 27 avril 2020.

GAIE-LEVREL F., BAU S., BREGONZIO-ROZIER L., PAYET R., ARTOUS S., JACQUINOT S., GUIOT A., OUF F.-X., BOURROUS S., MARPILLAT A., FOULQUIER C., SMITH G., CRENN V., FELTIN N., “An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosols size measurements by mobility spectrometers”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 22:103, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-020-04820-y.

GUIGUES N., DANIEL A., LAES-HUON A., BARUS C. “Toward a harmonization for using in situ nutrient sensors in the marine environment”, Frontiers Marine Science, 2020, open access, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00773.

GUIGUES N., LEPOT B., CABILLIC J., RAVEAU S., FERRET C., MARESCAUX N., LALERE B. “Assessing the performance of measurement devices for continuously monitoring of organic matter and nutrient in river water. ” Accreditation and quality assurance, 2020, vol 25, n°1, fevrier, 7-22, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-019-01408-5.

GUIGUES N., LEPOT B., DESENFANT M., DUROCHER J. “Estimation of the measurement uncertainty, including the contribution arising from sampling, of water quality parameters in surface waters of the Loire? Bretagne river basin, France”, Accreditation and quality assurance, 2020, vol 25, n°4, avril, 281-292, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-020-01436-6.

GUILLARD A, GAULTIER E, CARTIER C, DEVOILLE L, NOIREAUX J, CHEVALIER L, MORIN M, GRANDIN F, LACROIX MZ, COMERA C, CAZANAVE A, DE PLACE A, GAYRARD V, BACH V, CHARDON K, BEKHTI N, ADEL-PATIENT K, VAYSSIERE C, FISICARO P, FELTIN N, DE LA FARGE F, PICARD-HAGEN N, LAMAS B, HOUDEAU E “Basal Ti level in the human placenta and meconium and evidence of a materno-foetal transfer of food-grade TiO2 nanoparticles in an ex vivo placental perfusion model”, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2020, 17:51, DOI: 10.1186/s12989-020-00381-z.

HEERING A., STOICA D., CAMÕES F., ANES B., NAGY D., NAGYNE SZILAGYI Z., QUENDERA R., RIBEIRO L., BASTKOWSKI F., BORN R., NERUT J., SAAME J., LAINELA S., LIV L., UYSAL E., ROZIKOVA M., VICAROVA M., SNEDDEN A., DELEEBEECK L., RADTKE V., KROSSING I., LEITO I., “Symmetric potentiometric cells for the measurement of unified pH values. ” Symmetry, 2020, 12, 1150, DOI: 10.3390/sym12071150.

KRIEF S., IGLESIAS-GONZALEZ A., APPENZELLER B., OKIMAT J.P., FINI J.-B., DEMENEIX B. VASLIN-REIMANN S., LARDY-FONTAN S., GUMA N., SPIRHANZLOVA P. “Road Impact in a Protected Area With Rich Biodiversity: The Case of the Sebitoli Road in Kibale National Park, Uganda”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, volume 27, 27914-27925, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09098-0.

MAILLOUX A, CORTEY A, DELATOUR V, POUPON C, ROTA M, SCHMITT F, VAUBOURDOLLE M. “Analytical and clinical guidelines on neonatal bilirubinemia”, Ann Biol Clin, 2020, 78(4):383-397, DOI: 10.1684/abc.2020.1571.

MARUCCO A., PRONO M., BEAL D., ALASONATI E., FISCARO P., BERGAMASCHI E., CARRIERE M., FENOGLIO I., “Biotransformation of food-grade and nanometric TiO2 in the oral-gastrointestinal tract: driving forces and effect on the toxicity toward intestinal epithelial cells”, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 2132, DOI: 10.3390/nano10112132.

MILLER WG, BUDD J, GREENBERG N, WEYKAMP C, ALTHAUS H, SCHIMMEL H, PANTEGHINI M, DELATOUR V, CERIOTTI F, KELLER T, HAWKINS D, BURNS C, REJ R, CAMARA JE, MACKENZIE F, VAN DER HAGEN E, VESPER H. “IFCC Working Group Recommendations for Correction of Bias Caused by Noncommutability of a Certified Reference Material Used in the Calibration Hierarchy of an End-User Measurement Procedure”, Clin Chem. 2020, 1, 66(6):769-778, DOI: 10.1093/clinchem/hvaa048.

WANG J.-L., ALASONATI E., THARAUD M., GELABERT A., FISICARO P., BENEDETTI M.F., “Flow and fate of silver nanoparticles in small French catchments under different land-uses: The first one-year study”, Water research 176, 2020, 115722, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115722.

