
AGAZAR M., ISTRATE D. and PRADAYROL P. “Evaluation of the accuracy and frequency response of medium-voltage instrument transformers under the combined influence factors of temperature and vibration”, Energies, 2023, 16, 13, 5012, DOI: 10.3390/en16135012.

BERGEAL N., VELLUIRE PELLAT Z., MARECHAL E., MOULONGUET N., SAIZ G. and COUEDO F., “Hybrid quantum systems with high-T c superconducting resonators”, Scientific Reports, 2023, 13, 1, 14366, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-41472-z.

CUI X., YUAN W., ALLAL D. and ZIADÉ F., “Key comparison CCEM.RF-K27.W of RF power from 50 GHz to 75 GHz in rectangular waveguide, Metrologia, 2023, 60, 1A, Techn. Suppl., 01001, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/60/1A/01001.

IMANALIEV A., THEVENOT O., DOUGDAD K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Measuring non-linearity in AH 2700A capacitance bridges with sub-ppm level uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72, 1503006, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3293144.

KAJA K., ASSOUM A., DE WOLF P., PIQUEMAL F. and NEHMEE A., “3D Imaging and quantitative subsurface dielectric constant measurement using peak force Kelvin probe force microscopy, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2023, 2300503, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300503, Open Access - online: 9 Nov. 2023.

KHAN M.S., AGAZAR M. and LE BIHAN Y., “Design, simulation, and fabrication of a 500 kV ultrawideband coaxial matched load and its connectors for fast transient pulse measurement systems, Energies, 2024 (published: 28 Dec 2023), 17, 1, 166, 10.3390/en17010166.

LETIZIA P.S., CROTTI G., MINGOTTI A., AGAZAR M. and ISTRATE D., Characterization of instrument transformers under realistic conditions: impact of single and combined influence quantities on their wideband behaviorSensors, 2023, 23, 18, 7833, DOI: 10.3390/s23187833.

PIQUEMAL F., KAJA K., CHRETIEN P., MORAN-MEZA J., HOUZE F., ULYSSE C. and HAROURI A., “A multi-resistance wide-range calibration sample for conductive probe atomic force microscopy measurements, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2023, 14, 1141-1148, DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.14.94.

STOKES D., GELLERSEN F., ALLAL D. and KUHLMANN F., “Traceable S-parameter measurements up to 90 GHz in 1.35 mm Coaxial, Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34, 6, 064006, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/acc04c.

THEVENOT O., IMANALIEV A. DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Progress report on the Thompson-Lampard Calculable Capacitor at LNE”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72, 1502306, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3282666.

TURHAN E., ERKAN O., HAYIRLI C. and ISTRATE D., “EURAMET.EM-S44 comparison for ultra-low DC current sources”, Metrologia, 2023, 60, 1A, Techn. suppl., 01002, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/60/1A/01002.


ALLAL D., « Métrologie pour la standardisation de technologies sans fil émergentes », 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

BECHER F., ZIADÉ F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Toward the de sign of a sensor for measuring average power in the Terahertz frequency band [110 - 170 GHz]”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

DJORDJEVIC S., « Générateur quantique de courant programmable : nouveaux développements », 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

DJORDJEVIC S. and POIRIER W., “Progress report on the development of programmable quantum current generator (PQCG)”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

IMANALIEV A., THÉVENOT O., DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Characterization and applications of the new LNE Thompson Lampard calculable capacitor”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

KUCERA J., IMANALIEV A. and THÉVENOT O., “On alternative DAC linearity testing traceable to lenght unit”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

LI Z., KUHLMANN C., XU J., PEINER E., KAJA K., PIQUEMAL F. and BRAND U., “Nanoelectrical characterisation of vertical nanowires used for energy harvesting”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

MORAN‐MEZA J., KAJA K., RICHERT D., PENUELAS J., REGRENY P., GOGNEAU N. and PIQUEMAL F., “Towards calibrated measurements of dopant concentrations on vertical nanowires by scanning microwave microscopy”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

PIQUEMAL F., « Aperçu du projet EMPIR Elena », 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., HERTWIG A. and FABRICIUS N., “ELENA : a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM-2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 March 2023.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B. and HERTWIG A., “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, 2023 Nanoscience Meeting (C'nano 2023), Palais des Congrès du Futuroscope, Poitiers, France, 15-17 March 2023.

KAJA K. and PIQUEMAL F., « Cartographie quantitative de la constante diélectrique des nanostructures enterrées en microscopie de force à sonde Kelvin », 24e Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Obernai, France, 3-7 April 2023.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B. and HERTWIG A., “ELENA : a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, 24e Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Obernai, France, 3-7 April 2023.

RICHERT D., KAJA K., MORAN J., GAUTIER B., DELERUYELLE D. and PIQUEMAL F., « Evaluation de la robustesse de la méthode d’étalonnage Short Open Load appliquée à la mesure de capacité par Scanning Microwave Microscopy », 24e Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Obernai, France, 3-7 April 2023.

MEISNER J., GERDINAND F., PASSON S., GOCKENBACH E., SCHORN H., SAADEDDINE H., AGAZAR M., HÄLLSTRÖM J., HAVUNEN J., SCHICHLER U., ELG A-P., ROVIRA J., ROCCATO P-E., CARIA S-E., MEREV A., DEDEOGLU S., LAHTI K., DOWBYSCH A., ORREA A., STEINER T. and GAMLIN M., “Combined and composite high-voltage wave shapes calibration and standardisation”, Highvolt Kolloquium ’23, Dresde, Germany, 4-5 May 2023.

ALLAL D., LAHBACHA K. and DI CAPUA G., “Signal integrity analysis of coupled thin-film microstrip lines (TFMSLs), IEEE 27th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Aveiro, Portugal, 7-10 May 2023, DOI: 10.1109/SPI57109.2023.10145525.

PHUNG G.N., ARZ U., ALLAL D. and PHAM T.D., “Recommendations for the design of differential thin-film microstrip lines, IEEE 27th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Aveiro, Portugal, 7-10 May 2023, DOI: 10.1109/SPI57109.2023.10145555.

LI Z., KUHLMANN C., KAJA K., PIQUEMAL F., HILLER K., HAHN S. and BRAND U., “Development of a conductive MEMS-SPM for nanoelectrical characterisation of nanostructured materials”, SMSI 2023 Conference – Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nuremberg, Germany, 8-11 May 2023.

IMANALIEV A., THEVENOT O., DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Characterization and applications of LNE’s Thompson Lampard calculable capacitor (TLCC)”, 2023 EURAMET LF expert meeting, CMI, Brno, Czech Republic, 25 May 2023.

IMANALIEV A., THEVENOT O., DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Non-linearity of AH2700A Capacitance Bridges at the 0.1 ppm level”, 2023 EURAMET LF expert meeting, CMI, Brno, Czech Republic, 25 May 2023.

PIQUEMAL F., “Some news from ELENA: 2 selected results”, 2023 EURAMET LF expert meeting, CMI, Brno, Czech Republic, 25 May 2023.

TAUPIN M. and COUËDO F., “Quantum Hall resistance standard measurements in a cryogen-free system”, 2023 EURAMET LF expert meeting, CMI, Brno, Czech Republic, 25 May 2023.

MOKHTARI C., SECK D., ALLAL A., BERTHE M. and HADDADI K., “Nanorobotics and automatic on-wafer probe station with nanometer positionning accuracy”, 2023 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO), Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 28-30 June 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NEMO56117.2023.10202165.

