
AL-MESLEMI Y., FERREIRA K., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., OBATON A-F., NOUIRA H. et ANWER N., "Quality Control for Additive Manufacturing", PEI, E. et al.Éd. Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. p. 797‑819. ISBN 978-3-031-20751-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-20752-5_47>

BU T., GAO H., YAO Y., WANG J., POLLARD AJ., LEGGE EJ., CLIFFORD CA., DELVALLÉE A., DUCOURTIEUX S., LAWN MA., BABIC B., COLEMAN VA., JÄMTING Å., ZOU S., CHEN M., JAKUBEK ZJ., IACOB E., CHANTHAWONG N., MONGKOLSUTTIRAT K., ZENG G., ALMEIDA CM., HE B-C., HYDE L. et REN L., "Thickness measurements of graphene oxide flakes using atomic force microscopy: results of an international interlaboratory comparison", Nanotechnology, 34, 22, 2023, 225702, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/acbf58.

CARCREFF E., LAROCHE N. et OBATON A-F., "Review of Ultrasonic Testing for Metallic Additively Manufactured Parts", SEIFI, M. et al.Éd. Additive Manufacturing Design and Applications, [s.l.]: ASM International, 2023. p. 310‑323. ISBN 978-1-62708-439-0

CHAPPLE R., CHIVAS-JOLY C., ROUX J-C., DUMAZERT L., FERRY L., LOPEZ-CUESTA J-M., ERSKINE EL. et KANDOLA BK., "Characterization of aerosolized particles in effluents from carbon fibre composites incorporating nanomaterials during simultaneous fire and impact", NanoImpact, 29, 2023, 100446, DOI: 10.1016/j.impact.2022.100446.

COFREND C., Fabrication additive, description et comparaison des principaux procédés de FA métallique et composite: Tome 2, [s.l.]: Lexitis, 2024. ISBN 978-2-36233-194-7

EVARISTE L., LAMAS B., ELLERO-SIMATOS S., KHOURY L., CARTIER C., GAULTIER E., CHASSAING B., FELTIN N., DEVOILLE L., FAVRE G., AUDEBERT M. et HOUDEAU E., "A 90-day oral exposure to food-grade gold at relevant human doses impacts the gut microbiota and the local immune system in a sex-dependent manner in mice", Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 20, 1, 2023, 27, DOI: 10.1186/s12989-023-00539-5.

FELTIN N., CROUZIER L., DELVALLÉE A., PELLEGRINO F., MAURINO V., BARTCZAK D., GOENAGA-INFANTE H., TACHÉ O., MARGUET S., TESTARD F., ARTOUS S., SAINT-ANTONIN F., SALZMANN C., DEUMER J., GOLLWITZER C., KOOPS R., SEBAÏHI N., FONTANGES R., NEUWIRTH M., BERGMANN D., HÜSER D., KLEIN T. et HODOROABA V-D., "Metrological Protocols for Reaching Reliable and SI-Traceable Size Results for Multi-Modal and Complexly Shaped Reference Nanoparticles", Nanomaterials, 13, 6, 2023, 993, DOI: 10.3390/nano13060993.

FOURNET-FAYARD L., CAYRON C., KOUTIRI I., LAPOUGE P., GUY J., DUPUY C. et OBATON A-F., "Thermal analysis of parts produced by L-PBF and correlation with dimensional accuracy", Welding in the World, 67, 4, 2023, 845‑858, DOI: 10.1007/s40194-022-01452-9.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J-P. et ALEXANDRE C., "A sub-millimetre two-wavelength EDM that compensates the air refractive index: uncertainty and measurements up to 5 km", Measurement Science and Technology, 35, 2, 2024 (published: 16 Nov. 2023), 025024, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad0a22.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J-P., LÖSLER M., ESCHELBACH C., MÄHLER S. et KLÜGEL T., "Determination of the reference point of a radio telescope using a multilateration-based coordinate measurement prototype", Precision Engineering, 83, 2023, 69‑81, DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2023.05.007.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J-P., SVANTESSON C-G., HERBERTSSON M. et BERGSTRAND S., "An SI-traceable multilateration coordinate measurement system with half the uncertainty of a laser tracker", Measurement Science and Technology, 34, 6, 2023, 065016, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/acc26a.

LÖSLER M., ESCHELBACH C., MÄHLER S., GUILLORY J., TRUONG D. et WALLERAND J-P., "Operator-software impact in local tie networks: Case study at Geodetic Observatory Wettzell", Applied Geomatics, 15, 1, 2023, 77‑95, DOI: 10.1007/s12518-022-00477-5.

MIMOUNE K., GUILLORY J. et PLIMMER M., "Acoustic thermometer operating up to 11 m: uncertainty assessment and new values for Cramer coefficients around 40 kHz", International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, 14, 2023, 13, DOI: 10.1051/ijmqe/2023011.

OBATON A-F., "Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Testing Methods in Additive Manufacturing", SEIFI, M. et al.Éd. Additive Manufacturing Design and Applications, [s.l.]: ASM International, 2023. p. 333‑344. ISBN 978-1-62708-439-0.

OBATON A-F., FAIN J., MEINEL D., TSAMOS A., LÉONARD F., LECUELLE B. et DJEMAÏ M., “In Vivo Bone Progression in and around Lattice Implants Additively Manufactured with a New Titanium Alloy”, Applied Sciences, 13, 2023, 7282, DOI : 10.3390/app13127282.

OBATON A-F., GAILLARD Y.,BOUVET P., NOVITOM, GUIRAUD O., NIKON, GENOT S., et GAY L., "Evaluation of XCT image quality", e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 28, 3, 2023, DOI: 10.58286/27712.

OBATON A-F., KOCH D., COLINE J., et FLOTTÉ D., "Tomosynthesis for large additive manufacturing parts", Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 1, 1, 2023, DOI: 10.58286/28193.

OBATON A-F., TANICH A., FISCHER N., ANTONA S., MONTAGNER F., GENOT S., BRZUCHACZ S., SOETE PD., DUBOEUF K., BEUVIER T., NANJAREDDY R., COUTANT N., COCHENNEC N. et GAY L., "Dimensional XCT comparison campaign on an aluminium object", Measurement Science and Technology, 34, 9, 2023, 094004, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/acd8dd.

POLLINGER F., BASELGA S., COURDE C., ESCHELBACH C., GARCÍA-ASENJO L., GARRIGUES P., GUILLORY J., HEDEKVIST PO., HELOJÄRVI T., JOKELA J., KALLIO U., KLÜGEL T., KÖCHERT P., LÖSLER M., LUJÁN R., MEYER T., NEYEZHMAKOV P., PESCE D., PISANI M., POUTANEN M., PRELLINGER G., SAUTHOFF A., SEPPÄ J., TRUONG D., UNDERWOOD R., WEZKA K., WALLERAND J-P. et WIŚNIEWSKI M., "The European GeoMetre project: developing enhanced large-scale dimensional metrology for geodesy", Applied Geomatics, 15, 2, 2023, 371‑381, DOI: 10.1007/s12518-022-00487-3.

PRANIEWICZ M., FOURNET-FAYARD L., FOX JC., CAYRON C., KOUTIRI I. et OBATON A-F., "Bearing area curve based partitioning for the verification of theoretical supplemental geometry on additively manufactured lattice structures", Additive Manufacturing, 68, 2023, 103521, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2023.103521.

VIGNARD J., PETTES-DULER A., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., WEINGARTEN L., BIESEMEIER A., TAUBITZ T., PINTON P., BEBEACUA C., DEVOILLE L., DUPUY J., BOUTET-ROBINET E., FELTIN N., OSWALD IP., PIERRE FH., LAMAS B., MIREY G. et HOUDEAU E., "Food-grade titanium dioxide translocates across the buccal mucosa in pigs and induces genotoxicity in an in vitro model of human oral epithelium", Nanotoxicology, 17, 4, 2023, 289‑309, DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2023.2210664.