WANG J., FISICARO P., OSTER C., ET AL. “Final report of the CCQM-K145: toxic and essential elements in bovine liver”, 2020, Metrologia, 57, 1A, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/57/1A/08013.


ALASONATI E., TOMATIS S., DE CARSALADE DU PONT V., MARUCCO A., FENOGLIO I., FISICARO P., “Study of the agglomeration of food grade titanium dioxide in simulated gastrointestinal fluids by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation multidetection system”, FFF symposium, 23-27 février 2020, Vienne.

DE CARSALADE DU PONT V., ALASONATI E., VASLIN-REIMANN S., MARTIN M., HOYOS M., FISICARO P., “Study of Mechanism Governing the Retention Behavior in Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation”, FFF symposium, 23-27 février 2020, Vienne.

DELATOUR V., Vidéo réalisée pour l’association France Alzheimer décrivant les objectifs du projet sur le profilage de formes phosphorylées de la protéine Tau, 16 mars 2020.

MACE T., « Evaluer les incertitudes de mesure », Estimation des incertitudes sur les mesures de la qualité de l’air - Journée Technique CFM, 1er avril 2020.

STEINHÄUSER L., LARDY-FONTAN S., PIECHOTTA C., HEATH E., PERKOLA N., BALZAMO S., COTMAN M., GOKCEN T., GARDIA-PAREGE C., BUDZINSKI H., LALERE B., “EDC-WFD: A project to deliver reliable measurements of estrogens for better monitoring survey and risks assessments”, SETAC, Dublin, 3-7 May 2020.

GAIE-LEVREL F., « Est-il vrai que l'on peut tester l'efficacité d'un masque en soufflant sur une bougie ? », article du journal Libération, 11 mai 2020.

GAIE-LEVREL F., « Des masques testés en laboratoire pour garantir leur qualité mais aussi leur confort », Reportage TF1, Journal télévisé de 13h, 3 juin 2020.

GIANGRANDE C., “Development of a primary calibrator and candidate reference method for metrological traceability of tau protein results”, AAIC, Visioconférence, 26- 30/07/2020.

GINI M., FETFATZIS P., DIAPOULI E., VRATOLIS S., ASMI E., BACKMAN J., MÜLLER T., GYSEL-BEER M., VASILATOU K., ESS M., GAIE-LEVREL F., CIUPEK K., SATURNO J., NOWAK A., WIEDENSHOLER A., QUINCEY P., ELEFTHERIADIS K., “Overview of the winter black carbon campaign in Athens”, European Aerosol Conference (EAC2020), Visioconférence, 31 août – 4 septembre 2020.

ROMSHOO B., MÜLLER T., NOWAK A., SATURNO J., QUINCEY P., CIUPEK K., VASILATOU K., ESS M., ELEFTHERIADIS K., GINI M., GAIE-LEVREL F., WIEDENSOHLER A., “Laboratory generated soot: Application for optical modelling at various stages of ageing”, European Aerosol Conference (EAC2020), Visioconférence, 31 août – 4 septembre 2020.

DELATOUR V., “Standardization and harmonization of Procalcitonin”, Standardisation and Harmonisation in Clinical Chemistry, organisé conjointement par l’EQALM, l’EMN TraceLabMed et la Société Grecque de Biologie Clinique, Visioconférence, 16 octobre 2020.

GIANGRANDE C., “Standardization of Tau protein measurements and profiling of its phosphorylation in neurodegenerative disorders”, Congrès TD-MSQS, Visiconférence, 11 Nov 2020.

ALASONATI E., CAEBERGS T., PETRY J., SEBAÏHI N., FISICARO P., FELTIN N., “Comparison exercise between two metrological institutes for size measurement of silica nanoparticles by Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled to Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector”, 7th International Digital Conference NANOSAFE 2020, 16-20 novembre 2020

BOURROUS S., BARRAULT M., MOCHO V., POIRIER S., OUF F.-X., BARDIN-MONNIER N., CHARVET A., THOMAS D., BESCOND A., FOUQUEAU A., MACE T., GAIE-LEVREL F., « Développements expérimentaux visant à caractériser les performances de filtration des masques grand public dans le contexte de la pandémie de la COVID19 », Matinale AIRLAB SARS-COV-2, un polluant de l’air ?, Visioconférence, 8 décembre 2020.

DELATOUR V., “Standardization and harmonization of Procalcitonin”, Standardisation and Harmonisation in Clinical Chemistry, Congrès AACC, Visioconférence, 17 décembre 2020.



