The LNE’s MATIS (MATERials for Industry and Society) platform wins the 2023 “Ared Cezairliyan Best Paper Award” which rewards an article considered to be a significant advance in the field of thermophysical properties and which was published in “International Journal of Thermophysics” during the previous calendar year.

The article “Uncertainty assessment for very high temperature thermal diffusivity measurements on molybdenum, tungsten and isotropic graphite”, , co-written by Bruno Hay, Olivier Beaumont, Guillaume Failleau, Nolwenn Fleurence, Marc Grelard, Refat Razouk, Guillaume Davée and Jacques Hameury, was selected for the 2023 prize of the "Ared Cezairliyan* Best Paper Award" by the editorial committee of this journal, the most important regarding thermophysical properties, among the 185 articles published in 2022.

This article presents the work carried out as part of the European JRP Hi-TRACE project (led by Bruno Hay), during which the LNE designed a multi-purpose metrological installation unique in the world making it possible to determine the thermal diffusivity and the specific thermal capacity of materials solids up to 3000°C.

This prize will be awarded during ECTP 2023 (European Conference on Thermophysical Properties) which will take place in Italy from September 10 to 13, 2023. It constitutes an international recognition of the research activities carried out by LNE on this theme for many years.


* Dr Ared Cezairliyan: born in Turkey, is an internationally renowned physicist in the field of high temperature thermophysical properties. He worked at NBS (NIST-USA today) and helped generate accurate data on high temperature refractory materials. He has received numerous awards for his pioneering contributions to the field, including the Yeram S. Touloukian Prize (1997), named in honor of his mentor.