RICHERT D., DELERUYELLE D., MORÁN-MEZA J.A., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., and PIQUEMAL F., “A fully-numerical environment for evaluating the robustness of the short open load calibration for capacitance measurements in Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, 2023 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2023), Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 28-30 June 2023, DOI: 10.1109/NEMO56117.2023.10202380.

THERET A., COUEDO F., TAUPIN M., MICHON A., MASTROPASQUA C., MAILLY D. and SCHOPFER F., “Molecular doping of Graphene: Towards a low-field quantum Hall standard”, Congrès général des 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique - Mini-colloque Dernières avancées dans le domaine des technologies quantiques, Paris, France, 2-7 July 2023.

TREYER P., HAMMER U., SAADEDDINE H., HAVUNEN J., HÄLLSTRÖM J., PASSON S. and MEISNER J., “Importance of impulse calibrator output impedance and method of all waveform compensation”, 23rd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2023), Glasgow, United-Kingdom, 28 August-1st Sept. 2023.

LI Z., KAJA K., PIQUEMAL F., HILLER K., HAHN S., HÜSNÜ A., “A Conductive MEMS-SPM using exchangeable AFM probes as indenters for nanoelectromechanical measurement of nanomaterials”, EUROSENSORS 2023, Lecce, Italy, 10-13 September 2023.

SHANG X., RIDLER N., ARZ U., PHUNG G.N., ROCH-JEUNE I., DUCOURNAU G., HADDADI K., FLISGEN T., DOERNER R., ALLAL D., JAYASANKAR D., STAKE J., SCHMIDT R., FISHER G. and MUBARAK F., “Interlaboratory investigation of on-wafer S-parameter measurements from 110 GHz to 1.1 THz”, 53rd European Microwave Conference, Berlin, Germany, 19-21 September 2023.

LOH T.H., EMRAH T., PYTHOUD F., ALLAL D. and ALOMAINY A., “Recent activities of a european union joint research project on metrology for emerging wireless standards, Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA), Renton, WA, USA. IEEE, 8-13 October 2023, ISBN 9798350335668, DOI: 10.23919/AMTA58553.2023.10293283.

PIQUEMAL F., KAJA K., CHRETIEN P., MORAN‐MEZA J., HOUZE F., ULYSSE C. and HAROURI A., “Calibrating resistance measurements in conductive probe atomic force microscopy: Development of the first universal standard sample”, Nanoscale 2023, Helsinki, Finland, 10-12 October 2023.

RICHERT D., KAJA K., MORÁN J.A., GAUTIER B., DELERUYELLE D. and PIQUEMAL F., “A numerical environment for evaluating the robustness of the short open load calibration for capacitance measurements in scanning microwave microscopy”, Nanoscale 2023, Helsinki, Finland, 10-12 October 2023.

POIRIER W., « Les unités électriques à l’ère quantique », Académie des Technologies / Journées thématiques « Le système international d’unités (SI) version 2018 - Quels impacts et quelles perspectives ? », Paris, France, Invited conf., 25 October 2023.

MORAN‐MEZA J., KAJA K., PENUELAS J., REGRENY P. and PIQUEMAL F., “Calibrated measurements of dopant concentrations on vertical nanowires by scanning microwave microscopy”, Journées nationales du photovoltaïque (JNPV 2023), Club Belambra, Dourdan, France, 5-8 December 2023.

PhD abstract

The work of this PhD thesis is dedicated to developing a standard measurement system to ensure the SI traceability of High Pulsed Power in the Nanosecond and Subnanosecond domain (HPPNS). This traceability is mandatory for the accurate and precise measurements of the voltage waveforms which constitutes the key element of systems based on high pulsed power. A calibration system has been developed for the characterization of high voltage pulses of amplitudes up to 500 kV with rise times as low as few hundreds of picoseconds.

The developed HPPNS measurement system consists of four components: The voltage divider, the termination load, the high-voltage connectors, and the transition cones. The voltage divider is the central component of this measurement system as it permits the analysis of HPPNS waveforms through a calibrated oscilloscope by lowering the voltage amplitudes of the HPPNS waveforms to adequate levels that could be measured through an oscilloscope and without waveform deformation. Some voltage dividers of the scientific literature have been discussed and compared. The voltage divider designed through analytical and numerical calculations has a high value of the division ratio which is relatively constant as a function of frequency up to at least 2 GHz, together with a linear phase response. However, its performances in terms of measuring accurately and precisely the incident HPPNS waveforms depend also on the characteristics of the transmission line termination load since the reflections from an inadequately matched line termination load could lead to the misunderstanding of the measured waveform at the output of the divider. A 50 Ω line termination load is developed and characterized. It has high insulation properties for voltage amplitudes up to 500 kV and a maximum reflection coefficient of -27 dB as a function of frequencies up to 2 GHz.

The characterization of the complete HPPNS measurement system was carried out in two steps. Firstly, the HPPNS measurement system was characterized at low levels of input power by two different methods, namely, VNA characterization and characterization through a SI traceable high frequency attenuation measurement method. The results obtained from these two methods were compared to the CST modelling results and all of these results were found to be in good agreement with each other. These characterizations demonstrated that the developed HPPNS measurement system possesses a high division ratio of around 85 dB, a bandwidth of 2 GHz, and a linear phase response. Furthermore, a 7 GHz bandwidth commercial attenuator was added at the output of the divider and this whole system was re-characterized by both low power methods. The results obtained are as follows: almost 110 dB of division ratio, a bandwidth of 2 GHz and a linear phase response. In the second characterization step, this system was tested at high power levels through a Marx generator. Different high voltage waveforms of voltage peaks as high as 300 kV and rise times as low as 420 ps were successfully measured through this system and an uncertainty budget is drafted. The measurement uncertainties for these high voltage measurements were calculated to be 3.4 % for the voltage peaks and 87 ps for the temporal parameters.

Key words

high pulsed power, measurement standard, voltage divider, calibration, measurement uncertainty

PhD thesis

Full document (EN) : HAL-04032644


CHAE D.H., KRUSKOPF M., KUCERA J., PARK J., MAI TRAN N.T., KIM D.B., PIERZ K., GÖTZ M., YIN Y., SVOBODA P., CHROBOK P., COUEDO F. and SCHOPFER F., “Investigation of the stability of graphene devices for quantum resistance metrology at direct and alternating current”, Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 33, 6, 065012, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ac4a1a.

KOTBI A., IMRAN M., KAJA K., RAHAMAN A., RESSAMI E.M., LEJEUNE M., LAKSSIR B. and JOUIAD M., “Graphene and g-C3N4-Based gas sensors”, Journal of Nanotechnology, 2022, 9671619, 10.1155/2022/9671619.

MASLAN S., HINDS G., OUAMEUR M. and OVERNEY F., “Project LiBforSecUse: Quality assessment of electric vehicle Lithium ion batteries for second use applications”, Cal Lab: The International Journal of Metrology, 2022, 29, 2.

MOULOUA D., RAJPUT N.S, SAITZEK S., KAJA K., HOUMMADA K., EL MARSSI M., EL KHAKANI M.A. and JOUIADAND M.,Broadband photodetection using one-step CVD-fabricated MoS2/MoO2 microflower/microfiber heterostructures”, Nature Scientific reports, 2022, 12, 22096, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26185-z.

NASR M., BENHAMOU L., KOTBI A., RAJPUT N.S., CAMPOS A. LAHMAR A-I, HOUMMADA K., KAJA K., El MARSSI M. and JOUIAD M., “Photoelectrochemical enhancement of graphene@WS2 nanosheets for water splitting reaction”, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 11, 1914, DOI: 10.3390/nano12111914.