ALASONATI E., FETTIG I., RICHTER J., PHILIPP R., MILACIC R., SCANCAR J., ZULIANI T., BILSEL M., FISICARO P., “Towards tributyltin quantification in natural water at the Environmental Quality Standard level required by the Water Framework Directive”; Talanta, 160, 2016,  499–511, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.07.056

BAEZA-ROMERO M.-T., GAIE-LEVREL F., MAHJOUB A., LÓPEZ-ARZA V., GARCIA G.A., NAHON L.,” A smog chamber study coupling a photoionization aerosol electron/ion spectrometer to VUV synchrotron radiation: organic and inorganic-organic mixed aerosol analysis”, The European Physical Journal D, section Molecular Physics and Chemical Physics Low-Energy Interactions related to Atmospheric and Extreme Conditions, 70, 154, 2016, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2016-70264-8

BARGNOUX A-S., KUSTER N., DELATOUR V., DELANAYE P., GONZALEZ-ANTUNA A., CRISTOL J-P., PIERONI L., CAVALIER E. “Reference Method and Reference Material Are Necessary Tools to Reveal the Variability of Cystatin C Assays” , Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine ; 140 (2), 2016, 117-118 ; 2p, DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2015-0198-LE

BRIEUDES V., LARDY-FONTAN S., VASLIN-REIMANN S., BUDZINSKI H., LALERE B., “Development of a multi-residue method for scrutinizing psychotropic compounds in natural waters”; Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1047, 2016, 160-172, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.07.016

BRIEUDES V., LARDY-FONTAN S., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., BUDZINSKI H., ‘‘Validation and uncertainties evaluation of an isotope dilution-SPE-LC-MS-MS for the quantification of drug residues in surface waters”; Talanta, 146 ; January 2016 ; 138- 147 ; 10p, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.06.073

BRINET D., GAIE-LEVREL F., DELATOUR V., KAFFY J., ONGERI S., TAVERNA M., “In vitro Amyloid β-peptide oligomerization monitoring by Electrospray differential mobility analysis: an innovative tool to evaluate Alzheimer’s disease drug candidates”. Talanta, 165, 84-91, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.12.011

CAMÕES F., ANES B., MARTINS H., OLIVEIRA C., FISICARO P., STOICA D., SPITZER P., “Assessment of H+ in complex aqueous solutions approaching seawateré”; Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 764 , 2016, 88–92, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2016.01.014

CUNHA DE MIRANDA B., GARCIA G., GAIE-LEVREL F., MAHJOUB A., GAUTIER T., FLEURY B., NAHON L., PERNOT P., CARRASCO N., “Molecular Isomer Identification of Titan’s Tholins Organic Aerosols by Photoelectron/Photo ion Coincidence Spectroscopy Coupled to VUV Synchrotron Radiation”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(33), 6529-6540, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b03346

DEITRICH C. L., CUELLO-NUÑEZ S., KMIOTEK D., THORMA F. A., DEL CASTILLO E. M., FISICARO P. AND GOENAGA-INFANTE H., “Accurate quantification of Selenoprotein P (SEPP1) in plasma using isotopically enriched seleno-peptides and species-specific isotope dilution with HPLC coupled to ICP-MS/MS”; Analytical Chemistry, 88, 2016,  6357-6365; DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00715

DELATOUR V., LIU Q., VESPER H.W. “Commutability Assessment of External Quality Assessment Materials with the Difference in Bias Approach: Are Acceptance Criteria Based on Medical Requirements too Strict ?”, Clinical Chemistry; 62 (12), 2016, 1670-71, DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2016.261008

DEL CASTILLO BUSTO M.E., OSTER C. , CUELLO-NUÑEZ S., DEITRICH C. L., RAAB A., KONOPKA A., LEHMANN W. D., GOENAGA-INFANTE H. AND FISICARO P.; “Accurate assessment of selenoproteins in human plasma/serum by isotope dilution ICP-MS: Focus on Selenoprotein P”; Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. JAAS, 2016, 31, 1904 – 1912, DOI: 10.1039/C6JA00122J

DICKSON A.G., CAMÕES M.F., SPITZER P., FISICARO P., STOICA D., PAWLOWICZ R. AND FEISTEL R.; “Metrological challenges for measurements of key climatological observables. Part 3: Seawater pH”; Metrologia, 53, 2016,  R26–R39, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/53/1/R26

DOVAL MINARRO M., BREWER P J., BROWN R J. C., PERSIJN S., VAN WIJK J., NIEUWENKAMP G., BALDAN A., KAISER C., SUTOUR C., MACÉ T.,  SKUNDRI N. AND TARHAN T., “Zero gas reference standards”, Anal. Methods, 8, 3014, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/c5ay03316k