OBATON A-F., GAILLARD Y., BOUVET P., GUIRAUD O., GENOT S. et GAY L., "Evaluation of XCT image quality", 12th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Furth, Allemagne, 27 février-2 mars 2023.

ENNIAFA M., KAFTANDJIAN V., OBATON A-F. et BRZUCHACZ S., "Modeling of a measuring chain including a CT system to estimate the dimensional uncertainties of additive manufacturing parts", Congrès International de Métrologie 2023, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

FOURNET-FAYARD L., CAYRON C., KOUTIRI I., LAPOUGE P., DUPUY J. et OBATON A-F., "Influence of the thermal gradients on residual stress and distortions for cantilever parts made by L-PBF", Congrès International de Métrologie, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

OBATON A-F., "Material and dimensional characterizations of part additively manufactured", Global Industrie 2023, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

OBATON A-F., TANICH A., ANTONA S., MONTAGNER F., GENOT S., BRZUCHACZ S., DE SOETE A., BEUVIER T., CHOINET E., RIVET C., SALGADO J., FARGIER E. et GAY L., "Investigation of the dimensional performances of industrial XCT”, International metrology congress", Congrès International de Métrologie, Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

CHIBANE L., DELVALLÉE A., KAJA K., FLEURENCE N., FLAHAUT E. et FELTIN N., "Correlative imaging of single graphene oxide flake: sample selection and limitations", C’Nano - The Nanoscience Meeting 2023, Poitiers, France, 15-17 mars 2023.

REZKI A., "Status and performance of the Fabry-Perot refractometer developed at LNE-Cnam for pressure measurement", CCM & IMEKO TC16 7th International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology, Washington, Etats-Unis, 15-19 mai 2023.

OBATON A-F., "Le contrôle non-destructif pour la fabrication additive en normalisation nationale et internationale", École Technologique 2023 – Fabrication Additive, Limoges, France, 12-16 juin 2023.

OBATON A-F., KOCH D., COLINE J. et FLOTTÉ D., "Tomosynthesis for large additive manufacturing parts", European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Lisbonne, Portugal, 3-7 juillet 2023.

CAYRON C., OBATON A-F., AMIEL S., LECONTE N., GAY L., VU ANH Q., ZHANG F., TRAORÉ S., RAZAFINTSALAMA F. et BERNIER B., "Contrôle qualité des pièces finies par spectroscopie par résonnance ultrasonore (RUS)", Forum France Additive 2023, Paris Saclay, France, 4-6 juillet 2023.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D. et WALLERAND J-P., "Multilateration system using glass spheres to determine station positions at better than 50 µm", 3D Metrology Conference, Pays Basque, Espagne, 26-28 septembre 2023.

DELVALLÉE A., XU J., PEINER E. et FELTIN N., "Nanowire dimensional characterization with AFM and SEM: pitch, diameter, height and roundness error measurements", NanoScale 2023, Helsinki, Finlande, 10-12 octobre 2023.

DOURI S., FLEURENCE N., DELVALLÉE A. et GOMES S., "Numerical investigation of the nano-contact heat transfer for SThM probes", NanoScale 2023, Helsinki, Finlande, 10-12 octobre 2023.

DOURI S., FLEURENCE N., DEMEYER S., DELVALLÉE A. et HAY B., "Uncertainty evaluation associated with the measurement of thermal conductivity at the nanoscale", NanoScale 2023, Helsinki, Finlande, 10-12 octobre 2023.

OBATON A-F., FERRUCCI M. et GIERA B., "Quality of additively manufactured parts", ASTM International Conference on AM ICAM 2023, Washington, Etats-Unis, 30 octobre-3 novembre 2023.


CARCREFF E., LAROCHE N. and OBATON A.-F., “Review of ultrasonic testing for metallic additive manufactured parts”, Additive Manufacturing Design and Applications, ASM Handbook, 2022, 24A, ASM International, ISBN: 978-1-62708-437-6, Publisher: ASM International.

CHAPPLE R., KANDOLA B.-K., MYLER P., FERRY L., LOPEZ-CUESTA J.-M. and CHIVAS-JOLY C., “Material Integrity and fate of particulates released from carbon fibre composites containing nanomaterials during simultaneous fire and impact”, Environmental Science: Nano, 2022, 9, 3957-3972, DOI: 10.1039/D2EN00222A.

CHAUVEAU D., BOUVET P., OBATON A.-F., GROSJEAN C., NOËL A., SCANDELLA F. and BOURLET C., « Fabrication additive, état de l'art, normalisation - TOME 1 », Collection Les cahiers techniques Cofrend, 2022, ISBN : 978-2-36233-190-9.

CHIVAS-JOLY C., LONGUET C., POURCHEZ J., LECLERC L., SARRY G. and LOPEZ-CUESTA J-M, “Physicochemical characterization and toxicity of nanowaste after incineration process of PA-6/PP/ZnO or TiO2 nanocomposites”, Environmental Science: Nano, 2022, 9, 12, 4570-4584, DOI: 10.1039/D2EN00630H.

DELVALLÉE A. and DUCOURTIEUX S., « Comparaison de mesures des dimensions caractéristiques de réseaux pour l’étalonnage des AFM et MEB », Techniques de l’ingénieur, 2022, DOI: 10.51257/a-v1-r6741.

EL GHAZOUALI S., VISSIERE A., LAFON L.-F., BOUAZIZI M-L. and NOUIRA H., “Optimised calibration of machine vision system for close range photogrammetry based on machine learning”, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2022, 34, DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2022.06.011.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D. and WALLERAND J.-P., “Multilateration with Self-Calibration : Uncertainty Assessment, Experimental Measurements and Monte-Carlo Simulations”, MDPI Metrology, 2022, 2, 2, 241-262, DOI: 10.3390/metrology2020015.

OBATON A.-F., « FA : contrôles », Techniques de l’ingénieur, 2022, DOI: 10.51257/a-v2-bm7950.

OBATON A.-F., “Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Testing Methods in Additive Manufacturing”, Additive Manufacturing Design and Applications, ASM Handbook, 2022, 24A, ISBN: 978-1-62708-437-6.

OBATON A.-F., VAN DEN BOSSCHE A., BURNET O., BUTSCH B., ZOUGGARH I., SOULARD F. and JOHNSON W., “Novel or Improved NDE Inspection Capabilities for Additively Manufactured Parts”, Progress in additive manufacturing 2020, 2022, 251-264, 10.1520/STP163720200096.

OBATON AF., WEAVER G., FAYARD L.F., MONTAGNER F., BURNET O. and VAN DEN BOSSCHE A., “Classification of metal PBF-LB parts manufactured with different process parameters using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy”, Welding in the World, 2022, 67, 1091–1103, DOI: 10.1007/s40194-022-01419-w.

POLLINGER F., COURDE C., ESCHELBACH C., GARCÍA-ASENJO L., GUILLORY J., OLOF HEDEKVIST P., KAL-LIO U., KLÜGEL T., NEYEZHMAKOV P., PESCE D., PISANI M., SEPPÄ J., UNDERWOOD R., WEZKA K. and WISNIEWSKI M., “Large-scale dimensional metrology for geodesy - first results from the European GeoMetre Project”, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2022, DOI : 10.1007/1345_2022_168.


OBATON A.-F., QUAGLIOTTI D., YARDIN C., LILTORP K. and DE CHIFFRE L., “Comparison campaign of XCT systems using machined standards representative of additively manufactured parts”, 11th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography,, Wels, Austria, Vol. id207, 8-11 February 2022.

FLEURENCE N., DELVALLEE A., DOURI S., HAMEURY J. and FELTIN N., “Traceability of thermal conductivity measurements by SThM technique to characterize nanowires”, Forum des microscopistes, Saint-Valery-Sur-Somme, France, 7-13 March 2022.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D. and WALLERAND J.-P., “Optical distance measurements at two wavelengths with air refractive index compensation”, 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), DOI: 10.4995/JISDM2022.2022.13786, Valencia, Spain, 6-8 April 2022.