OUAMEUR M., ABDOURAHMANE B., ZIADÉ F. and ALLAL D., “Measurements of AC Resistances up to 10 MHz using a VNA and Calculable Adapters”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, 1005810, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3193729.

OUAMEUR M., VASCONCELLOS R., AGAZAR M., THÉVENOT O. and PATOIS E., “New impedance bridge at LNE for the two terminal-pair AC resistor calibration up to 20 kHz”, Metrologia, 2022, 59, 5, 055005, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/ac8485.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., HERTWIG A. and FABRICIUS N.,Publishable summary for 20IND12 Elena electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, ResearchGate, July 2022, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15453.90081.

RAJPUT N.S., KOTBI A., KAJA K. and JOUIAD M.,Long-term aging of CVD grown 2D-MoS2 nanosheets in ambient environment”, npj Materials Degradation, 2022, 6, 75, DOI: 10.1038/s41529-022-00288-4 + “Author Correction” in npj Materials Degradation, 2022, 6, 80, DOI: 10.1038/s41529-022-00293-7.


RICHERT D., MORAN J., KAJA K., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D., GAUTIER B. and PIQUEMAL F., “Traceable nanoscale measurements of high dielectric constant by scanning microwave microscopy”, 23e Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France, 7-10 mars 2022.

ZIADÉ F., ALLAL D. and LITWIN A., “Microcalorimeter power standard in the frequency bandwidth 110 GHz – 170 GHz”, European Microwave Week (EuMW), London, UK, 2-7 April 2022.

POIRIER W., « Mécanique quantique : une révolution pour la métrologie », Cycle de conférences Physique Chimie au printemps 2022: Technologies quantiques – FRAMA, SFP, SFC, UdPPC, Lyon, France, 13 avril 2022.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B. and HERTWIG A., “ELENA - A European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry: using ellipsometry for quality control of nanoelectronics”, 9th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-9), (Online conf.), 22-28 May 2022.

RICHERT D., MORAN J., KAJA K., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D., GAUTIER B. and PIQUEMAL F., “Traceable nanoscale measurements of high dielectric constant by scanning microwave microscopy”, 3rd URSI Atlantic/Asia-Pacific Radio Science Meeting (AT-AP-RASC 2022), Gran Canaria, Spain, 29 May - 3 June 2022.

KAJA K., RICHERT D., MORAN J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D., GAUTIER B. and PIQUEMAL F., “Nanoscale measurements of high dielectric constants for piezoelectric materials by scanning microwave microscopy”, E-MRS Spring Meeting, (Online meeting), 30 May - 3 June 2022.

AGAZAR M. and SAADEDDINE H., “The usage of high voltage amplifiers to set up reference calibrators for combined voltages up to 1 kV”, 27th Nordic Insulation Symposium (NORD IS), Trondheim, Norway, 13-15 June 2022, Proceedings: Vol. 27, n° 1, DOI: 10.5324/nordis.v27i1.4875.

CELEP M., Phung G.N., ZIADÉ F., STOKES D., RÜHAAK J., KUHLMANN K. and ALLAL D., “WG29/WR7 band thermoelectric power sensor characterization using microcalorimetry technique”, IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2022), Denver, CO, USA, 19-24 June 2022, DOI: 10.1109/IMS37962.2022.9865569.

POIRIER W., “Engineering of electrical quantum standards”, Conférence “From mesoscopic physics to quantum engineering”, Grenoble, France, 28 juin 2022.

ALLAL D., BANNISTER R., BUISMAN K. and 20 other authors, “RF measurements for future communication applications: an overview”, IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), Padua, Italy, 18-20 July 2022, DOI: 10.1109/MN55117.2022.9887740.

BEN HASSINE S., RENOUX D., YARDIN C., ZAOUALI J., DUBARD J., LERAT J.-M., BETIS P. and BLANC I., “Design and validation of a reference multi-sensor cinemometer for law enforcement applications”, 25th IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities & 23rd International Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing (IWADC 2022), Brescia, Italie, 12-14 September 2022.

DELVALLÉE A., HIBANEL C., FLEURENCE N., KAJA K., FLAHAUT E. and FELTIN N., “Correlative imaging of single graphene oxide flake including Raman microscopy technique: sample selection and limitations”, 9th International Conference on Advanced Applied Raman Spectroscopy (RamanFest 2022), Paris, France, 15-16 septembre 2022.

LODETTI S., DAVIS P.N., RITZMANN D., WRIGHT P.S., KHOKHLOV V., MEYER J., ISTRATE D., KASRI K., VAN DEN BROM H.E., YE G., VAN LEEUWEN R., GALLARRETA A. and DE LA VEGA D., “Comparison of laboratory and grid measurements of 9 kHz to 150 kHz appliance emissions”, 12th IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS 2022), Cagliari, Italy, 28-30 September 2022, DOI: 10.1109/AMPS55790.2022.9978783.

GAUTIER B., RICHERT D., DELERUYEL D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Modeling electrical measurements at the nanoscale”, Workshop Metrology for Energy Nanomaterials du GDR NAME / CNRS, LNE, Paris, France, 17 novembre 2022.

KAJA K., “Nano characterization in electricity (I): KPFM, and conductive AFM techniques”, Workshop Metrology for Energy Nanomaterials du GDR NAME / CNRS, LNE, Paris, France, 17 novembre 2022.

DJORDJEVIC S. and POIRIER W., “Towards a quantum electrical calibrator”, Session plénière du GDR MESO/CNRS Physique quantique mésoscopique, Aussois, France, 28 nov. - 1er décembre 2022.

AGAZAR M., ISTRATE D. and PRADAYROL P., “Temperature and vibration influence on instrument voltage transformer performance” Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

ALLAL D., GOC PHUNG G.N., ARZ U., MUBARAK F., FLISGEN T., SCHMIDT R. and SHANG X., “Uncertainties of on-wafer millimeter-wave and THz S-parameter measurements”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

ALLAL D., OUAMEUR M., KUHLMANN K. and STEIN F., “Traceable scattering parameter measurement in 4.3-10 coaxial line”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

HOFFMANN J., DE PREVILLE S., ECKMANN B., HERZOG B., HADDADI K., GRAMSE G., RICHERT D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Comparison of matching networks for scanning microwave microscopy”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

IMANALIEV A., THÉVENOT O., DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Non -linearity of AH2700A capacitance bridges at the 0.1 ppm level”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

KAJA K., MORÁN-MEZA J.A., ZIANE D., RICHERT D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Accessing the loss tangent of dielectrics at the nanoscale: A novel approach in scanning microwave microscopy”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

KHAN M.-S., AGAZAR M. and LE BIHAN Y., “Design of a 0.5 MV nanosecond pulse measuring system for SI traceability”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12 - 16 December 2022.