FEISTEL R., WIELGOSZ R., BELL S.A., CAMÕES M.F., COOPER J R, DEXTER P. , DICKSON A. G., FISICARO P., GATLEY D.P., HARVEY A.H., HEINONEN M., HELLMUTH O., HIGGS N, KRETZSCHMAR H.J., LOVELL-SMITH J.W., MCDOUGALL T . J., PAWLOWICZ R., SEITZ S., SPITZER P, STOICA D AND WOLF H.; “Metrological challenges for measurements of key climatological observables: Oceanic salinity and pH, and atmospheric humidity. Part 1: Overview”; Metrologia, 53, 2016, , DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/53/1/R1

GAIE-LEVREL F., BOURROUS S., MACE T., « Conception d’un système portable pour l’étalonnage des instruments de mesure de concentration massique particulaire dans l’air ambiant », Spectra ANALYSE,  309, avril-mai 2016.

GUIGUES N., DESENFANT M., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., EYL D., MANSUIT P., HANCE E. “Estimating sampling and analysis uncertainties to assess the fitness for purpose of a water quality monitoring network”, Accreditation and quality assurance ; 21(2), 2016,  101-112 ; 12p, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-015-1186-4

KONOPKA A., WINTER D., KONOPKA W., DEL CASTILLO BUSTO ME., NUNEZS., GOENAGA-INFANTE H., FISICARO P., LEHMANN WOLF D.; "[Sec-to-Cys]selenoproteins - A novel type of recombinant, full-length selenoprotein standards for quantitative proteomics"; Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. JAAS, 31, 2016, 1929- 1938, DOI: 10.1039/C6JA00123H

LARDY-FONTAN S., BRIEUDES V., LALERE B., CANDIDO P., COUTURIER G., BUDZINSKI H., LAVISON-BOMPARD G. “For more reliable measurements of pharmaceuticals in the environment: Overall measurement uncertainty estimation, QA/QC implementation and metrological considerations. A case study on the Seine River”, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 77, 2016, 76-86 ; 11p, DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2015.12.011

LEHMANN S., BREDE C., LESCUYER P., COCHO J.A., VIALARET J., BROS P., DELATOUR V., “Clinical mass spectrometry proteomics (cMSP) for medical laboratory: What does the future hold ?” ; Clinica Chimica, Acta, 467, 2016, 51-58, DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2016.06.001

RICHTER J. , ELORDUI-ZAPATARIETXE S., EMTEBORG H.,FETTIG I., HEIN S., CABILLIC J., ALASONATI E ., GANTOIS F;, SWART C., GOKCEN T., TUNC M., BINICI B., RODRIGUEZ A., RODRIGUEZ-GONZALEZ-cea, ZULIANI T., GONZALEZ GAGO A., PRÖFROCK D., NOUSIAINEN M., SAWAL G., BUZOIANU M., PHILIPP R., "Results of an interlaboratory exercise for the analysis of 15 organic priority substances at ng/L levels in whole water samples", Accred Qual Assur, 21, 2016, 121–129, DOI: 10.1007/s00769-015-1190-8

SUTOUR C., GRENOUILLET J., MACE T., VASLIN-REIMANN S., « Développement d’un matériau de référence certifié de formaldéhyde sur cartouche de DNPH », Revue française de métrologie, 41, 2016, 29, DOI: 10.1051/rfm/2016004

SWART C., GANTOIS F., PETROV P., ENTWISLE J., GOENAGA-INFANTE H., NOUSIAINEN M., BILSEL M., BINICI B., GONZALEZ-GAGO A., PROFROCK D., GOREN A.C. “Potential reference measurement procedures for PBDE in surface water at levels required by the EU Water Frame Directive”,  Talanta, 152, 2016, 251-258, 8p, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.01.066


ALASONATI E., « Fractionnement asymétrique par couplage flux‐force et détecteur à diffusion de lumière statique: une plateforme analytique pour la caractérisation métrologique des nanoparticules », Rencontres Annuelles du DIM Analytics"; Paris, 20 janvier 2016

DELATOUR V., « Importance de la commutabilité et des valeurs cibles associées aux échantillons de contrôle de qualité en biologie médicale », Réunion LABAC, Paris, 5 Février 2016

STOICA D.,“Metrology for supporting the reliability of oceanic measurements”; OCEANEXT; Nantes (France), 8 - 10 juin 2016

DELATOUR V., “Metrology in chemistry, Food and safety, Biomarkers, Methods and materials for clinical measurements, Climate and air quality monitoring, Redefinition of the mole”, Varenna Summer School 2016: Metrology: from physics fundamentals to quality of life – Module: "Metrology for the Quality of Life", Varenna, Italie, 27-29 juin 2016