CHAUVEAU D., BOUVET P., OBATON A.-F., GROSJEAN C., NOËL A., SCANDELLA F. and BOURLET C., “Review of additive manufacturing standards and proposal to speed up the development of NDT ISO/ASTM standards”, ICWAM (Remote conference), 8-9 June 2022.

FLOTTE D., CHAUVEAU D., OBATON A.-F., BURNET O., MONTAGNER F., CARRÉ O., ZHANG F., COLIN N., HUILLERY R., MORETTI CARTAILLAC A., HAOUA J., MEYNARD P. and MAHAUT S., “Presentation of the NDT round robin performed by the working group on additive manufacturing at Cofrend”, ICWAM, (Remote conference), 8-9 June 2022.

FOURNET-FAYARD L., CAYRON C., KOUTIRI I., LAPOUGE P., DUPUY C. and OBATON AF., “Thermal analysis of parts produced by L-PBF and correlation with dimensional accuracy”, ICWAM, (Remote conference), 8-9 June 2022.

OBATON A-F., GAILLARD Y., MONTAGNER F., FLOTTÉ D., GENOT S., LAMBERT X., REMACHA C., TERZI S. and GAY L., “XCT qualitative inter-comparison on an additively manufactured part with planned flaws”, ICWAM, (Remote conference), 8-9 June 2022.

OBATON A.-F., TANICH A., ANTONA S., MONTAGNER F., GENOT S., BRZUCHACZ S., DE SOETE P., BEUVIER T., CHOINET E., RIVET C., SALGADO J., FARGIER E. and GAY L., “Dimensional XCT comparison campaign on an aluminium object”, 6th Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography conference, Manchester, United-Kingdom 13-16 June 2022.

DELVALLÉE A., CHIBANE L., FLEURENCE N., FLAHAUT E. and FELTIN N., “Correlative imaging of single graphene oxide flake including Raman microscopy technique: sample selection and limitations”, Raman Fest, Paris, France, 15-16 September 2022.

FORSSÉN C., SILANDER I., ZAKRISSON J., AMER E., SZABO D., BOCK T., KUSSICKE A., RUBIN T., MARI D., PASQUALIN S., SILVESTRI Z., BENTOUATI D., AXNER O. and ZELAN M., “Circular comparison of conventional pressure standards using a transportable optical refractometer”, Joint IMEKO TC3, T5, TC16 and TC22 International Conference, DOI: 10.21014/tc16-2022.137, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11-13 October 2022.

RUBIN T., SILANDER I., FORSSÉN C., ZAKRISSON J., AMER E., SZABO D., BOCK T., KUSSICKE A., GÜNZ C., MARI D., GAVIOSO R.-M., PISANI M., MADONNA RIPA D., SILVESTRI Z., GAMBETTE P., BENTOUATI D., GARBEROGLIO G., LESIUK M., PRZYBYTEK M., JEZIORSKI B., SETINA J., ZELAN M. and AXNER O., “Quantum-based realizations of the pascal’ status and progress of the EMPIR-project: Quantumpascal”, Joint IMEKO TC3, T5, TC16 and TC22 International Conference, DOI: 10.21014/tc16-2022.103Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11-13 October 2022.

OBATON A-F., FALLAHI N., TANICH A., LAFON L-F. and WEAVER G., “Statistical analysis and automation through machine learning of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy data from tests performed on complex additively manufactured parts”, International  Conference on NDE 4.0, Berlin, Germany, 24-27 October 2022.

FOURNET-FAYARD L., CAYRON C., KOUTIRI I., LAPOUGE P., DUPUY C. and OBATON AF., “Influence of the L-PBF bead dimensions on part dimensional accuracy”, International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, Orlando, USA, 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. 2022.

OBATON (INVITÉE) A-F., WEAVER G., FOURNET FAYARD L., CAYRON C., MONTAGNER F., BURNET O. and VAN DEN BOSSCHE A., “Inconel 625 L-PBF part categorization by process parameters using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy”, International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, Orlando, USA, 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. 2022.

LAFON L.-F., VISSIERE A., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., BOUAZIZI M-L., ANWER N. and NOUIRA H., “Novel boundary rejection step for point cloud registration”, Mathmet 2022 conference, Paris, France, 2-4 November 2022.

LAFON L.-F., VISSIERE A., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., BOUAZIZI M-L., ANWER N. and NOUIRA H., “Optimization Strategy of Camera Calibration for Close Range Photogrammetry”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2022), Singapore, 15-18 November 2022.

TOGUEM TAGNE S-C., VISSIÈRE A., DAMAK M., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ANWER N. and NOUIRA H., “A Cylindricity Measurement with Nanometric Uncertainty”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2022), Singapore, 15-18 November 2022.

PhD abstract

Cylindricity is a geometric specification that describes the three-dimensional shape of a cylindrical element. Its control using commercial machines raises a number of practical issues that limit current measurement capabilities. Indeed, there is currently no measuring instrument capable of generating a three-dimensional mapping of the cylindricity deviation with a nanometric uncertainty. The Laboratoire Commun de Métrologie LNE-CNAM has recently developed a ultra-high accuracy cylindricity measuring machine named NanoCyl. As a primary standard, the NanoCyl aims to improve the current calibration and cylindricity measurement capabilities. In this thesis, a general description of the NanoCyl is provided. Its design is then completed by the development of a new sensor carriage structure including a linear positioning axis with nanometer resolution for docking the target surface. A mathematical and geometrical analysis of the sources of uncertainty leads to the proposal of adjustment strategies to minimize measurement errors. An error separation method based on the Fourier transform is developed in the specific case of commercial machines. The method is then adapted to the NanoCyl architecture and validated experimentally. An optimal cylindricity measurement protocol for measurements with nanometre uncertainty is then described. It allows the identification of all the components of the cylindricity deviation. Experimental studies are conducted on a cylindrical artefact in order to validate the introduced protocol. The results obtained show an achievable measurement uncertainty of the order of 30 nm.

Key words

Precision engineering, Dimensional metrology, Error separation methods, Cylindricity

PhD abstract

 This thesis describes the development of an acoustic thermometry apparatus to estimate the mean temperature along an optical measurement path and thereby better determine the air refractive index. The measurement principle uses the time-of-flight (TOF) of an ultrasonic wave at 40 kHz. The temperature is extracted from the speed of sound using the Cramer equation which gives acoustic velocity as a function of atmospheric parameters (temperature, pression, humidity and CO2 concentration). Different methods for estimating the TOF were studied for six types of signal (single-frequency or modulated, top-hat, Gaussian and Blackman envelopes), notably intercorrelation, and a calibration procedure with respect to reference thermometers placed at intervals along the path developed. The temperature uncertainty achieved for a 10 m distance is 90 mK.