LODETTI S., DAVIS P., RITZMANN D., KHOKHLOV V. and ISTRATE D., “Comparison of on-site LV network measurements”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

LODETTI S., DAVIS P.N., RITZMANN D., WRIGHT P.S., ISTRATE D., VAN DEN BROM H. and VAN LEEUWEN R., “Comparison of household appliances voltage emissions to compatibility levels in the 2 kHz to 150 kHz range”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

OUAMEUR M. ISTRATE D. and ZIADÉ F., “Improvement of the measurement set-up for high pulse currents at LNE up to 1 MHz”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

OUAMEUR M., ABDOURAHAMANE KASSOUM B., ZIADÉ F. and ALLAL D., “RF Characterization of N-UHF commercial adapters based on calculable adapters”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

PHAM T.-D., NGOC PHUNG G., LAHBACHA K., MAFFUCCI A., MIELE G., ARZ U. and ALLAL D., “On-wafer test structures for the evaluation of signal integrity and power integrity at chip level”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

PHAM T-D. and ALLAL D., “Uncertainty evaluation for permittivity measurements of tissue equivalent liquids by means of coaxial cells”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

PIQUEMAL F., HOFFMANN J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., HERTWIG A., FABRICIUS N., KLAPETEK P., HÜSNÜ A., KAESTNER B., OZBAY A.G., BOROWIK L., HOUZÉ F., GRAMS G.E, HADDADI K. and DOBSON P., “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry” , Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

RICHERT D., MORÁN-MEZA J.A., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., JOUIAD M., DOUGDAG K., ZIANE D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Nanoscale capacitance calibration using different AFM probes in scanning microwave microscopy”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

THÉVENOT O., IMANALIEV A., DOUGDAG K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Progress report on the LNE Thompson-Lampard calculable capacitor”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

VAN DEN BROM H., MELERO J., CUK V., FRIGO G., GALLO D., ISTRATE D., CROTTI G., BLAZ M., STEWART B. and YANG X., “Traceable Power Quality Measurements in DC Electricity Grids”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.

VAN DEN BROM H.E., VAN LEEWEN R., YE G., HOOGENBOOM D., RIETVELD D., ISTRATE D., KASRI K., GALLARRETA A. and DE LA VEGA D., “A comparison of the light-QP method for (2 to 150) kHz emission measurements with the CISPR 16-1-1 method”, Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements (CPEM 2022), Wellington, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2022.


DJORDJEVIC S., BEHR R., DRUNG D., GOTZ M. and POIRIER W., “Improvements of the programmable quantum current generator for better traceability of electrical current measurements”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, 4, 045005, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/ac0503.

DOUMOURO J., PERROS E., DODU A., RAHBANY N., LEPRAT D. and POIRIER W., “Quantitative measurement of the thermal contact resistance between a glass microsphere and a plate”, Physical review applied, 15, 1, 014063, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.014063.

ELG A.P., GARNACHO F., AGAZAR M., STEINER T. and VOSS A., “Research project EMPIR 19ENG02 future energy”, VDE High Voltage Technology, 2021, 252-257, VDE Verlag, ISSN 978-380075355-0.

KAJA K., MARIOLLE D., CHEVALIER N., NAJA A. and JOUIAD M., “Erratum: Sub-10 nm spatial resolution for electrical properties measurements using bimodal excitation in electric force microscopy”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 92, 4, Erratum, 049901, DOI: 10.1063/5.0052231.

KAJA K., MARIOLLE D., CHEVALIER N., NAJA A. and JOUIAD M., “Sub-10nm spatial resolution for electrical properties measurements using bimodal excitation in electric force microscopy”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 92, 2, 023703, DOI: 10.1063/5.0038335.

KAZEMIPOUR A., HOFFMANN J., WOLLENSACK M., HUDLICKA M., RUFENACHT J., STALDER D., ALLAL D., GAUMANN G. and ZEIER M., “Standard load method: A new calibration technique for material characterization at terahertz frequencies”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 1007310, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3077660.

MÉZIÈRES N., FUCHS B., LE COQ L., LERAT J-M., CONTRERES R. and LE FUR G., “On the antenna position to improve the radiation pattern characterization”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021, 69, 9, 5335-5344, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3060894.

MÉZIÈRES N., FUCHS B., LE COQ L., LERAT J-M., CONTRERES R. and LE FUR G., “Fast antenna characterization improvement by pattern rotations”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021, 69, 5, 9234653, 2952-2957, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2020.3031479.

MOULOUA D., KOTBI A., DEOKAR G., KAJA K., EL MARSSI M., EL KHAKANI M.A. and JOUIAD M., “Recent progress in the synthesis of MoS2 thin films for sensing, photovoltaic and plasmonic applications : A review”, Materials, 2021, 14, 3283., DOI: 10.3390/ma14123283.

PIQUEMAL F., MORAN-MEZA J., DELVALLEE A., RICHERT D., KAJA K., “Progress in traceable nanoscale capacitance measurements using scanning microwave microscopy”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 3, 820, DOI: 10.3390/nano11030820.

POIRIER W., « L’ampère et les unités électriques : de l'électrodynamique à la mécanique quantique », 3EI, 2021, n°105, 49-58.

POIRIER W., « L’unité ampère : de l’électrodynamique à la mécanique quantique », REE Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique (REE), SEE, 2021, n°2, 88-89.

POIRIER W., LEPRAT D. and SCHOPFER F., “A resistance bridge based on a cryogenic current comparator targeting sub-10-9 measurement uncertainties”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 9143174, 1000314, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2020.3010111.

RICHERT D., MORAN-MEZA J., KAJA K., GAUTIER B., DELVALLEE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Traceable nanoscale measurements of high dielectric constant by scanning microwave microscopy”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 11, 3104, DOI: 10.3390/nano11113104.

ŞEN O., ÇINAR M., KRIZ A., PAVLÍČEK T., LERAT J.-M., WOJCIECHOWSKI M., PINTER B., RODRÍGUEZ M. and PYTHOUD F., “EURAMET supplementary comparison on calibration of RF current monitoring probe”, Metrologia, 2021, 58, 1A, 01004, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/58/1A/01004.


PHAM T.D., ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F., and BERGEAULT E., “On-wafer traceable mixed-mode S-parameter calibration”, EuMW2020 - EuMC Workshop W18, Online conference, 11 janvier 2021.

MÉZIÈRES N., FUCHS B., CONTRERES R. and LE FUR G., “On the antenna positioning for a faster and better radiation pattern characterization”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2021), Online conference, n° 9411316, 22-26 March 2021 .

SCHOPFER F., “Graphene-based nanodevices for quantum electrical metrology, Formation dans le module « Introduction aux nanomatériaux”, PSL Week – MinesParisTech, Paris, France, 11 mars 2021.

SCHOPFER F., « La Nanométrologie pour la caractérisation des propriétés de matériaux à base de graphène », 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials-Nanostructuration du GDR NAME (Nanomaterials for Energy Applications), Online conference, 1er avril 2021.

KAJA K., « La métrologie pour les dispositifs récupérateurs d’énergie à base de nanofils », 3rd Workshop on Nanomaterials-Nanostructuration du GDR NAME, Online conference, 6 avril 2021.

GOMÈS S., GRASSET F., MERABIA S. and PIQUEMAL F., “Working group 1: Nanomaterials-Nanostructuration”, Réunion plénière du GDR NAME, Online conference, 19 mai 2021.

PIQUEMAL F., « Réseau national de la métrologie française : le LNE et le LNE-LNHB », Plenary meetings GDR NAME, Online conference, 20 mai 2021.

MORÁN-MEZA J., RICHERT D., DELVALLÉE A., KAJA K. and PIQUEMAL F., “Determination of high permittivity from calibrated capacitance measurements using Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, Altech 2021, 1er juin 2021.

BRAND U., LHI Z., BOARINO L., CARA E., PIQUEMAL F., DUCOURTIEUX S., GARNAES J., GOTSZALK T., HOUZÉ F., KLAPETEK P., KOOPS R. and RODRIGUEZ VIEJO J., “EMPIR project Nanowires: High throughput metrology for nanowire energy harvesting devices”, ALTECH 2021, 2 juin 2021.