DELATOUR V., American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting; International Travel Grant, Philadelphie (USA), 30 Juillet au 5 Août 2016

GAIE-LEVREL F., DELABY S., MANIXAY S., WIART M., BENCSIK A., “Impact on the nervous system of aerosols released from nanocomposite materials under stress use: The “Release_NanoTox” project”; European Aerosol Conference (EAC2016); Tours (France); 4-9 septembre 2016

GAIE-LEVREL F., CLOUET-FORAISON N., BRINET D., TAVERNA M., KAFFY J., ONGERI S., DELATOURV ., “Applications of Electrospray - Differential Mobility Analysis (ES-DMA) to nano(bio)particles measurements in the health field”; European Aerosol Conference (EAC2016); Tours (France); 4-9 septembre 2016

LAVISON-BOMPARD G., BRIEUDES V., CANDIDO P., JOYEUX M. , BUDZINSKI H., LALERE B., LARDY-FONTAN S., “Implementation of complementary monitoring strategies to sustain the needs for a better evaluation of drinking water treatment efficiency : case study on Psychotropic drugs and metabolites in the Parisian Area”, ICRAPHE 1st International Conference on Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Paris, 8-9 Septembre 2016

FISICARO P., “Improve the quality of measurement results in food analysis: the role of a National Metrology Institute”, IMEKOFOODS international conference, Benevento, Italie 2 - 5 October

LARDY-FONTAN S., « Mise en oeuvre d'échantillonneur intégratif dans le cadre de la DCE » ; Journée Scientifique d’information et d’échanges de l’OPE (Observatoire Pérenne de l’Environnement), Paris, 3 Octobre 2016

GUIGUES N., « Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la qualité des eaux - Mise en œuvre d'outils intégratifs et /ou continus » ; Journée Scientifique d’information et d’échanges de l’OPE (Observatoire Pérenne de l’Environnement), Paris, 3 Octobre 2016

GAIE-LEVREL F., DELABY S., MANIXAY S., WIART M., BENCSIK A., « Characterization of released aerosol from photocatalytics paints under realistic sanding », GIENS 2016 (Groupe Interdisciplinaire pour l'étude des Effets environnementaux des NanotechnologieS), Nancy (France), 3-5 octobre 2016,

CLOUET-FORAISON N., « Analyse de bio-nanoparticules par ES-DMA : application aux lipoprotéines pour le diagnostic des maladies cardiovasculaires » ; Journée Thématique DIM Analytics : Caractérisation des nano-objets dans tous leurs états, Paris, 14 Octobre 2016

BENCSIK A., MANIXAY S., DELABY S., ANTIER E., GAIE-LEVREL F., LAKHDAR L., WIART M., “In vivo evaluation of potential neurotoxicity of incorporated nanomaterials in mice exposed chronically through aerosol route: Earliest observations”, NANOSAFE2016, Minatec-Grenoble (France), 7-10 novembre 2016

MANIXAY S., DELABY S., GAIE-LEVREL F., WIART M., BENCSIK A., “Characterization of released aerosol from photocatalytic paints under realistic sanding aerosol exposure: The Release_Nanotox Project”, NANOSAFE2016, Minatec-Grenoble (France), 7-10 novembre 2016

LARDY-FONTAN S., GUIGUES N., «  Mise en œuvre d’échantillonneurs intégratifs sur l’Observatoire Pérenne de l’Environnement de l’Andra », POLLUTEC, Lyon, 30 novembre 2016

LARDY-FONTAN S., « Actions AQUAREF pour une applicabilité des EIP pour la surveillance des eaux : bilan et perspectives », POLLUTEC, Lyon, 30 novembre 2016

GUIGUES N., CABILLIC J., RAVEAU S., LEPOT B., FERRET C., MARESCAUX N.  , « Etude AQUAREF : Evaluation des performances de dispositifs de mesure en continue pour les nutriments et la matière organique », Séminaire COT mètre, Shimadzu, Paris, 06 Décembre 2016


BARGNOUX A-S., PIERONI L., CRISTOL J-P., KUSTER N., DELANAYE P., CARLIER M-C., FELLAHI S., BOUTTEN A., LOMBARD C., GONZALEZ-ANTUNA A., CAVALIER E., DELATOUR V., “Multicenter Evaluation of Cystatin C, Measurement after Assay Standardization”,  Clinical Chemistry, 63 (4), 2017, 833-841 ; 9p, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/838/1/012025

