TEMPMEKO/ISHM, the joint international Symposium on Temperature, Humidity, Moisture and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science will be organised for the first time in France, from October the 20th to the 24th, 2025 by LNE-Cnam in cooperation with LNE-Cetiat under the auspices of Imeko TC12 and the working group humidity of the consultative committee for thermometry

It is one of the most important events showcasing the latest and future developments. This is a moment bringing together nearly 500 participants sharing experiences within the scientific community in thermal metrology and humidity.

A wide range of scientific topics in temperature, thermal quantities and humidity

The symposium sessions will cover a wide range of topics such as:

  • Temperature scales,
  • Mise-en-Pratique of the new definition of  the kelvin,
  • Thermodynamic temperature,
  • Techniques for producing fixed points, sensors, quantum and emerging technologies…
  • Dissemination methods  for temperature traceability including thermophysical properties of materials,
  • Methods for measuring humidity in gases and solids,
  • Techniques for producing humidity generators…,
  • Modelling of thermal transfer, thermodynamic, static or dynamic phenomena.

Scientific, industrial and societal challenges will be the core interests of this event: studies and experimental investigations for a better understanding of thermal phenomena and accurate and traceable thermal measurements, in the laboratory, in manufacturing, in relation with the environment and the climate change, in transportation, in aerospace, in relation with energy and production efficiency etc...

The symposium will consist of keynotes, round tables highlighting current and future developments, as well as several sessions of oral presentations and posters.

An exhibition of scientific instruments in relation with thermal metrology will be proposed in a large exhibitor space.

The papers will be reviewed and published in either peer-reviewed journals or specific proceedings.


Date and location of TEMPMEKO/ISHM 2025 :