DJORDJEVIC S., POIRIER W., BEHR R., GÖTZ M. and DRUNG D., “Programmable quantum current generator for traceability of electrical current measurements”, EURAMET TC-EM, SC DCQM, Online conference, 2-3 juin 2021.

THÉVENOT O., IMANALIEV A. and DOUGDAG K., “Development of Thompson Lampard calculable capacitor at LNE”, EURAMET TC-EM, SC Low Frequency Meeting, Online conference, 14-15 juin 2021.

OUAMEUR M. and ZIADE F., “Design of low impedance standard defined in a four-terminal-pair configuration”, 7th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Sciences (EECSS’21), Online conference, DOI: 10.11159/eee21.117, 29-31 July 2021.

OUAMEUR M., VASCONCELLOS R. and AGAZAR M., “A PXI Modules-Based Voltage Injection System for AC Resistors Calibration”, 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (IEEE ICSIMA 2021), Bandung, Indonesia, 257-260, DOI: 10.1109/ICSIMA50015.2021.9526291, 23-25 August 2021.

KHAN M.S., AGAZAR M. and LE BIHAN Y., “Development of a standard measuring system for the characterization of high voltage nanosecond pulses”, 8th Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC-BEAMS-MG), Biarritz, France, 29 August – 2 Sept. 2021.

SCHOPFER F., “User-friendly SI Quantum electrical standards with graphene”, IMEKO TC25 meeting on “Advances and Directions in Quantum Metrology”, 30 August 2021.

ALLAL D. and ZIADÉ F., “Measurement capability extensions in RF quantities in the domain of power and S parameters”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 174.

COUEDO F., THEVENOT O. et al., « Le projet EMPIR GIQS : étalon quantique d’impédance en graphène » / “The EMPIR Project GIQS: Graphene Impedance Quantum Standard”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 103.

LI Z., PIQUEMAL F. et al., “High throughput metrology for nanowire energy harvesting devices”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 104.

PIQUEMAL F., KAJA K. and MORAN J., “High throughput reliable nanoelectrical characterisation of NW solar cells”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Session spéciale « NanoWires », Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021.

RICHERT D., MORÁN-MEZA J.A., DELVALLÉE A., KAJA K., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Traceable nanoscale measurements of broadband dielectric constant by use of a scanning microwave microscope”, URSI GASS 2021, 1er septembre 2021 (online conf.). AGAZAR M. and SAADEDINNE H., “Studying the use of voltage amplifiers to generate microsecond rise time impulses up to 900 V”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 114.

SAADEDDINE H. and AGAZAR M., « Soutien à une normalisation des tests à haute tension avec des formes d’ondes composites et combinées » / “Support for standardisation of high voltage testing with composite and combined wave shape”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 122.

THEVENOT O., PIQUEMAL F., IMANALIEV A. and DOUGDAG K., « La traçabilité du Farad au SI au LNE » / “SI traceability of the Farad at LNE”, 20e Congrès international de métrologie (CIM 2021), Lyon, France, 7-9 sept. 2021, n° 109.

LI Z., PIQUEMAL F. et al., “High throughput metrology of energy harvesting devices based on nanowires”, 47th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE2021), Torino, Italy, Online conference, 20-23 sept. 2021.

GOMÈS S., GRASSET F., MERABIA S. and PIQUEMAL F., “Overview and perspectives about WG1 and Round table on Current projects and calls about Nanomaterials for Energy”, Réunion plénière du GDR NAME (Nanomaterials for Energy Applications), ESIEE, Noisy le Grand, France, 4-6 oct. 2021.

KAJA K., RICHERT D., MORAN J. and PIQUEMAL F., “An Overview of scanning probe microscopy – based nano electrical metrology”, Réunion plénière du GDR NAME (Nanomaterials for Energy Applications), ESIEE, Noisy le Grand, France, 4-6 oct. 2021.

OUAMEUR M., VASCONCELLOS R. and AGAZAR M., “A double precision arbitrary waveform generator based calibration system for low-value AC resistors up to 20 kHz”, 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE IEMCON 2021), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Online conference, DOI: 10.1109/IEMCON53756.2021.962318527-30 Oct. 2021.

AGAZAR M., SAADEDDINE H., MEISNER J., GERDINAND F., PASSON S. and PILLET J.M., “Determination of voltage dependence of capacitance in 100 kV and 300 kV compressed gas capacitors using kenitic method”, 22nd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Xi’an, Chine, Online conference, 25-26 November 2021, 503-508, DOI: 10.1049/icp.2022.0052.

SAADEDDINE H., AGAZAR M. and MEISNER J., “Reference Calibrator For Combined And Composite High Voltage Impulse Tests”, 22nd International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2021), Xi'an, Shaanxi, Online conference, 21-25 November 2021.

PhD abstract

This thesis deals with the characterization of antenna radiation patterns to improve the use of existing measurement systems. Two approaches are proposed in order to speed up the measurement of these radiation patterns, which is achieved by reducing the required number of field samples. The first one exploits the sparse spherical wave expansion of the field radiated by antennas. It only requires knowing the maximum electrical dimension of the antenna. The second approach exploits the antenna external geometry and the measurement surface shape in order to build numerically an expansion basis tailored to the characterization problem. For both techniques, the minimal number of required field samples and an estimation of the field acquisition time at the IETR facilities are given, showing their potentialities to speed up the antenna measurements. Besides, an optimization strategy of the antenna positioning in post-processing is proposed. This procedure improves the quality of the reconstructed antenna radiation pattern from a given measurement. All the proposed methods have been validated using numerical and experimental datasets from various antenna types, different operating frequency bands and measured in several facilities, demonstrating thereby their versatility and generality.

Key words

electromagnetism, metrology, antennas, sparse recovery, finite elements


PIQUEMAL F., "Present and future mass standards for the LNE watt balance and the future dissemination of the mass unit in France", Metrologia, 53, 2016, 1139-1153, DOI:10.1088/0026-1394/53/4/1139

PINOT P., ESPEL P., LIU Y., THOMAS M., ZIANE D., PALACIOS-RESTREPO M.-A. et PIQUEMAL F., "Static phase improvements in the LNE watt balance", Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 2016, DOI: 10.1063/1.4964293

THOMAS M., ESPEL P., ZIANE D., PIQUEMAL F., PINOT P., JUNCAR P., SILVESTRI Z., PLIMMER M., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., MERLET S. BEAUDOUX F., BENTOUATI D., BRUNET F., JEANJACQUOT P. et MADEC T., « Approche du LNE pour la réalisation et la mise en pratique du kilogramme dans sa nouvelle définition », Revue française de métrologie, 2017, 49-57, DOI: 10.1051/rfm/2016015



ESPEL P., THOMAS M., ZIANE D., PINOT P. et PIQUEMAL F., "Static Phase Improvements in the LNE watt balance", Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016), Ottawa, Canada, , DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2016.7540579, 10-15 juillet 2016.



THOMAS M., ZIANE D., PINOT P., KARCHER R., IMANALIEV A., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., MERLET S., PIQUEMAL F. et ESPEL P., "A determination of the Planck constant using the LNE Kibble balance in air", Metrologia, 54, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa7882



BEAUDOUX F., PINOT P., ESPEL P., THOMAS M., SILVESTRI Z., ZIANE D. et PIQUEMAL F., « Dissémination en France de l’unité de masse après sa redéfinition », RFQM, Nantes, France, 27 - 30 mars 2017.