Key words

Thermometry, Acoustics, Metrology, Cross-correlation, Ultrasonics, Refractive index

Full document

PhD abstract

This thesis is focused on the investigation and development of a 3D vision system coupled with a robot for contactless 3D scanning on mechanical parts in the aeronautic domain. Unlike probe contact-based coordinate measurement machines, 3D vision systems lead to scan parts in a short time. All these scanning operations, initially performed on simple parts, have recently been extended to complex surfaces while catching the new industrial needs in terms of in-line measurement automation, as specified in the industry of the future (or Industry 4.0). Therefore, the quality assurance of multi-camera scanning systems and their traceability to the SI meter definition represents a challenging objective. The full measurement system combining a camera-projector system and one industrial robot is dedicated to in-line 3D scanning on mechanical large volume parts with complex shapes. The system is designed, developed and assembled in-house in order to ensure a complete traceability chain of the measurement process.One 3D vision system based on the principle of structured light has been developed and calibrated in-house. The calibration of 3D vision systems is a crucial step prior to any 3D scanning operations. It allows to identify the requested internal, external and distortion parameters used later to collect a dense and accurate point-cloud of the mechanical part. In this context, calibration techniques of 3D vision systems have been studied and one novel optimisation method is proposed to improve the calibration accuracy. A synthetic and experimental evaluation was conducted to prove the efficiency of the optimization method where the convergence has been proven to be faster. The calibration of the developed 3D vision system is carried out with a traceable ceramic checkboard that has been measured by an optical CMM internally using MicroVu excel optical CMM machine.Finally, a large volume part quite similar to that of aeronautics with complex shapes is developed, measured by a traceable Zeiss UPMC carat CMM machine, and used for the evaluation of the developed 3D vision system. A local scanning strategy is adopted to cover the entire surface of the large volume part. It consists of independently scanning several areas of the part and then aligning the measurement in a single reference frame using validated registration techniques. To obtain a reliable and accurate measurement result, 3D data processing and fusion algorithms are studied. The result of large volume part measurement has shown a maximum fitting error of about 150 µm.

Key words

photogrammetry, 3D measurement, programming, image processing, C++ / Matlab, metrology


ALASONATI E., CAEBERGS T., PÉTRY J., SEBAÏHI N., FISICARO P. and FELTIN N., “Size measurement of silica nanoparticles by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled to multi-angle light scattering: A comparison exercise between two metrological institutes,” J. Chromatogr. A, 2021, 1638, 461859, DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461859.

AREZKI Y., SU R., HEIKKINEN V., LEPRETE F., POSTA P., BITOU Y., SCHOBER C., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ALZAHRANI B.A.M., ZHANG X., KONDO Y., PRUSS C., LEDL V., ANWER N., BOUAZIZI M.L., LEACH R. and NOUIRA H., “Traceable reference full metrology chain for innovative aspheric and freeform optical surfaces accurate at the nanometer level”, Sensors, 2021, 21, 4, 1103, DOI: 10.3390/s21041103.

CHAMI K., FELTIN N., GAFFET E., LACOUR S., LASSUS M., LE BIHAN O., NIAUDET A., RICAUD M. and NESSALNY F., « Les nanomatériaux manufacturés dans l’environnement professionnel: un aperçu de l’état de l’art | Engineered nanomaterials at workplace: An overview of the state of the art », Arch. des Mal. Prof. l’Environnement, 2021, 82, 1, 51-68, DOI: 10.1016/j.admp.2020.07.003.

CHAPPLE R., KANDOLA B. K. MYLER P., FERRY L., LOPEZ-CUESTA J.-M., CHIVAS-JOLY C. and ERSKINE E. L., “The effect of simultaneous heat/fire and impact on carbon fibril and particle release from carbon fiber-reinforced composites”, Polymer Composites, 2021, 42, 11, DOI: 10.1002/pc.26290.

CHAUVEAU D., BOUVET P., OBATON A-F., GROSJEAN C., NOËL A., SCANDELLA F. and BOURLET C., “Review of additive manufacturing standards and proposal to speed up the development of NDT ISO/ASTM standards-part 1”, Soudage et Techniques Connexes, mai-juin 2021.

CHAUVEAU D., BOUVET P., OBATON A-F., GROSJEAN C., NOËL A., SCANDELLA F. and BOURLET C., “Review of additive manufacturing standards and proposal to speed up the development of NDT ISO/ASTM standards-part 2”, Soudage et Techniques Connexes, juillet-août 2021.

CHIBOUB A., AREZKI Y., VISSIERE A., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ANWER N., ALZAHRANI B., BOUAZIZI M.L. and NOUIRA H., “Generation of reference softgauges for minimum zone fitting algorithms: case of aspherical and freeform surfaces”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 12, 3386, DOI: 10.3390/nano11123386.

CROUZIER L., DELVALLÉE A., DEVOILLE L., ARTOUS S., SAINT-ANTONIN F. and FELTIN N., “Influence of electron landing energy on the measurement of the dimensional properties of nanoparticle populations imaged by SEM,” Ultramicroscopy, 2021, 226, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2021.113300.

CROUZIER L., FELTIN N., DELVALLÉE A., PELLEGRINO F., MAURINO V., CIOS G., TOKARSKI T., SALZMANN C., DEUMER J., GOLLWITZER C. and HODOROABA V.D., “Correlative analysis of the dimensional properties of bipyramidal Titania nanoparticles by complementing electron microscopy with other methods”, Nanomaterials (Basel), 2021, 11, 12, 3359, DOI: 10.3390/nano11123359.

CROUZIER L., PAILLOUX F., DELVALLÉE A., DEVOILLE L., FELTIN N. and TROMAS C., “A novel approach for 3D morphological characterization of silica nanoparticle population through HAADF-STEM,” Meas. J. Int. Meas. Confed., 2021, 180, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109521.

DELVALLEE A., OULALITE M., CROUZIER L., DUCOURTIEUX S., LAMBENG N., AMOR W., BOUZAKHER GHOMRASNI N., FELTIN, N., VIOT A. and JAMET C., “Correlation of AFM/SEM/EDS images to discriminate several nanoparticle populations mixed in cosmetics”, Microscopy Today, 2021, 29, 3, 46-51, DOI: 10.1017/S1551929521000638.

ESCHELBACH C., LÖSLER M., GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J.-P., RÖSE A., KÖCHERT P., PRELLINGER G., MEYER T. and POLLINGER F., “Vom Kleinen zum Großen, Ein Zwischenbericht zum EMPIR-Projekt GeoMetre”, VDV magazin, 5/21.

GHOMRASNI N. B., TACHÉ O., LEROY J., FELTIN N., TESTARD F. and CHIVAS-JOLY C., “Dimensional measurement of TiO2 (Nano) particles by SAXS and SEM in powder form”, Talanta, 2021, 234, 122619, ISSN: 0039-9140, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122619.

KIM F., PINTAR A., FOX J., TARR J., DONMEZ A. and OBATON A.-F., “Merging experiments and computer simulations in X-Ray computed tomography probability of detection analysis of additive manufacturing flaws”, NDT&E International, 2021, 119, 102416, DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2021.102416.

LOPEZ-CUESTA J.-M., LONGUET C. and CHIVAS-JOLY C., “chap. 14. Thermal degradation, flammability, and potential toxicity of polymer nanocomposites”, In Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering, Health and Environmental Safety of Nanomaterials (Second Edition), Editors: James Njuguna, Krzysztof Pielichowski, Huijun Zhu, Woodhead Publishing, 2021, 343-373, ISBN: 9780128205051, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-820505-1.00024-9.

MCGUIGAN S., ARGUELLES A., OBATON A-F., DONMEZ A., RIVIÈRE J. and PARISA S., “Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for quality control of geometrically complex additively manufactured components”, Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 39, 101808, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101808.

MONCHOT P., COQUELIN L., GERROUDJ K., FELTIN N., DELVALLÉE A., CROUZIER C. and FISCHER N., “Deep learning based instance segmentation of titanium dioxide particles in the form of agglomerates in scanning electron microscopy”, Nanomaterials, 11, 4, 2021, DOI, : 10.3390/nano11040968.

NOIREAUX J., LOPEZ-SANZ S., VIDMAR J., DEVOILLE L., FISICARO P. and LOESCHNER K., “Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food: comparison of detection by triple-quadrupole and high-resolution ICP-MS in single-particle mode,” J. Nanoparticle Res., 2021, 23, 4, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-021-05198-1.

OBATON A-F., WANG Y., BUTSCH B. and HUANG Q. A., “Non-destructive resonant acoustic testing and defect classification of additively manufactured lattice structures”, Welding in the World, 2021, 65, 361-371, DOI: 10.1007/s40194-020-01034-7.