BRIEUDES V., LARDY-FONTAN S., VASLIN-REIMANN S., BUDZINSKI H., LALERE B., “Development of a multi-residue method for scrutinizing psychotropic compounds in natural waters”, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 1047, 2017, 160-172, 13p, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2016.07.016

BRINET D., GAIE-LEVREL F., DELATOUR V., KAFFY J., ONGERI S., TAVERNA M., “In vitro monitoring of amyloid betapeptide oligomerization by Electrospray differential mobility analysis: An alternative tool to evaluate Alzheimer's disease drug candidates”  Talanta, 165, 2017, 84-91, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.12.011

BROS P., JOSEPHS R., STOPPACHER N., CAZALS G., LEHMANN S., HIRTZ C., WIELGOSZ R., DELATOUR V.,” Impurity determination for hepcidin by liquid chromatography-high resolution and ion mobility mass spectrometry for the value assignment of candidate primary calibrators”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,  409 (10), 2017, 2559-2567, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-017-0202-4

CLOUET-FORAISON N., GAIE-LEVREL F., GILLERY P., DELATOUR V., “Advanced lipoprotein testing for cardiovascular diseases risk assessment: a review of the novel approaches in lipoprotein profiling”, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine ; 55 (10), 2017, 1453-1464 ; 12p, DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2017-0091

CLOUET-FORAISON N., GILLERY P., DELATOUR V., “Letter to the Editor regarding  Achieving comparability with IFCC reference method for the measurement of hemoglobin A1c by use of an improved isotope-dilution mass spectrometry method”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,  409 (24), 2017, 5789-5790 ; 2p, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-017-0513-5

CLOUET-FORAISON N., GAIE-LEVREL F., COQUELIN L., EBRARD G., GILLERY P., DELATOUR V., “Absolute Quantification of Bionanoparticles by Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis: An application to Lipoprotein Particle Concentration Measurements”, Analytical chemistry,  89 (4), 2017, 2242-2249, 8p, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02909

CLOUET-FORAISON N., GAIE-LEVREL F., DELATOUR V., “Establishing SI-Traceability of Nanoparticle Enumeration Techniques: A Case Study on Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis”, Journal of Analytical  Bioanalytical Techniques ; 8 (4), 2017, 1000370 , 3p, DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000370

DELABY C., BROS P., VIALARET J., MOULINIER A., DELATOUR V., GABELLE A., LEHMANN S., “Quantification of hepcidin-25 in human cerebrospinal fluid using LC-MS/MS”, Bioanalysis, 9, 4, February 2017, 337-347, DOI: 10.4155/bio-2016-0240

DELATOUR V., « Apport de la métrologie avancée à l’évaluation et à l’amélioration de la fiabilité des examens de biologie médicale »,  Annales des mines : Réalités industrielles, 1, February 2017, 19-23, 5p.

DELATOUR V., MARTOS G., CABILLIC J., PEIGNAUX M., PERROT C., FALLOT C., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S.; “Reference methods and commutable reference materials for clinical measurements”, Proceedings of the International, School of Physics Enrico Fermi, 196, 2017, 1 – 8, DOI 10.3254/978-1-61499-818-1-1

DELATOUR V., MARTOS G., PEIGNAUX M., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., “Reference measurement systems for biomarkers: Towards biometrology”, Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, 196, 2017, 9 - 24; DOI: 10.3254/978-1-61499-818-1-9

FRANK C., BRAUCKMANN C., PALOS M., ARSENE C.-G., NEUKAMMER J., DEL CASTILLO BUSTO M. E., ZAKEL S. , SWART C., GÛTLER B.  AND STOSCH R., “Comparison of Potential Higher Order Reference Methods for Total Haemoglobin Quantification – An Interlaboratory Study, " Anal Bioanal Chem; 2017; 409, Issue 9, 2341–2351 DOI 10.1007/s00216-016-0176-7

GAIE-LEVREL F., BOURROUS S., MACÉ T., “Development of a Portable Reference Aerosol Generator (PRAG) for calibration of particle mass concentration measurements”, Particuology, 37, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2017.06.005

HAERRI H.-P., MACÉ T., WALDÉN J., PASCALE C., NIEDERHAUSER B., WIRTZ K., STOVCIK V., SUTOUR C., COUETTE J.  AND WALDÉN T., “Dilution and permeation standards for the generation of NO, NO2 and SO2 calibration gas mixture”, Meas. Sci. Technol., 28, 035801 (17pp), 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa543d