THOMAS M., ZIANE D., PINOT P., PIQUEMAL F. et ESPEL P., "Planck constant determinations at LNE/CNAM", KBTM2017, Beijing, République populaire de Chine, octobre 2017.



ALLAL D., DJORDJEVIC S., GOLDFARB R. and LOMBARDI M., “Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 68, 2019, 6, 8712480, 1652, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2019.2910405.

DJORDJEVIC S., POIRIER W., SCHOPFER F. et THÉVENOT O., « Les étalons électriques quantiques », Les reflets de la physique, SFP, 62, 2019, 25-28, DOI: 10.1051/refdp/201962011.

JECKELMANN B.and PIQUEMAL F., “The elementary charge for the definition and realization of the ampere”, Annalen der Physik, 531, 2019, 5, 1800389, DOI: 10.1002/andp.201800389.

LOUARN K., CLAVEAU Y., FONTAINE C., ARNOULT A., MARIGO-LOMBART L., MASSIOT I., PIQUEMAL F., BOUNOUH A., CAVASSILAS N. and ALMUNEAU G., “Thickness limitation of band to band tunnelling process in GaAsSb/InGaAs type II tunnel junctions designed for multi-junction solar cells”, ACS Applied energy materials, , 2, 2019. 2,1149-1154, DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01700

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Towards a calculable standard shunt for current measurements at 10 A and up to 1 MHz”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68, 2019, 6, 8586883, 2215-2222, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2018.2884553.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADÉ F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Novel broadband calibration method of current shunts based on VNA, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68, 2019, 3, 854-863, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2018.2855499.

PHAM BUI T.D, ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F. and BERGEAULT E., “On-wafer coplanar waveguide standards for S-parameter measurements of balanced circuits up to 40 GHz”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68, 2019, 6, 8699095, 2160-2167, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2018.2884061.

POIRIER W., DJORDJEVIC S., SCHOPFER F. and THÉVENOT O., “The ampere and the electrical units in the quantum era, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences - Physique, 20, 2019, 1-2, 92-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2019.02.003.



PIQUEMAL F., « Evolution du SI le 20 mai 2019 », Université de Strasbourg - SFP Alsace, 30 janvier 2019.

MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., « Mesure de capacités par microscopie
micro-onde à champ proche (SMM) », 22e Forum des Microscopies à Sondes Locales, Carry-le-Rouet, France, 19-22 mars 2019.

ALLAL D., “Update on EMPIR 16NRM07 Vector SAR”, EURAMET TC-EM SC-RF&MW Experts meeting, Torrejón de Ardoz, Espagne, 9-10 avril 2019.

ALLAL D., MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., PIQUEMAL F. and ZIADÉ F., “EMPIR 16ENG06 ADVENT: Update on research activities : Results from SMM and power measurements”, EURAMET TC-EM SC-RF&MW Experts meeting, Torrejón de Ardoz, Espagne, 9-10 avril 2019.

MÉZIÈRES N., FUCHS B., LE COQ, LERAT J.-M., CONTRERES R. and LE FUR G., « Caractérisation Rapide d’Antennes par Utilisation des Harmoniques Sphériques Vectorielles », 21es Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM 2019), Caen, France, 14-17 mai 2019.

PHAM BUI T.D., ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F. and BERGEAULT E., « Étalons coplanaires CCPW pour la mesure des paramètres S en mode mixte”, 21es Journées Nationales Micro-ondes (JNM 2019), Caen, France, 14-17 mai 2019.

MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., Capacitance mapping at nanoscale by scanning microwave microscopy (SMM): Metrological aspects”, European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2019, Symposium D: Advances in silicon-nanoelectronics, -nanostructures and high-efficiency Si-photovoltaics, Nice, France, 27-31 mai 2019.

AMARIPADATH D., ROCHE R., BRAUN J.P., JOSEPH-AUGUSTE L., ISTRATE D., FORTUNE D. and GAO F., “Design of a versatile waveform platform for supraharmonic testing and calibration”, 25th International conference and exhibition on electricity distribution (CIRED 2019), Madrid, Spain, 3-6 June 2019.

SCHOPFER F., « Un guide ISO pour l’élaboration des normes sur la mesure des propriétés du graphène et des matériaux 2D”, 8es Rencontres annuelles en Nanométrologie – Club nanométrologie, Paris, France, 17 juin 2019.

DJORDJEVIC S., Quantum current standard based on the Josephson effect and the quantum Hall effect”, Quantum and Precision Metrology (QPM 2019), Cracovie, Pologne, 17-19 Juin 2019.

ALLAL D., “European Project EMPIR 16NRM07 Vector SAR - SAR measurement using vector probes”, BioEM 2019, Montpellier, France, 23-28 juin 2019.

AGAZAR M., FORTUNÉ D., SAADEDDINE H., GARNACHO F. and ROVIRA J., Characterisation of High Voltage Dividers for X-ray Measurements”, 21st International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH2019 Conference), Proceedings: vol. 2, ISH, Budapest, Hongrie, 26-30 août 2019.

AMARIPADATH D., ROCHE R., AUGUSTE L.J., ISTRATE D., FORTUNÉ D., BRAUN J.-P. and GAO F., Measurement and Analysis of Supraharmonic Emissions in Smart Grids”, 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2019), Bucharest, Romania, 3-6 September 2019.

SCHOPFER F., FLEURENCE N., DELVALLÉE A., DUCOURTIEUX S., MORÁN J., PIQUEMAL F. and FELTIN N., Developing and providing reliable multi-disciplinary measurement methods for graphene and related materials”, 14th Graphene Week 2019, Helsinki, Finland, 23-27 September 2019.

PIQUEMAL F., « Evolution du SI le 20 mai 2019 », Université de Pau, 24 septembre 2019.

AGAZAR M., FORTUNÉ D., SAADEDDINE H., PERRILLAT D., ROBERT C. and CASTEIGNAU L., “Study of non-invasive instruments for the measurement of pulsed x-ray high voltage tube”, 19e Congrès interntional de métrologie (CIM 2019), Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

ALLAL D., EMPIR European project for validation of vector array SAR measurement systems”, 19e Congrès interntional de métrologie (CIM 2019), Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

ISTRATE D. and FORTUNÉ D., “Fictive power source for calibrations in railway systems”, 19e Congrès interntional de métrologie (CIM 2019), Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

SAADEDDINE H., AGAZAR M. and FORTUNÉ D., New reference systems for the calibration of HV impulses at LNE”, 19e Congrès interntional de métrologie (CIM 2019), Paris, France, 24-26 septembre 2019.

ALLAL D. and ZIADÉ F., “Calibration of on chip microwave power sensors”, European Microwave Week 2019, Paris, France, 29 sept. - 4 oct. 2019.

ZIADÉ F., Key energy figures in ICT sector and main aspect of the top-down approach adopted in the European Project in Metrology ADVENT”, European Microwave Week 2019, Paris, France, 29 sept. - 4 oct. 2019.

MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., Metrology for capacitance measurements using Scanning Microwave Microscope”, European Microwave Week 2019, Paris, France, 29 sept. - 4 oct. 2019.

MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., A substitution method for capacitance calibration using scanning microwave microscopy”, 12th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 8th Seminar on nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods (Nanoscale 2019), Braunschweig, Germany, 15-16 October 2019.

ALLAL D., SAR measurement using vector probes and impact of Metrology on Standardization processes”, IEC TC 106 Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 11-15 novembre 2019.