PIQUEMAL F., MORÁN‐MEZA J., DELVALLÉE A., RICHERT D. and KAJA K., “Progress in traceable nanoscale capacitance measurements using scanning microwave microscopy,” Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 3, DOI: 10.3390/nano11030820.

RICHERT D., KAJA K., DELVALLÉE A., ALLAL D., GAUTIER B. and PIQUEMAL F., “Traceable nanoscale measurements of high dielectric constant by scanning microwave microscopy”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 1, DOI: 10.3390/nano11113104.

TOGUEM TAGNE S.-C., VISSIERE A., DAMAK M., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ANWER N., ALZAHRANI B.A.M., BOUAZIZI M.L. and NOUIRA H., “An advanced Fourier-based separation method for spindle error motion identification”, Precision Engineering, 2022, online: 27 Dec. 2021, 74, 334-346, DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2021.11.016.


CAYRON C., DE SOETE A., GAILLARD Y., YARDIN C., COUTANT N., BOUVET P. and OBATON A.-F., “Comparison of dimensional measurements from images acquired by synchrotron tomography with VGSTUDIO MAX and ImageJ”, Euspen 2021, Online conference, 7-10 juin 2021.

FOURNET-FAYARD L., CAYRON C., OBATON A.F., KOUTIRI I., GUNENTHIRAM V. and SANCHEZ P., “Influence of the processing parameters on the dimensional accuracy of In625 lattice structures made by Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, Euspen 2021, Online conference, 7-10 juin 2021.

POLLINGER F., COURDE C., ESCHELBACH C., GARCIA-ASENJO L., GUILLORY J., OLOF HEDEKVIST P., KALLIO U., KLÜGEL T., NEYEZHMAKOV P., PESCE D., PISANI M., SEPPÄ J., UNDERWOOD R., WEZKA K. and WIŚNIEWSKI M.,”Large-scale dimensional metrology for geodesy - first results from the European GeoMetre Project”, Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geodesy 2021, Beijing, Chine, 28 juin-2 juillet 2021.

OBATON A.-F., “LNE activities on additive manufacturing (AM) and NDT methods”, Assemblée générale de Academia NDT International, Brescia, Italie, 23 octobre 2021.

OBATON A.-F., “Complex AM part quality evaluation though machine learning enhanced resonant ultrasound spectroscopy method”, ICWAM 2021, 21-22 octobre 2021.

GUILLORY J., “Robot characterization based on a multilateration system with retroreflecting glass spheres n=2 as targets”, 3D Metrology Conference, Online conference, 9-11 novembre 2021.

DORIDOT F. and CHIVAS-JOLY C., “NanoFabNet international Hub for sustainable, industrial-scale nanofabrication - An introduction”, C’NANO 2021, Toulouse, France, 23-25 novembre 2021.

SENTIS M., CHIVAS-JOLY C., FELTIN N., LAMBENG N., LEMAHIEU G., BRAMBILLA G. and MEUNIER G., “Comprehensive study of the dispersibility and stability of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersions with SMLS and SEM”, C’NANO 2021, Toulouse, France, 23-25 novembre 2021.

CHIVAS-JOLY C., “Study on the product lifecycles, waste recycling and the circular economy for nanomaterials”, European Union Observation for Nanomaterials, novembre 2021.

OBATON A.-F., « Tomographie à rayons X et spectroscopie par résonnance ultrasonore pour l’inspection en fabrication additive », JT technique régionale Est de la Cofrend - Les END appliqués à la fabrication additive, Nancy, France, 9 décembre 2021.

PhD abstract

In Europe, regulatory requirements for labelling obligation for food, cosmetics or biocides impose to the additives users to know if the substances should be considered as a nanomaterial (NM) or not. A reliable metrology is therefore necessary for the nano-objects identification and characterization. This metrological characterization remains a challenge due to the numerous parameters to be considered in order to fully describe these nano-objects (size, size distribution, agglomeration/aggregation state, shape, specific surface area, chemical composition, surface chemistry and surface charge), which are listed in the ISO/TC 229 (PDTR 13014) standard. The thesis general context is the NMs characterization and more specifically dimensional characterization at the nanometric scale. The study focus on the Titanium dioxide (TiO2) (nano) particles which are ranked among the 5 most produced nanoparticulate substances (based on tonnage) in the world and used in many applications. The objective is to evaluate and compare measurands of several dimensional characterization techniques for nanoparticles and thus determine their constituent particle size. In this way, ensemble and integral techniques such as SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering), DLS (dynamic light scattering) and BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) have been compared to the direct measurement technique, SEM (scanning electron microscopy). Emphasis is placed on the influence evaluation of several factors, namely, the size, the shape as well as the particles crystallinity and the complex matrix (set of elements in coexistence with the particles of interest), on the realized measurements. The selection of a large materials variety (reference, synthetic, raw material or finished products) enables the NMs characterization difficulties identification according to their sources. After a literature review to place the thesis in its context, a first part is devoted to the elaboration of a sample preparation protocol for SEM in order to improve the image processing step to comply with the regulations and to determine isolated particles size and/or constituents particles from agglomerates. Following the size of particles/agglomerates by DLS, the sonication step impact on the dispersion and dissociation of agglomerated (nano)-objects present in suspension was highlighted. In a second part, a multi-technique approach is implemented to compare two measurands from different instruments (an equivalent diameter to a projected surface area for SEM and a specific surface area for SAXS and BET), in order to access the dimensions of the studied (nano)-objects. The influence of different parameters such as the size distribution (or polydispersity), the purity of the samples (and thus the NMs extraction step from their matrix), the interaction between the particles and the particles anisotropy, are discussed. Interaction between particles and shape anisotropy are the most influential factors on specific surface area measurements, or SAXS/BET equivalent diameters. The achieved results illustrate the (nano)-objects characterization difficulties but they confirm the complementarity of the techniques used in this study (SEM, SAXS and BET).

Key words

Nanoparticle, Complex medium, Characterization method, Metrology


ALASONATI E., CAEBERGS T., PÉTRY J., SEBAÏHI N., FISICARO P., FELTIN N., “Size measurement of silica nanoparticles by Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation coupled to Multi-Angle Light Scattering: A comparison exercise between two metrological institutes”, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021, 1638, 461859, DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461859.

AREZKI Y., SU R., HEIKKINEN V., LEPRETE F., POSTA P., BITOU Y., SCHOBER C., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ALZAHRANI B.A.M., ZHANG X., KONDO Y., PRUSS C., LEDL V., ANWER N., BOUAZIZI M.L., LEACH R., NOUIRA H., “Traceable Reference Full Metrology Chain for Innovative Aspheric and Freeform Optical Surfaces Accurate at the Nanometer Level”, Sensors, 2021, 21, 1103, DOI: 10.3390/s21041103.

CHAMI K., FELTIN N., GAFFET E., LACOUR S., LASSUS M., LE BIHAN O., NIAUDET A., RICAUD M., NESSLANY F., « Les nanomatériaux manufacturés dans l’environnement professionnel : un aperçu de l’état de l’art », Archives des maladies professionnelles et environnement, 2020, vol. 82, 51, DOI: 10.1016/j.admp.2020.07.003.

CROUZIER L., FELTIN N., DELVALLEE A., « Métrologie hybride AFM/SEM pour mesurer la dimension de nanoparticules », Techniques de l’ingénieur, 2020, R 6 737.

GAIE-LEVREL F., BAU S., BREGONZIO-ROZIER L., PAYET R., ARTOUS S., JACQUINOT S., GUIOT A., OUF F.-X., BOURROUS S., MARPILLAT A., FOULQUIER C., SMITH G., CRENN V., FELTIN N., “An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosol size measurements by mobility spectrometers”, J Nanopart Res, 2020, 22 103, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-020-04820-y.