HIRTZ C., LEHMANN S., BREDE C., LESCUYER P., COCHO J.A., VIALARET J., BROS P., DELATOUR V., HIRTZ C., “Clinical mass spectrometry proteomics (cMSP) for medical laboratory: What does the future hold ?,” Clinica Chimica Acta, 467, April 2017, 51-58 ; 8p, DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2016.06.001

LARDY-FONTAN S., LE DIOURON V., DROUIN C., LALERE B., VASLIN-REIMANN S., DAUCHY X., ROSIN C., “Validation of a method to monitor the occurrence of 20 relevant pharmaceuticals and personal care products in 167 bottled waters”, Science of the Total Environment ; 587-588, 2017, 118-127 ; 10p, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.074

MANIXAY S., DELABY S., GAIE-LEVREL F., WIART M., MOTZKUS C. AND BENCSIK A, “In vivo evaluation of the potential neurotoxicity of aerosols released from mechanical stress of nano-TiO2 additived paints in mice chronically exposed by inhalation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 838, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/838/1/012025

RICCI M., SHEGUNOVA P., CONNEELY P., BECKER R., LE DIOURON V., LARDY-FONTAN S., LALERE B., “CCQM-K102: polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment >Track A> - Low polarity analytes in abiotic matrix”, Metrologia, 54, technical supplement 08026, 82 DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/08026

WAI-MEI SIN D., WONG Y-C., LEHMANN A., SCHNEIDER R., CABILLIC J., LARDY-FONTAN S., “CCQM-K126: low polarity organic in water: carbamazepine in surface water”, Metrologia, 54, 2017, technical supplement, 08030,  56, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/08030



ALASONATI E., “Metrological characterization of nanoparticles in environmental matrices by A4F and SP-ICPMS“, EU Cost Action ES1205, Aveiro, Portugal; February 2017

FISICARO P., VASILEVA E., FETTIG I., KOSCHORRECK J., PIECHOTTA C., OSTER C., ALASONATI E., DEL CASTILLO BUSTO M. E., AZEMARD S., “Collaborative study on mercury and methylmercury quantification in fish samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank“; Winter Plasma Conference, Autriche, February 2017

DELATOUR V., "EQAS relying on commutable CRMs", Séminaire LABAC, Paris, 08 mars 2017

LARDY-FONTAN S., LE DIOURON V., FALLOTC ., LALERE B, « Développement, validation et mise en œuvre d’une méthode par dilution isotopique/spectrométrie de masse pour le dosage des hormones stéroïdiennes dans le contexte de la Watch List », Paris, SEP 2017, 28-31 mars 2017

FISICARO P.,« SP-ICPMS: “Metrological challenges and first developments at LNE“, CCQM Inorganic Analysis Working Group, BIPM Sevres; Avril 2017

ALASONATI E., PIECHOTTA C., WITTSTOCKC., FETTIG I, FISICARO P., “Traceability for speciation of mercury in water and biota“, Workshop on mercury monitoring and regulation, Germany; April 2017

FISICARO P., VASILEVA E., FETTIG I., KOSCHORRECK J., PIECHOTTA C., OSTER C., ALASONATI E., DEL CASTILLO BUSTO M E., AZEMARD S.; “Development of an enzymatic digestion method for the quantification of mercury species in biota and fish“; Workshop on mercury monitoring and regulation; April 2017, Allemagne

PIECHOTTA C., WITTSTOCK C., FETTIG I., ALASONATI E., FISICARO P., “Development of an enzymatic digestion method for the quantification of mercury species in biota and fish“, Workshop on mercury monitoring and regulation; April 2017, Allemagne

DELATOUR V., "Laboratory test standardization in clinical chemistry", Spring Symposium of the Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory, Daejeon, Corée du Sud; Avril 2017

ALASONATI E., « Caractérisation métrologique des oxydes de titane et silice par A4F-UV-MALS », Journée Scientifique G4F, Paris; Mai 2017

LALERE B., DIOURON V., FALLOT C., S. LARDY-FONTAN, «Développement, validation et mise en œuvre d’une méthode par dilution isotopique/spectrométrie de masse pour le dosage des hormones stéroïdiennes dans le contexte de la Watch List », Club AFSEP Ile de France, Rouen, 23 mai 2017

MAZZELLA N., TOGOLA A., LARDY-FONTAN S., MATHON B., DABRIN A., GHESTEM J-P., TIXIER C., GONZALEZ J-L., BOTTA F., MIEGE C., “Passive samplers for monitoring priority micropollutants in surface waters: a national scale study“, IPSW, Toronto (Canada), 29 mai au 02 juin 2017

DELATOUR V., "The importance of reference methods and commutability ", Congrès IFCC, Athènes, Grèce, Juin 2017


MACE T., SUTOUR C., présentation orale, “Development of formaldehyde reference materials“, Gas analysis 2017, Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), 13-15 juin 2017.