BUCHTER A., HOFFMANN J., DELVALLÉE A., BRINCIOTTI E., HAPIUK D., LICITRA C., LOUARN K., ARNOULT A., ALMUNEAU G., PIQUEMAL F., ZEIER M. and KIENBERGER F., “Scanning microwave microscopy applied to semiconducting GaAs structures”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89, 023704, DOI: 10.1063/1.5015966.

JECKELMANN B. and PIQUEMAL F., “The elementary charge for the definition and realization of the ampere”, 2018, Annalen der Physik 2018, 531, 5, DOI: 10.1002/andp.201800389.

JOUAULT B., SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., “Beauty of quantum transport in Graphene”, in Epitaxial Graphene on Silicon Carbide - Modeling, Characterization And Applications (Chapitre 7), Gemma Rius et Philippe Godignon, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2018, ISBN 9789814774208, DOI: 10.4032/9781315186146.

LOUARN K., CLAVEAU Y., MARIGO-LOMBART L., FONTAINE C., ARNOULT A., PIQUEMAL F., BOUNOUH A., CAVASSILAS N. and ALMUNEAU G., “Effect of low and staggered gap quantum wells inserted in GaAs tunnel junctions”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51, 14, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aab1de.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Novel broadband calibration method of current shunts based on VNA”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2018, 68, 3, 854–863, DOI: 10.1109/tim.2018.2855499.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Towards a calculable standard shunt for current measurements at 10 A and up to 1 MHz”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2018, 68, 6, 2215-2222, DOI: 10.1109/tim.2018.2884553.



BRUN-PICARD J., DJORDJEVIC S., POIRIER W. and SCHOPFER F., “Graphene for quantum electrical metrology and the revised International System of Units SI”, ImagineNano/GraphIn 2018, Bilbao, Spain, 13-15 mars 2018.

SCHOPFER F., “Graphene for quantum electrical metrology and the revised International System of units SI”, ImagineNano/GraphIn 2018, Bilbao, Spain, 13-15 mars 2018.

DELVALLÉE A., MORAN J., PIQUEMAL F. et ALLAL D., « Evaluation d’une méthode d’étalonnage pour la mesure de capacités par SMM », Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, La Rochelle, France, 19-23 mars 2018.

BRUN-PICARD J., DAGHER R., MICHON A., JOUAULT B., MAILLY D., POIRIER W. and SCHOPFER F., “Exploring the electron transport in quantum Hall devices based on graphene grown by CVD on SiC to improve the electrical resistance standard”, International Symposium on Quantum Hall Effects and Related Topics (QHE 2018), Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, June 27-29, 2018.

PIQUEMAL F., “Quantum electrical standards: Key role in the revision of the SI”, Measurement at the Crossroads (MAC 2018) - History, philosophy and sociology of measurements, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France, 27-29 juin 2018.

ALLAL D., MORAN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., KHAN M.S. and PIQUEMAL F., “Nano-microscale electrical characterization of copper thru silicon vias in 3D staked integrated circuits”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501198.

AMARIPADATH D., ROCHE R., JOSEPH-AUGUSTE L., ISTRATE D., FORTUNE D., BRAUN J.P. and GAO F., “Measurement of supraharmonic emissions (2 – 150 kHz) in real grid scenarios”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501185.

AZIB J., BRUN-PICARD J., SCHOPFER F., POIRIER W. and DJORDJEVIC S., “Towards an improved programmable quantum current generator”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501115.

BRUN-PICARD J., DAGHER R., MAILLY D., NACHAWATY A., JOUAULT B., MICHON A., POIRIER W. and SCHOPFER F., “Quantum Hall resistance standard in Graphene grown by CVD on SiC: State-of-the-Art of the Experimental Mastery”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501087.

GIORDANO D., CLARKSON P., GARNACHO F., VAN DEN BROM H.E., DONADIO L., FERNANDEZ-CARDADOR A., FILIPPINI N., GALLO D., ISTRATE D., DE SANTIAGO LAPORTE A., MARISCOTTI A., MESTER C., NAVARRO N., PORZIO M., ROSCOE A. and ŠÍRA M., “Accurate measurements of energy, efficiency and power quality in the electric railway system”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8500811.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Design and modelling of a shunt for current measurements at 10 A and up to 1 MHz: a theoretical approach”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8500844.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Theoretical basis of a high frequency matching approach to calibrate current shunt standards up to 1 MHz”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501135.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADE F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Calibration of current shunt standards in the megahertz region”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501255.

POIRIER W., LEPRAT D., SCHOPFER F., “Towards 10-10 accurate resistance bridge at LNE”, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), Paris, France, 8-13 juillet 2018, DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2018.8501068.

DJORDJEVIC S., SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., Advances in quantum electrical standards, 9e Colloque annuel du GDR Ingénierie Quantique, des Aspects Fondamentaux aux Applications (IQFA 2018), Montpellier, France, 14-16 novembre 2018.

POIRIER W., « L’ampère et les unités électriques à l’ère quantique », Cycle de Conférences du LNE « les jeudis de la mesure », Paris, France, 29 novembre 2018.

POIRIER W., « L’ampère à l’ère quantique », Conférence-débat Le nouveau système international d’unités (SI) fondé sur un choix de constantes physiques fondamentales de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, France, 4 décembre 2018.

DJORDJEVIC S., SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., Advances in quantum electrical standards, Workshop on Use-cases from quantum technologies for sensing and metrology, Grenoble, France, 10-11 décembre 2018.

SCHOPFER F., DJORDJEVIC S. and POIRIER W., Quantum electrical metrology and the Revised International System of Units – SI, Séminaire du Master2 Matière Condensée de l’Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France, 18 décembre 2018.

SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., Exploring the electron transport in quantum Hall devices based on graphene grown by CVD on SiC to improve the electrical resistance standard”, International Symposium on Quantum Hall Effects and Related Topics (QHE 2018), MPI, Stuttgart, Allemagne, 27-29 juin 2018.

AZIB J., DJORDJEVIC S., BRUN-PICARD J., SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., “Towards an improved Programmable Quantum Current Generator”, GDR 2426 Physique quantique mésoscopique – Session plénière 2018, Aussois, France, 3-6 décembre 2018.

DJORDJEVIC S., AZIB J., BRUN-PICARD J., SCHOPFER F. and POIRIER W., Towards and improved programmable quantum current generator, GDR Physique quantique mésoscopique à Aussois du 3 au 6 décembre 2018.

MORÁN-MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., “Capacitance measurements at nanoscale with scanning microwave microscopy (SMM)”, Congrès national C’nano 2018, Toulon, France, 11-13 décembre 2018.



AHMAD S., CHARLES M., ALLAL D., NEGI P.S. and OJHA V.N., “Realization of 2.4mm coaxial microcalorimeter system as national standard of microwave power from 1 MHz to 50 GHz”, Measurement, 2018, 116, 106-113, online : 28 October 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2017.10.063.

DJOKIĆ B., GHOHROODI-GHAMSARI B., PIQUEMAL F. and ALLAL D., “Guest Editorial Special Section on the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016)”, IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., Special Issue CPEM 2016, 2017, 66, 6, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2017.2695678.

KHAN M.S., SÉRON O., THUILLIER G., THÉVENOT O., GOURNAY P. and PIQUEMAL F., “Development of a programmable standard of ultra-low capacitance values”, Rev Sci Instrum., 2017, 88, 5, 055109, DOI: 10.1063/1.4983337.

LOUARN K., CLAVEAU Y., HAPIUK D., FONTAINE C., ARNOULT A., TALIERCIO T., LICITRA C., PIQUEMAL F., BOUNOUH A., CAVASSILAS N. and ALMUNEAU G., “Multiband corrections for the semi-classical simulation of interband tunneling in GaAs tunnel junctions”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50, 38, 385109, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa804e.