GUILLARD A., GAULTIER E., CARTIER C., DEVOILLE L., NOIREAUX J., CHEVALIER L., MORIN M., GRANDIN F., COMÉRA C., CAZANAVE A., DE PLACE A., GAMBIER S., GAYRARD V., BACH V., CHARDON K., BEKHTI N., ADEL-PATIENT K., VAYSSIÈRE C., FISICARO P., FELTIN N., DE LA FARGE F., PICARD-HAGEN N., LAMAS B., HOUDEAU E., “Basal Ti level in the human placenta and meconium and evidence of a materno-foetal transfer of food-grade nanoparticles in humans in an ex vivo placental perfusion model”, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2020, 17, 51, DOI: 10.1186/s12989-020-00381-z.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J.-P., “Assessment of the mechanical errors of a prototype of an optical multilateration system”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91, 025004, DOI: 10.1063/1.5132933

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., WALLERAND J.-P., “Uncertainty assessment of a prototype of multilateration coordinate measurement system”,  Precision Engineering, November 2020, volume 66, 496-506, DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2020.08.002

LANEVSKI D., MANOOCHERI F., VASKURI A., HAMEURY J., KERSTING R., MONTE C., ADIBEKYAN A., KONONOGOVA E., IKONEN E., "Determining the shape of reflectance reference samples for curved surface reflectors”, Meas. Sci. Technol., 2020, 31, 054010, DOI : 10.1088/1361-6501/ab68bf

LÖSCHNER, K., LÓPEZ-SANZ, S., DEVOILLE, L., & NOIREAUX, J., “Analysis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food by triple quadrupole and high resolution ICP-MS in single particle mode”, In European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2019 - Book of abstracts, février 2019, 261-261.

MCGUIGAN S., ARGUELLES A., OBATON A-F., DONMEZ A., RIVIÈRE J., PARISA S., “Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for quality control of geometrically complex additively manufactured components”, Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 39, 101808, ISSN 2214-8604, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101808.

MORAN-MEZA J. A., DELVALLEE A., ALLAL D., PIQUEMAL F., “A substitution method for nanoscale capacitance calibration using scanning microwave microscopy”, Meas. Sci. Technol., 2020, 31, 07400, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab82c1.

OBATON A.-F., BUTSCH B., CARCREFF E., LAROCHE N., TARR J., DONMEZ A., “Efficient Volumetric Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Additively Manufactured Parts”, Welding in the World, 2020, Vol.64, Issue 8, 1417–1425, DOI: 10.1007/s40194-020-00932-0.

OBATON A., BUTSCH B., MCDONOUGH S., CARCREFF E., LAROCHE N., GAILLARD Y., TARR J. B., BOUVET P., CRUZ R., DONMEZ A., “Evaluation of Nondestructive Volumetric Testing Methods for Additively Manufactured Parts”, in N. Shamsaei, S. Daniewicz, N. Hrabe, S. Beretta, J. Waller, & M. Seifi, Structural Integrity of Additive Manufactured Parts, 2020, 51-91, DOI: 10.1520/STP162020180099.

OBATON A.-F., GOTTLIEB KLINGAA C., RIVET C., MOHAGHEGH K., BAIER S., LASSON ANDREASEN J., CARLI L., DE CHIFFRE L., “Reference standards for XCT measurements of additively manufactured parts”, 10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, 2020, Wels, Austria.

OBATON A-F., WANG Y., BUTSCH B., HUANG Q. A, “A non-destructive resonant acoustic testing and defect classification of additively manufactured lattice structures”, Weld World, 2021, 65, 361–371, DOI: 10.1007/s40194-020-01034-7

SILVESTRI Z., BENTOUATI D., OTAL P., WALLERAND J-P, “Towards an improved helium-based refractometer for pressure measurements”, ACTA IMEKO, 2020, 9. Jg., Nr. 5, S. 305-309, DOI: 10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.989

TOGUEM S.-C. T., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., NOUIRA H., ANWER N., Axiomatic design of customised additive manufacturing artefacts”, Paper presented at the Procedia CIRP, 2020, 91 899-904, DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.02.246.

WILBIG J., BORGES DE OLIVEIRA F., OBATON A-F., SCHWENTENWEIN M., RÜBNER K., GÜNSTER J., “Defect Detection in Additively Manufactured Lattices”, Open Ceramics, 2020, 100020, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2020.100020.

ZHU Z., AREZKI Y., CAI N., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., ANWER N., NOUIRA H., “Data fusion-based method for the assessment of minimum zone for aspheric optics”, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2020, 18(2), 309-327, DOI: 10.14733/cadaps.2021.309-327.


HIMBERT M., « La révision du Système international d’unités », Lyon, 28 janvier 2020

HIMBERT M., « Des constantes qui battent la mesure », journée au Centre national de la recherche scientifique et technique, CNRST Rabat - Maroc, 12 février 20.

HIMBERT M., « Des références pour un monde quantique », journée à l’Onera, Palaiseau, 10 mars 20.

OBATON A-F., « "Dans l'impression 3D, il y a un réel besoin de certification pour les pièces critiques", estime Anne-Françoise Obaton, du LNE », L’usine Nouvelle, mai 2020

EL GHAZOUALI, S., VISSIERE, A., NOUIRA, H., A metrologic approach for camera calibration using traceable artefact”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2020, 8-12 juin 2020, 327-328.

TOGUEM S.-C. T., VISSIERE A., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., DAMAK M., ANWER N., NOUIRA H., A new sub-nanometer error separation technique”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2020, 8-12 juin 2020, 285-288.

OBATON A-F., « Du contrôle à la mesure pour la FA », Micronora, 22-25 septembre 2020, conférence virtuelle.

OBATON A-F., « Contrôle volumique des pièces réalisées en FA fusion laser sur lit de poudre », Webinaires JT Membres de l’Institut de Soudure Qualité, contrôle et propriétés des pièces obtenues par FA, 6-8 octobre 2020, conférence virtuelle.

DELVALLÉE A., FLEURENCE N., DEVOILLE L., MORAN J., PIQUEMAL F., DUCOURTIEUX S., FELTIN N., SCHOPFER F., “Supporting industrialization of graphene and related materials through reliable and accurate measurement services”, Graphene 2020 - Industrial Forum, 19-23 octobre 2020, évenement virtuel.

OBATON A-F, “Capabilities of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy methods to evaluate the quality of additively manufactured complex parts”, ASTM International Conference on AM ICAM 2020, 17-19 novembre 2020, conférence virtuelle.

FELTIN N., CROUZIER L., DUCOURTIEUX S., DELVALLÉE A., “Traceability and concept of the hybrid metrology for measuring the size of complex-shaped 3-dimensional nano-objects”, SFμ – junior, Toulouse, 18-20 novembre 2020.

HIMBERT M., juré des journées du CHEDE, « Mesurer la confiance, moteur pour l’économie », IGPDE, visioconférence, 26-27 novembre 20.

MIMOUNE K., GUILLORY J., GUIANVARC’H C., PLIMMER M., Acoustic system for average temperature measurement in an industrial environment”, e-Forum acousticum 2020, 7-11 décembre 2020.

DELVALLEE A., DUCOURTIEUX S., CROUZIER L., OULALITE M., « correlating AFM, SEM & EDX data for nanoparticle analysis », Newsletter pour Digital Surf, Surface Newsletter – Fall Edition 2020.