MOTZKUS C., GAIE-LEVREL F., FELTIN N., DELABY S., «Etude du relargage de nano-objets manufacturés en fonction du vieillissement de matériaux nanocomposites dédiés au bâtiment» : projet EMANE. Colloque Adebiotech, Qualité de l’Air Interieur, un enjeu de santé publique, Romainville – Grand Paris (France), 27-28 juin 2017.

CLOUET-FORAISON N., DELATOUR V., GAIE-LEVREL F., « Analyses de Bio-nanoparticules par ES-DMA», Journée technique TSI, LNE Paris, 29 Juin 2017

WANG J., FISICARO P., BENEDETTI M., “Characterization and Quantification of Engineered and Natural Nanoparticles in Small Watersheds of Seine River with Different Land Use“, Goldschmidt, Paris ; August 2017

MARTOS G., GIANGRANDE C., DELATOUR V., LALERE B.,« La standardisation des mesures protéiques : du diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer à la prévention de la résistance antimicrobienne», 18e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017

HÖGSTRÖM R., VESALA H., HEINONEN M., GAIE-LEVREL F., TARGAN T., “Particulate content of biogas“, Congrès International de Métrologie, CIM 2017, Paris (France), 19-21 septembre 2017

GUIGUES N., «Quelle mesure pour la qualité de l'eau 2017», 18e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 19-21 septembre

GUIGUES N., LEPOT B., CABILLIC J., RAVEAU S., FERRET C., MARESCAUX N. Performances of measuring devices for monitoring organic matter and nutrients in the Oise River, France, SWIG Sensing for Water, Nottingham, 28 septembre 2017

FISICARO P.,“Characterisation of nanoparticles in complex matrices by UV-MALLS-FFF” Workshop : “Inorganic nanoparticles in food and other matrices”, CCQM Inorganic Analysis Working Group, Torino, Italy; 28 September 2017

ALASONATI  E, « Fractionnement par couplage flux-force hydraulique couplé à la diffusion statique de la lumière : une méthode pour la caractérisation métrologique de la taille des nanoparticules » , Journée Technique GT3, Paris; Octobre 2017

JITARU P., CHEKRI R., LAVISON-BOMPARD G.,  FISICARO P., SEBY F., VACCHINA V., GUÉRIN T. AND DONARD O., "PRO-METROFOOD project: involvement of the French node in setting up a novel European research infrastructure in food and nutrition"; 3rd IMEKOFOODS, Metrology Promoting Harmonization& Standardization in Food & Nutrition; 1st – 4thOctober 2017, Thessalonique, Grèce

VERRON JP, CESAR F, BROCARD G, LARDY-FONTAN S, LALERE B, YARDIN C, CONIL S, REDON PO,. VILLENEUVE A, GALY C., “Archiving a territory: Challenges and Opportunities. “, 4th International Conference on Environmental Specimen Banks, Bilbao 2-4 October 2017

LARDY-FONTAN S., MEGHARFI M., VERRON J P., CÉSAR F., GALY C., LALERE B., “Why Collaboration Between National Metrology Institute and Environmental Specimen Bank: A French demonstration between LNE and Andra’s Ecotheque“ , 4th International Conference on Environmental Specimen Banks, Bilbao 2-4 October 2017

TOGOLA A., LARDY-FONTAN S., LESTREMAU F., MARGOUM C., “Non-target screening and environmental specimen banking: French perspectives“, 4th International Conference on Environmental Specimen Banks, Bilbao 2-4 October 2017

STOICA D., FISICARO P., “Ocean acidification: an emerging metrological challenge, IMEKO/MetroSeaNaples, Italy, 11-13 Octobre 2017

STOICA D., FISICARO P., “Ocean acidification: an emerging metrological challenge“, IMEKO/MetroSeaNaples, Italy, 11-13 Octobre 2017

MATHON B., MAZZELLA N., DABRIN A., MIEGE C., TOGOLA A., GHESTEM J-P., EL MOSSAOUI M., TIXIER C., GONZALEZ J-L., ANDRAL B., LARDY-FONTAN S., « Accompagner le transfert des échantillonneurs passifs vers les opérateurs pour le suivi chimique des eaux », Journée retour d'expérience du 1er cycle DCE "Eaux littorales" Nantes le 15-16 novembre 2017.

GIANGRANDE C., "LCMS methods and traceability of CSF biomarker measurements", JCTLM Stakeholders meeting, Sèvres, France, Décembre 2017