PIQUEMAL F., JECKELMANN B., CALLEGARO L., HALLSTROM J., JANSSEN J.T., MELCHER J., RIETVELD G., WRIGHT P., ZEIER M. and ZIEGNER U., “Metrology in Electricity and Magnetism: EURAMET activities today and tomorrow”, Metrologia, 2017, 54, 5, R1–R24, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa7cae.

SCHURR J., FLETCHER N., GOURNAY P., THÉVENOT O., OVERNEY F., JOHNSON L., XIE R. and DIERIKX E., “Final report of the supplementary comparison EURAMET.EM-S31 comparison of capacitance and capacitance ratio”, Metrologia, 2017, 54, Tech. Supp., DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/01016.



CHARLES M., « Caractérisation de la forme d’onde de signaux dynamiques ultra-rapides (>100 GHz) par échantillonnage électro-optique », Plénière du Groupe thématique Télécom, Université Paris-Est de Créteil, France, 23 janvier 2017.

BUCHTER A. et al., “Scanning Microwave Microscopy applied to dopant density extraction”, German Physical Society Spring Meeting 2017, Dresden, Germany, March 19-24, 2017.

PHAM BUI T.D., ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F. and BERGEAULT E., “Calibration standards for on-wafer mixed-mode S-parameter measurement”, Keysight European Metrology Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 6-7 avril 2017.

PHAM BUI T.D., ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F. and BERGEAULT E., « Conception d’étalons coplanaires couplées pour la méthode d’étalonnage Multimode TRL », XXes Journées Nationales Micro-ondes, Saint-Malo, France, 16-19 mai 2017.

BUCHTER A. et al. “EMRP-SolCell: Scanning Microwave Microscopy applied to semiconducting GaAs structures”, 2017 Spring Meeting (e-MRS), Strasbourg, France, May 22-26, 2017.

ALLAL D., « Métrologie dans le domaine THz Etalons et méthodes de référence », Journée-pilote sur les applications industrielles des nanotechnologies du THz et MIR du GDR Nanoteramir, Campus Gérard-Mégie du CNRS, Paris, France, 10 juillet 2017.

AMARIPADATH D., ROCHE R., JOSEPH-AUGUSTE L., ISTRATE D., NDILIMABAKA H., BRAUN J-P. and GAO F., “Power quality disturbances on smart grids: overview and real grid measurements”, 52nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2017), Heraklion, Greece, August 28-31, 2017.

ELG A-P., LINDGREN M., HEDEKVIST P.O., EBENHAG S.C., HÄLLSTRÖM J., ISTRATE D., KIIVERI P., NIEWCZAS P. and FUSIEK G., “A Metrology grade fibre optical current sensor”, 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 28 – September 1, 2017.

ALLAL D. and LITWIN A., “Establishing of traceability for waveguide S parameter measurements at LNE”, 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.

ALLAL D., DELVALLÉE A., KHAN M.S. and PIQUEMAL F, “Low frequency and radiofrequency electrical metrology applied to 3D stacked circuits”, 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.

CHARLES M., « Propriétés électromagnétiques matériaux par la mesure des paramètres S sur ligne de transmission », 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.

DELVALLÉE A., KHAN M.S., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., Electrical characterization of multi-junction solar cells by scanning probe microscopy (SMM and Rrsiscope)”, 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.

PHAM BUI T.D., ALLAL D., ZIADÉ F. and BERGEAULT E., “Designing coupled coplanar waveguide standards for on-wafer mixed-mode S-parameter measurement”, 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.

LOUARN al., “Pseudomorphic and Metamorphic (Al)GaAsSb/(Al)InGaAs Tunnel Junctions for GaAs Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells”, European photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition (EU PVSEC), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, Septembre 2017.

ARNOULT A. et al. « Nouvelles techniques instrumentales liées à l’épitaxie et nouveaux systèmes », Conférence plénière du GDR PULSE, Paris, France, 2-5 octobre 2017.

LOUARN K. et al., « Jonctions tunnel AlGaAsSb/AlGaInAs accordées et relaxées sur substrat GaAs pour les applications photovoltaïques », Conférence plénière du GDR PULSE, Paris, France, 2-5 octobre 2017.

OUAMEUR M., ZIADÉ F. and LE BIHAN Y., “Design and Modelling of a 10 A Current Shunt for Measurements  up to 1 MHz”, Contact Persons EURAMET TC-EM Meeting, Caparica, Portugal, 3-4 octobre 2017.

DELVALLÉE A., KHAN M.S., MORÁN-MEZA J., LOUARN K., ALLAL D. and PIQUEMAL F., Electrical characterization of multi-junction solar cells by scanning probe microscopy (SMM and Resiscope)”, Contact Persons EURAMET TC-EM Meeting, Caparica, Portugal, 3-4 octobre 2017.

BRUN-PICARD J., DAGHER R., MICHON A., JOUAULT B., MAILLY D., POIRIER W. and SCHOPFER F., “Exploring the electron transport in quantum Hall devices based on graphene grown by CVD on SiC to improve the electrical resistance standard”, Colloque annuel du GDR Graphene & Co, Aussois, France, 15-19 octobre 2017.

BRUN-PICARD J., DJORDJEVIC S., POIRIER W. and SCHOPFER F., Towards a quantum electrical SI multimeter”, Réunion de lancement du DIM SIRTEQ, IOGS Palaiseau, France, 20 octobre 2017.

MORAN J., DELVALLÉE A., KHAN M.S. et PIQUEMAL F., « Etude de TSV (through silicon via) par microscopie champ proche à sonde microonde », 7es rencontres annuelles du club nanoMétrologie, Lyon, France, 5 décembre 2017.

KHAN M.S., DELVALLÉE A., LOUARN K., MORAN J., ALLAL D., ARNOULT A., ALMUNEAU G., PIQUEMAL F., « Caractérisation des propriétés électriques de matériaux III-V par microscopie à sonde microonde (SMM) pour les cellules solaires multi-jonction », Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque (JNPV 2017), Dourdan, France, 5-8 décembre 2017.

LOUARN K., FONTAINE C., ARNOULT A., CLAVEAU Y., MARIGO LOMBART L., MASSIOT I., COLIN J., CORNILLE C., CAVASSILAS N., PIQUEMAL F., BOUNOUH A. et ALMUNEAU G., « Tampon graduel et jonction tunnel de type II relaxés sur GaAs pour sous cellules solaires métamorphiques à 1 eV », Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque (JNPV 2017), Dourdan, France, 5-8 décembre 2017.

LOUARN K., CLAVEAU Y., FONTAINE C., ARNOULT A., PIQUEMAL F., BOUNOUH A., CAVASSILAS N. et ALMUNEAU G., « Modélisation semi classique du courant tunnel interbandes dans les jonctions tunnel GaAs », Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque (JNPV 2017), Dourdan, France, 5-8 décembre 2017.

MASSIOT I., LOUARN K., FONTAINE C., AZAIZIA S., ARNOULT A., CORNILLE C., COLIN J., BOUNOUH A., BALOCCHI A., CARRÈRE H., PIQUEMAL F. et ALMUNEAU G., « Comparaison d'absorbeurs à 1 eV à base de nitrure dilué accordés en maille sur GaAs: GaInAsN, GaAsSbN et GaInAsN(Bi) », Journées Nationales du Photovoltaïque (JNPV 2017), Dourdan, France, 5-8 décembre 2017.