DUCOURTIEUX S., “Is there a shared ingredient between your sun cream and ice cream?”, billet de blog sur la page internet d’Oxford Instrument,


BOUDERBALA K., NOUIRA H., VIDECOQ E., GIRAULT M. AND PETIT D., “MIM, FEM and experimental investigations of the thermal drift in an ultra-high precision set-up for dimensional metrology at the nanometre accuracy level”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 24, 2016,  491-504, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.09.092

BOUDERBALA K.  AND NOUIRA H., “FEM and experimental investigation of the thermal drift in ultra-high precision measuring machines for dimensional metrology”, Measurement, 90, 2016, 250-264, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.04.064

BOUDERBALA K., NOUIRA H., VIDECOQ E., AND GIRAULT M., “Experimental thermal regulation of an ultra-high precision metrology system by combining Modal Identification Method and Model Predictive Control”, Applied Thermal Engineering (IF: 3.043), 104, 2016, 504-515, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.05.085

BOSCHER N., OBATON A.-F., CHOQUET P., AND DUDAY D., “Liquid-assisted plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of α-Cyclodextrin/PDMS composite thin film for the preparation of interferometric sensors – Application to the detection of benzene in water” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 2016, 10097-10103, DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2016.12846

DUBARD J., GUIMIER S., VALIN T. ET OBATON A. F. ET BUTEAU F., « Spectroradiométrie UV : application au contrôle des cabines de bronzage », RFM, 42, 2016, 45-54, DOI : 10.1051/rfm/2016010

GUILLORY J., SMID, R.  GARCIA-MARQUEZ J., TRUONG D., ALEXANDRE C. ET. WALLERAND J-P, “High resolution kilometric range optical telemetry in air by RF phase measurement”. Review of Scientific Instruments, (RSI),  87, issue 7, Juillet 2016, DOI: 10.1063/1.4954180

OBATON A.-F., « Contrôles et mesures, un nouvel enjeu pour la fabrication additive », magazine a3Dm, 1, 2016,  32-34

OBATON A.-F, « La maîtrise du processus de fabrication additive est un véritable enjeu pour les industriels », Tribune de L’Usine Nouvelle, publié le 27 mars 2016.

OBATON A.-F., « Les ondes térahertz, une alternative prometteuse aux méthodes classiques de CND », magazine a3Dm, 3, 2016,  48-50,

OBATON A.-F., « Maitrise du processus de fabrication additive : un véritable enjeu pour les industriels », Enjeux, 367, 2016, 09

PERRAUD J.B., OBATON A.F., BOU-SLEIMAN J., RECUR B., BALACEY H., DARRACK F.,  GUILLET J.P. AND MOUNAIX P., “THz imaging and tomography as efficient instruments for testing polymer additive manufacturing objects”, Applied Optics, 55, Issue 13, 2016, 3462-3467 , DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.003462

RENARD P., OBATON A.-F., « Quels enjeux métrologiques pour la fabrication additive ? », DeviceMed, publié le 26 avril 2016.

SANDERS R., NOUIRA H., ANWER N., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., “Improved curvature-based registration methods for high-precision dimensional metrology”, Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 46,  2016,  232-242, DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2016.05.002

VIPREY F., NOUIRA H., LAVERHNE S.  AND TOURNIER C., “Novel multi-features bar design for machine tools geometric errors identification”, Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 46, 2016, 323-338, DOI: 10.1016/j.precisioneng.2016.06.002

ZAWRAHA M. F., GADO R. A., FELTIN N., DUCOURTIEUX S., DEVOILLE L. « Recycling and utilization assessment of waste fired clay bricks (Grog) with granulated blast-furnace slag for geopolymer production », Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 103, Part A, 2016, 237-251 DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2016.08.001



FELTIN N., « CARMEN: Développement d’une plate-forme dédiée à la métrologie des nanoparticules », Réseau Publique des Contaminants, INERIS, Janvier 2016.

RANTOSON R., NOUIRA H., ANWER N., MEHDI-SOUZANI C., “Curvature Based-Methods for Automatic Coarse and Fine Registration in Dimensional Metrology”, 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, Dubai, UAE 28 - 29 January 2016

BOUDERBALA K., NOUIRA H., VIDECOQ E., GIRAULT M., PETIT D.,” MIM and Experimental Studies of the Thermal Drift in an Ultra-High Precision Instrument for Dimensional Metrology”, 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, Dubai, UAE 28 - 29 January 2016.

VIPREY F., NOUIRA H., LAVERHNE S.  AND TOURNIER C., “Novel Hole-Bar Standard Design and Inter-Comparison for Geometric Errors Identification on Machine-Tool,” ICPE 2016: 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering, Dubai, UAE 28 - 29 January 2016.

OBATON A.-F., « Les contrôles pour la fabrication additive », APS Meetings, Lyon, France, 3 et 4 février 2016

Y. BOUKELLAL, S. DUCOURTIEUX AND P. CERIA « Last advances in the development of the LNE metrological atomic force », Nanoscale, Wroclaw, Pologne, 9-11 mars 2016.

Y. BOUKELLAL, S. DUCOURTIEUX AND P. CERIA « Last advances in the development of the LNE metrological atomic force », Nanoscale, Wroclaw, Pologne, 9-11 mars 2016.

S. DUCOURTIEUX ET AL. « Intercomparison on AFM and SEM measurements of 2D gratings organized in the frame of the French Nanometrology club », Nanoscale, Wroclaw, Pologne, 9-11 mars 2016.

S. DUCOURTIEUX ET AL. « Modeling of a metrological AFM interferometric position measurement system to determine its measurement uncertainty », Nanoscale, Wroclaw, Pologne, 9-11 mars 2016.

VIPREY F., NOUIRA H., LAVERHNE S.  AND TOURNIER C., “Inter-comparison on multi-feature bar calibration for determining machine-tool geometric errors”, Lamdamap 12th International Conference and Exhibition, Renishaw Innovation Centre, UK, 15th - 16th March 2016

GUILLORY J., WALLERAND J-P., TRUONG D., ALEXANDRE C. ET SMID R., “Kilometric-range distance measurements with air refractive index compensation”. 3rd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), Vienne, Autriche, 30 March - 1 April 2016


OBATON A.-F, SABLAN B., « Quels sont les enjeux métrologiques dans la fabrication additive ?  », Webinar, 1 avril 2016.

WALLERAND J-P., GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., ALEXANDRE C., « Air index compensation for absolute distance measurements », workshop luminar, Teddington, NPL, 18 Mai 2016

FELTIN N. « Nanométrologie : vers une fiabilisation des mesures de nanoparticules », NanoMines, mai 2016.

DEVOILLE L., « Mesure de taille de nanoparticules en solution par DLS », Nanomines, Mai 2016.

GUILLORY J., TRUONG D., ALEXANDRE C., AZOUIGUI S., ET WALLERAND J-P., “Télémétrie optique à deux Longueurs d’onde”, Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JCOM), Nice, 10 Juin 2016

ZONGO F., OBATON A.-F., BAUSTERT E., « Recherche de méthodes de routine pour caractériser les pièces personnalisées réalisées en masse par fabrication additive », Assises Européennes de la fabrication additive de l’AFPR, Chatenay Malabry, France, 21-23 juin 2016

DUCOURTIEUX S. « Développement de substrats marqués pour la relocalisation de nanoparticules sur différents microscopes (AFM, MEB) », Journée thématique repositionnement Relocalisation, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 29 juin 2016.


PERRAUD J.B., OBATON A.F., BOU-SLEIMAN J., RECUR B., BALACEY H., DARRACQ F., GUILLET J.P. AND MOUNAIX P,"Tomography and image processing for polymer additive manufacturing characterization”, 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-30 September 2016.

OBATON A.-F., « La fabrication additive et les nouveaux défis pour la mesure de pièces », Micronora, Besançon, 27 au 29 septembre 2016.

FELTIN N., FAVRE G., DEVOILLE L., CHIVAS C., BEN DIHAB I., « Métrologie des nanomatériaux dans les matrices alimentaires », R31, Septembre 2016.

FELTIN N., BEN DIHAB I., CHIVAS C., DEVOILLE L., « Caractérisation de nano-particules au sein de matrices alimentaires », DIM Analytics, Octobre 2016.

