PhD abstract

In 2018, the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) redefined the various units of the International System (SI), in particular the kelvin, the unit of temperature, which is now based on the fixed value of the Boltzmann constant kB. This redefinition spurred the development of new primary temperature sensors to disseminate the new Kelvin. Sensors based on quantum technologies are very popular in the metrology community.

In this context, we propose a multimodal temperature sensor whose operation is based on the optical and optomechanical properties of a 1D photonic crystal. Indeed, under the effect of temperature, the resonator sees its optical resonance frequency shift, and the Brownian motion induced by the surrounding thermal bath changes. These two effects allow the temperature of the resonator to be determined in two different ways, provided that the calibration is correct. This type of optomechanical resonator opens the way to self-calibrating primary temperature sensors with quantum correlations resulting from the radiation pressure force exerted by light.


optomechanics, temperature sensor, photonic crystal, phononic crystal, quantum correlation.

PhD thesis

Full document (EN) : HAL-04047507