OBATON A.-F., « Contrôle : nouvel enjeu pour la fabrication additive », 3D Print, Lyon, 4 et 5 octobre 2016. Table ronde

PERRAUD J.B., OBATON A.F., BOU-SLEIMAN J., RECUR B., BALACEY H., DARRACQ F., GUILLET J.P. AND MOUNAIX P., "Tomography and image processing for polymer additive manufacturing characterization”, 8th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, Chongqing, China, 10-12 October 2016.

FELTIN N., « Améliorer la faisabilité industrielle de la production des nanomatériaux : mise à la disposition des PME d’outils méthodologiques pour la caractérisation métrologique des nano-objets », NANOSAFE, Novembre 2016.

DEVOILLE L., « NANOMET : Améliorer la faisabilité industrielle de la production des nanomatériaux », NANOSAFE, Novembre 2016.

FELTIN N., LEPAGE H., « NANOMET: Besoins des PME concernant les mesures de nanomatériaux », NANOSAFE, Novembre 2016.

OBATON A.-F., « Fabrication additive et tomographie », JT AIP-PRIMECA, Cachan, 1 décembre 2016.

FELTIN N., BEN DIHAB I., CHIVAS C., DEVOILLE L., FAVRE G., « réglementation (alimentaire, cosmétique etc.) - Focus sur les besoins en caractérisation », 6ème rencontres du club nanométrologie, Paris, France, 1er décembre 2016.

DEVOILLE L. « Bilan du projet NANOMET », 6ème rencontres du club nanométrologie, Paris, France, 1er décembre 2016.

FELTIN N. « La métrologie des nanoparticules : vers une fiabilisation des mesures », Eurolab, Décembre 2016.


AROKIARAJ M.C., MENESSON E. and FELTIN N., ”Magnetic iodixanol – a novel contrast agent and its early characterization”, JMV-Journal de Médecine Vasculaire, 43, Issue 1, February 2018, Available online 18 December 2017, 10-19, DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmv.2017.11.002

CERIA P., DUCOURTIEUX S., BOUKELLAL Y., ALLARD A., FISCHER N. and FELTIN N., “Modelling of the X,Y,Z positioning errors and uncertainty evaluation for the LNE’s mAFM using the Monte Carlo method”, Measurement Science and Technology, 28, Janvier 2017, 034007; DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/28/3/034007

DEVOILLE L., REVEL M., BATANA C., FELTIN N., GIAMBERINI L., CHATEL A., MOUNEYRAC C., “Combined influence of oxygenation and salinity on aggregation kinetics of the silver reference nanomaterial NM-300K”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37, Issue4, 2017, 1007-1013, DOI: 10.1002/etc.4052

FELTIN N., DUCOURTIEUX S. and DELVALLEE A., “Metrology for the Dimensional Parameter Study of Nanoparticles: Protocols and Industrial Innovations”, In book: Metrology and Standardization of Nanotechnology, Janvier 2017, 197-210, DOI: 10.1002/9783527800308.ch10

OBATON, A.-F., FAIN J., DJEMAÏ, M., MEINEL, D., LÉONARD, F., MAHÉ,  E., LÉCUELLE, B., FOUCHET, J.-J., BRUNO, G. “In vivo XCT bone characterization of lattice structured implants fabricated by additive manufacturing”, Heliyion , 3, 8, august 2017,e00374, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00374




OBATON A-F, “Non-destructive volumetric control of additive manufactured parts: alternatives methods to X-ray tomography”, Special interest Group Meeting: Quality control for Additive Manufacturing, Euspen, 23rd- 24th January, Coventry 2017.

YASSIR AREZKI, CHARYAR MEHDI SOUZANI, XIANGCHAO ZHANG, NABIL ANWER HICHEM NOUIRA, présentation orale, « Recalage de données dense basé sur l'exploitation innovante des caractéristiques de courbures pour la métrologie dimensionnelle », Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géomlètrique (GTMG), ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan, 22-23 mars

OBATON A-F, “Overview of the European project MetAMMI : Metrology for additively manufactured medical implants”, CAM Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing Forum, 23rd – 24th march, Berlin

FELTIN N., « Atelier : Atelier Catégoriser les nanomatériaux ? », NanoLille : Productions, activités et usages des « nanos » : les conditions de la confiance, mars 2017.

FELTIN N., FAVRE G., DEVOILLE L., « Analysis of NM in food products », Symposium JRC-DG SANTE Nanomaterials in Food - Reliability of measurement results (ISPRA), Avril 2017.

A-F. OBATON, M-Q. LÊ,B, V. PREZZA, D. MARLOT, P. DELVART, A. HUSKIC, S. SENCK, E. MAHÉ, C. CAYRON, “Investigation of new volumetric non-destructive techniques to characterise additive manufacturing parts” Proc. ICAM Metz, 17th-19th May,

 AREZKI, Y., MEHDI-SOUZANI, C., ZHANG, X., ANWER, N., NOUIRA, H. “A comparative study of curvature-based registration methods for dimensional metrology”, EUSPEN 17th international conference, Hannovre, Allemagne, 29 mai- 2 juin

WALLERAND J-P., presentation orale: “development of a new long range telemeter”, workshop “trends and developments in laser based distance metrology”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Pay-Bas, du 29 mai au 2 juin 2017.

WALLERAND J-P., presentation orale: “Characterization of FP cavity for refractivity applications”, workshop trends and developments in laser based distance metrology, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Pays-Bas, du 29 mai au 2 juin 2017.

GUILLORY J., presentation orale: “Absolute distance measurements by two-colour systems: progress in the realization of the CNAM telemeter”, workshop “trends and developments in laser based distance metrology, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Pays-Bas, du 29 mai au 2 juin 2017.

CERIA P., DUCOURTIEUX S. « Développement d’un AFM virtuel pour l’évaluation du bilan d’incertitude de l’AFM métrologique du LNE » LIST (Luxembourg), 16 juin 2017.

OBATON A-F, CAYRON C., “Contrôle pièces”, Assise européen de la Fabrication additive, Chatenay-Malabry, 27-29 juin 2017

FELTIN N., « Table ronde : méthodes de métrologie », Journée d’atelier scientifique – Développement des nanomatériaux : évaluation et gestion des risques sanitaires et environnementaux, actualité des problèmes industriels, Institut Pasteur, juin 2017.

FELTIN N., « Métrologie dimensionnelle des nanoparticules et la plate-forme CARMEN », Observatoire des Micro- et Nanotechnologies, septembre 2017.

FELTIN N., « Table ronde : Quel progrès en mesure à l'échelle nano ? », CIM 2017, Paris (France), 19-21 septembre 2017.

DUCOURTIEUX S. « Validation of the French metrological Atomic Force Microscope for dimensional nanometrology applications », CIM 2017, Paris, France, 21 septembre 2017.

GUILLORY J., presentation orale: “Arpent: a new high accuracy long-range Absolute Distance Meter”, Conférence macroscale 2017, Espoo, Finland, 17-19 octobre 2017.

YASSIR AREZKI, presentation orale “Evaluation of Minimum Zone Fitting Algorithms for Accurate Metrology of Aspherical Surfaces”, 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2017), Séoul 14-17 Novembre 2017

HICHEM NOUIRA, presentation orale, “Thermal Drift Control of a Dimensional Metrology System at the Nanometer Level of Accuracy”, 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN 2017), Séoul, 14-17 Novembre 2017

FELTIN N., DEVOILLE L. ET FAVRE G., « Plate-forme CARMEN : métrologie des nanoparticules dans les matrices alimentaires », SFN, Novembre 2017.

FELTIN N., « La métrologie des nanoparticules : un défi pour le développement des nanotechnologies et des nanomatériaux », Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon, Novembre 2017

FELTIN N., DEVOILLE L., FAVRE G., « Development of a metrologically validated SEM based method to characterize nanoparticles size: application to different additives under the nanoform contained in food and cosmetics products », 2nd European workshop on the analysis of nanoparticles in food, cosmetics and consumer products, RAFA 2017, Prague, 7-10 novembre 2017